BLOG: Cheridan%20Sanders
Libera is coming to Canada! The 40 strong not-for-profit choral group, or as they like to call themselves, “alternative boy-band”, number Brian Wilson of Beach Boys fame as one of their fans. They’ve also sung back-up for musical giants such as Elton John and Bjork. Here’s what their fans have to say:   In addition more
The Vatican is using YouTube and Facebook to promote the upcoming Beatification of John Paul II. He will be named Blessed on May 1st this year. This official Facebook page and YouTube channel uses social networking tools to open up the vast documentary archives held by Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Centre. Using modern more
Religious persecution, hope and charity are among the themes touched upon in the new film Of Gods and Men. The award-winning movie looks at the lives of a community of monks living in Algeria. The film portrays the daily rhythm of monastic life, the monks’ dialogue with their Muslim neighbors, as well as their struggle more