BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Biblical Reflections,Reflections
Celebrating the coming of Christ in Japan | Advent Around the World
Fr. John Carten, SFM & Etsumi Sakaguchi
December 1, 2021
Fr. John Carten and Etsumi Sakaguchi share some traditions and memories, giving us a glimpse of Advent and Christmas in Japan. more
As we listen to readings from the prophets during Advent, Deacon Pedro gives us some background on two of the Major Prophets: Isaiah and Jeremiah. more
In the Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent, Jesus warns us about the end times. The signs are here. Our redemption is at hand. Are we ready? more
We're saying “Yes, Lord!” again this Advent and Christmas, with Season 2 of Salt + Light Media's children’s show premiering November 26. more
As we come to the end of the liturgical year and begin a new one, the Church gives us readings from the prophets – and three are Minor Prophets! more
As Canadians go to the polls for a federal election once again, what role does faith play in our political choices? more
The news from Afghanistan is daunting. What can we do from so many thousands of kilometres away? How can we help? more
More than just a private contract between two people or an excuse for a party, marriages serve the common good of humanity, society, and the Church. more
Fr. Jean Francky Guerrier, SJ, reflects on his ordination to the priesthood in Haiti amidst social and political turmoil and a global pandemic. more
Love is not meant to be temporary, fleeting, or self-centred but the deepest fulfillment of who we are. And marriage is the fertile ground for this love. more