BLOG: Apostolic Journeys,Saints and Blesseds
Fr. Michael McGivney is going to be beatified. Who was he? And why is he important to the Church today, more than a hundred years after his death? more
Of all the saints that have lived and died in the city of Rome, only St. Philip Neri is called the "Apostle of Rome". What makes him so special? more
In 1374, St. Catherine of Siena's hometown experienced an outbreak of the bubonic plague. What can we learn from this great saint and her approach to life? more
As our lives are shaken by the coronavirus crisis, there is another contagious virus that is knocking at our door: fear. Here's what we can learn from the example of St. Joseph. more
Learn about St. Josephine Bakhita, who was once a slave and is now the patron saint of human trafficking survivors. Her feast day is February 8th. more
St. Francis de Sales tells a naively profound story about a wise statue which reveals a great truth about our relationship with God. more
Can you name a Saint Marguerite who founded one of the first uncloistered orders for women, which had a profound impact on modern Canada? There are two! more
Read about Thomas Becket and Thomas More: two Chancellors of England, each killed because they stood up for the Church against a king named Henry. more
Kristina Glicksman explores the lives of two Spanish saints and Doctors of the Church: John of Avila and John of the Cross. more
Pope Francis spoke to young people in Japan about bullying, prayer, celebrating life, and our need for one another. Read the full text of his address here. more