救主慈悲主日,教宗方濟各冊封教宗若望二十三世、及教宗若望保祿二世為聖人。這個史無前例的盛典,引來80多萬群眾,擠滿聖伯多祿廣場、梵蒂岡大街小巷、羅馬市內廣場、及天巴河(Tiber River)上的古橋。榮休教宗本篤十六世亦親臨共祭。 On Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis declared Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II saints. In an unprecedented ceremony, approximately 800,000 people filled St. Peter’s Square, the streets around the Vatican, bridges over the Tiber and many squares in Rome. The ceremony was also attended by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.