BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Apostolic Journeys\' Videos,Videos
Watch this conversation with Bishop William McGrattan and Dr. Moira McQueen on Bill C-7 and the proposed euthanasia expansion in Canada. more
During this time of crisis, English-speaking Catholic artists have come together with this message of hope. more
We publish below the text of the Video Message that the Holy Father Francis sent, as we approach the beginning of Holy Week, as a sign of closeness to Italian families and the world in this time of pandemic: more
Salt + Light Media goes Behind the Scenes with sculptor Timothy Schmalz at his studio in Elmira, Ontario. Watch this short video. more
Noel Ocol gives us a behind-the-scenes peek of preparations for filming some Lenten and Easter reflections at the Art Gallery of Ontario. more
Pope Francis spoke to young people in Japan about bullying, prayer, celebrating life, and our need for one another. Read the full text of his address here. more
Read the full text of the message on nuclear weapons given by Pope Francis at the Atomic Bomb Hypocenter Park in Nagasaki on November 24, 2019. more
Today, during his apostolic visit to Japan, Pope Francis celebrated Mass with thousands of people in Tokyo Dome. Read the full text of his homily here. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' address during a meeting in Tokyo with victims of the triple disaster which struck Japan in 2011. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis' address to authorities and the diplomatic corps of Japan at Kantei, the residence of the prime minister. more