BLOG: Current Affairs,Programming
Nov 13, 2015 — terror attacks in Paris. Nov 12, 2015 — terror attacks in Lebanon. In 2015 — kidnapping, massacres, bombings, suicide attacks, car bombs, mass shootings, hostages taken…… in Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali, Tunisia, Pakistan, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, China, Philippines, France…around the world. By 13 November, 2015, there have been 289 more
It is very difficult to process what happened in Paris over the last few days. It is very easy to take the route of placing blaming to this group or the other. When I see people on social media saying that we should not welcome  Syrian and Iraqi refugees because they are somehow responsible for what happened more
I recall with much vividness Sept 11, 2001. It was a surreal day that will always be remembered for all the evil and destruction at the hands of terrorists. Although violence has occurred since the beginning of time, this organized and premeditated act shocked the world and instilled a heightened fear of terrorism. I was more
The brutal attacks in Paris last Friday have sparked an impassioned conversation that has sadly, though necessarily, become part of our everyday lives, namely, what are we going to do about this? The draconian responses of the French government in pursuit of the perpetrators and against ISIS strongholds in Syria are understandable. So too is their more
The violent Paris attacks are not a sign of war, they are only proof of cowardly desperation. The criminals choose their victims at random from the streets, from a theatre, from the stadium… in some cases they choose them for their religious beliefs. How it is possible that young men became so disenfranchised from society and more
“I ragazzi europei escano per strada e vadano ad ascoltare musica e a ballare, stasera, nelle nostre belle città autunnali. È il modo migliore di rendere omaggio a chi venerdì sera è entrato al Bataclan, e non è più uscito”. Mi sento di condividere appieno queste frasi finali con cui Beppe Severgnini ha chiuso il more
Tune in tonight at 8pm ET (9pm PT) for the Canadian premier of the new John Michael Talbot series, All Things Are Possible. Christian music legend and best selling author John Michael Talbot hosts and produces the TV show, which has been airing since this past April 2014, in partnership with Trinity Broadcasting’s The Church more
It’s becoming a common affliction across Canada: election fatigue. But as the country gets ready for its fourth federal election in seven years, the Church is reminding us just what is at stake. Hours after the government fell last week, the Canadian bishops released their 2011 Federal Election Guide. They want the faithful to evaluate more