BLOG: Deacon Ed Shoener
The Vatican released a document today calling on bishops’ conferences around the world to implement “clear and coordinated procedures” for dealing with clergy sex abuse. Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent Carol Glatz reports the bishops have one year to adopt the measures. To download Flash Player please click here more
A couple of years ago, New York’s Archbishop Timothy Dolan commented that there isn’t a crisis in priestly vocations, but a crisis in marriage. If we work to create stability in marriage and the family, then vocations will naturally flow from that. Families fostering vocations to the religious and priestly life is one of the more
The Son of God came into this world, and good carpenter that he became under Joseph’s training, he gathered together the most rickety and knotty pieces of wood that he could find, and  he built a ship that is still afloat after 2,000 years. That’s from the Scottish Catholic writer Bruce Marshall. Papal household preacher more
It started as a tribute to a Church he loves dearly and now it sustains him as his only means of income. Rocco Palmo is a blogger. And an impassioned one at that. Rocco is the man behind Whispers in the Loggia, arguably the most referenced Catholic blog in the English language. This week Rocco more
Fresh off of yesterday’s festivities, this year’s National March for Life in Ottawa stood out the most, in comparison to past years. With that being said, among all of the people gathered on Parliament Hill yesterday, there was a renewed sense of energy; with lots of optimism, hope and joy. Igniting praise among those who more
New norms were issued today by the Holy See for Catholics who want Mass celebrated in the Tridentine rite, while Amnesty International is criticizing the Vatican on human rights. Catholic News Service’s Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis has the details.   To download Flash Player please click here more
A few weeks ago I was looking for stats on Canadians’ views on abortion. It’s such a hard topic because pretty much everyone can find the right poll to suit their position on the matter.  For example, there the 2008 Angus Reid poll that shows that half of Canadians want abortion to remain legal. How more
A report from a Vatican-sponsored working group is examining the environmental issues of greenhouse gas emissions, reforestation, air pollution, and global warming. In this week’s Vatican Report, Catholic News Service’s Rome correspondent Cindy Wooden and Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis discuss the Pontifical Science Academy’s findings, and how it relates to what the Church teaches. more
You may have picked up some detective skills from Fr. Michael Prieur in the past two episodes of Panes of Glory. Look closely at this window. Could the dog, at the bottom left, be significant to what is going on? What could be revealing of the conversion taking place in the heart of this soldier? more
I was at an abortion debate recently and even though the pro-life speaker made it really clear that his position had to do with the fact that he believes that an unborn human being is still a human being, a human person and as such, deserves the same rights and freedoms as any other human more