BLOG: Middle East
After two weeks of speeches, discussion, study and prayer, the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East came to a close. The last order of business was to had over to the Holy Father a list of recommendations regarding the current situation of the Churches in the Middle East. It’s a long list of propositions. more
It took me a while to figure out what exactly is the Holy Land. I mean, most people probably think of the modern country Israel as “the Holy Land,” but is it? Arriving in Jordan, we quickly figured out that the term “Holy Land” applies to an area much larger than what is modern-day Israel. more
It is my hope that, with Bishops from around the world gathered for this year’s Synod on the Middle East, the eyes of the world will be turned to Rome for new insights on how to respond to issues in the Middle East. When I was in grade 10, we had a foreign student come more
Pope Benedict XVI will open the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East with Mass this Sunday in St. Peter’s Basilica. The Holy Father is hopeful that the Synod, which runs until October 24th, will provide an opportunity to deepen bonds between members of the local Churches of the Middle East and the universal Church, more
After a long summer of brainstorming and “re-creating”, Perspectives Weekly is back in business! We are excited to showcase the fruits of our discussions and, thanks to your feedback, we have lots of fuel to keep the Perspectives fires burning well into the winter. The suggestions we have received cover a variety of topics; some more