BLOG: Advent and Christmas,Saints and Blesseds
Christmas definitely won’t be business as usual in 2020! But what kind of Christmas will it be? And what kind of gifts can we give this year? more
An Advent Song From Congo | Advent Around the World
Fr. Dominique Mukonda
December 1, 2020
Fr. Dominique Mukonda from the Congo shares one of his all-time favourite Advent songs and reflects on its meaning. more
There is a voice inside all of us that cries out, "Where is God?" When faced with this "voice of illness" in others, how should we respond? more
Daddy to the rescue | Word Alive
Rev. Gregory Dyson
November 27, 2020
On the First Sunday of Advent, we see the people of Israel crying to God, like a child to its father. What does this mean for us today? more
There is a voice of illness inside each of us which cries out, "Where is God?" Deacon Pedro reflects on our search for meaning in our brokenness. more
Here are three more saints named John. Can you tell them apart? Read about St. John the martyr, St. John Leonardi, and St. John of Capistrano. more
St. Francis of Assisi is famous for his love for all God's creatures. But do you know these other stories of saints who befriended animals? more
Every year between August and October, we celebrate the memorials of four amazing women named St. Teresa. Can you tell them apart? more
Read all about three saints named John whom you may have heard of but probably know little about: John Eudes, John Damascene, and John Cassian. more
How much do you know about St. Ignatius of Loyola? Did you know his name wasn't really Ignatius? And did you know there is another, much older St. Ignatius? more