BLOG: pope francis〈uage=
Read the full text of Pope Francis' speech to migrants at the Caritas centre in Rabat during his two-day Apostolic Journey to Morocco. more
Read the text of the appeal regarding Jerusalem, signed by Pope Francis and King Mohammed VI of Morocco in Rabat on March 30, 2019. more
Read the full text of Pope Francis’ address to King Mohammed VI and the people of Morocco at the beginning of his two-day Apostolic Visit in Rabat. more
“The two of them alone remained: mercy with misery”. Pope Francis encourages us to encounter God's mercy once again in the Sacrament of Confession. more
Find out how and when to watch this highly anticipated new documentary from Salt + Light TV. “This is not a film about Francis changing the Church. It is a film about the Church changing the world."- more
What does it really mean that the Holy Spirit chooses a pope and works through him? Sebastian Gomes reflects on six years of Pope Francis in Rome. more
Happy Anniversary, Pope Francis! In honour of the 6th anniversary of his election, here are some favourite photos from the past year. more
Join Salt+Light in praying with the Holy Father for his March 2019 Prayer Intentions: Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities. more
Read this Lenten message from Pope Francis on the theme: “For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rom 8:19). more
In this last part of his series on what he learned about vocations at WYD 2019, Deacon Pedro reflects on the third and final lesson: belong. more