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Lent is a period of reflection, a moment all Catholics might use to look at their life and the relationship they have with God. You might ask yourself if you are doing your normal prayer just because your Church asks you to do it. Are you really living your faith? Try to look at everything more
Published below is the full homily of Archbishop Rowan Williams of Canterbury, as delivered during vespers with Pope Benedict XVI at the Basilica of St. Gregory on the Caelian Hill in Rome on March 10. Your Holiness, Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: It is a privilege to stand here, where my predecessors stood in more
At first impact the phrase “the Cuban Church” sounds like an oxymoron, or a misnomer and thoughts of an underground catholic presence might spring to mind. That might have been true at some point. However, Pope Benedict XVI’s planned visit to the Island nation later this month shows that is not the case today, and more
We are about halfway through lent already, the point at which many people begin to think “why did give up chocolate?” or “why did I decide to get up earlier to pray before I start my day?” It’s also the point when many people feel the need for more spiritual nourishment in order to get more
March 8th is International Women’s day. In Canada not many people know what this day is, or remember to say “happy women’s day” to the women in their lives. When I lived in Italy and Spain this day usually arrived accompanied by Mimosas or other flowers. The Vatican news portal published this reflection on more
When we look at a conflict we always think of the innocent people who are suffering without any blame — the people who every day are fighting to survive, people who are persecuted just for being Christians. It is very difficult to watch TV and see my brothers in faith suffering just because they believe more
If you could celebrate Easter anywhere in the world, where would you go? For many Christians like myself, the answer is obvious: the Holy Land, where Jesus experienced his passion, death, and resurrection. Israel’s Ministry of Tourism is making this possible for two fortunate people. is inviting would-be pilgrims to create a one-minute Youtube more
Our friends at Catholic News Service recently released this video about the theologian of the papal household. The footage was courtesy of Kindly Light, the media production division of the Dominican Province of St. Joseph. more
Lent! Ahhh yes… the sweet smell of suffering! If you are fully embracing our great Catholic tradition of penance, I have a suggestion for a different kind of “fast” this year, one very appropriate for our age – A fast from media! “But Mark, we don’t want to put you (or S+L) out of a more
For Christians the season of Lent is a time for reflecting on and confronting the reality of trials. These are periods in our lives filled with anxiety, doubt, anger, helplessness, and even despair; they are a part of our human experience. And it is not surprising that the Scriptures shed enormous light on the matter, more