BLOG: Producer%20Diaries,The%20Producer%20Diaries,vocations,World%20Meeting%20of%20Families,Year%20of%20Mercy
By Nadia Gundert, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Archdiocese of Kingston The Archdiocese of Kingston is excited to have 31 young adults, including two of our awesome priests, attending the upcoming World Youth Day in Krakow, Poland. We have been preparing for this incredible experience since summer 2014. I have been to several other World Youth more
This third episode of Door of Mercy brings you to Krakow, the former capital of Poland. The Archdiocese of Krakow has 11 jubilee churches with Doors of Mercy, and the video will introduce the first 6 of them. more
At 10:30 am on Sunday, June 12, 2016, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Square on the occasion of the Jubilee of the sick and disabled people. The Scripture readings were proclaimed by persons with different disabilities and translated in the language of international signs. Pope Francis decried the pursuit for perfect bodies, saying more
The vocation of the family is to love. The most extraordinary way a family can love is through the ordinariness of life. For the families we will meet in this series, it simply means being open to whatever God wills in their lives. It is their surest way to grow in holiness, a call given to everyone. more
On Friday 3 June, Pope Francis celebrated Holy Mass with priests in St Peter’s Square as part of a special Jubilee of Mercy for Priests. Please find below the prepared text for the Holy Father’s Homily: This celebration of the Jubilee for Priests on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus invites us all to more
On the occasion of the Jubilee of priests and seminarians (June 1-3, 2016), Pope Francis will preach today three reflections during the retreat for priests and seminarians gathered in the Papal Basilicas in Rome. The theme of the retreat is “the Good Shepherd: the priest as a minister of mercy and compassion, close to his more
On the occasion of the Jubilee of priests and seminarians (June 1-3, 2016), Pope Francis will preach today three reflections during the retreat for priests and seminarians gathered in the Papal Basilicas in Rome. The theme of the retreat is “the Good Shepherd: the priest as a minister of mercy and compassion, close to his more
On the occasion of the Jubilee of priests and seminarians (June 1-3, 2016), Pope Francis will preach today three reflections during the retreat for priests and seminarians gathered in the Papal Basilicas in Rome. The theme of the retreat is “the Good Shepherd: the priest as a minister of mercy and compassion, close to his more
Reflecting on the First Chapter of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation on Love in the Family Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Exhortation on love in the family, Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”), is a treasure trove reflecting the beauty of family life. In his introductory paragraphs the Holy Father uses the image of a “multifaceted gem” more
On Friday, April 29th, a mass will be celebrated for vocations to the ordained life in the Diocese of Montreal. It will be presided by Archbishop Christian Lépine of Montreal, at the Major’s Seminary Chapel. Various movements, communities, priests, religious and seminarians will be present at this Eucharistic celebration with a special contribution of the Challenge Choir. more