BLOG: Faith Education,Prayer,Videos
Last week we learned that it is our right to fully, actively, and consciously participate in the Mass. How can we do that if we don’t know what everything means? Over the next couple of weeks I hope that we can explain every part of the Mass in order to help you enter more deeply more
For Cindy Wooden, a distinguished Vatican journalist, Pope Francis is a dream and a nightmare. Watch this #TFImoment to find out why! more
Most of us have no clue what we are doing at Mass - yet we know it's important. In this series, Deacon Pedro explains the Mass in detail. more
As we prepare for the World Meeting of Families in Dublin later this month, S+L takes you to Ireland on a tour of some of their popular pilgrimage sites. more
Andrés McKinley, one of the strategic minds behind the anti-mining movement in El Salvador, shares the impact of Pope Francis among the people. more
In this #TFImoment, Nathan Schneider discusses how Pope Francis speaks out of tradition to meet the needs of young people today. more
US Senator Bernie Sanders admires Pope Francis for his approach to helping the poor and the suffering, which is deeper and more radical than his own! more
In this #TFImoment, Sr. Beth Davies recounts how Pope Francis' meeting with people suffering from Huntington’s disease inspired her to greater compassion. more
On Thursday, June 28, 2018, Fr. Rob Galea concelebrated Mass at S+L. He offered this beautiful homily on the importance of falling in love with God. more
In this #TFImoment, Cardinal Kevin Farrell discusses the impact Pope Francis has had on the world through his gift of authenticity - of walking the talk. more