BLOG: Jubilee
This third episode of Door of Mercy brings you to Krakow, the former capital of Poland. The Archdiocese of Krakow has 11 jubilee churches with Doors of Mercy, and the video will introduce the first 6 of them. more
At 10:30 am on Sunday, June 12, 2016, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Square on the occasion of the Jubilee of the sick and disabled people. The Scripture readings were proclaimed by persons with different disabilities and translated in the language of international signs. Pope Francis decried the pursuit for perfect bodies, saying more
On Friday 3 June, Pope Francis celebrated Holy Mass with priests in St Peter’s Square as part of a special Jubilee of Mercy for Priests. Please find below the prepared text for the Holy Father’s Homily: This celebration of the Jubilee for Priests on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus invites us all to more
(CNS photo/Paul Haring) On Sunday, May 29, 2016, Pope Francis celebrated a Jubilee Mass for Deacons. Below you will find the full text of his homily: “A servant of Jesus Christ” (Gal 1:10). We have listened to these words that the Apostle Paul, writing to the Galatians, uses to describe himself. At the beginning of his more
1. Gesù Cristo è il volto della misericordia del Padre. Il mistero della fede cristiana sembra trovare in questa parola la sua sintesi. Essa è divenuta viva, visibile e ha raggiunto il suo culmine in Gesù di Nazareth. Il Padre, «ricco di misericordia» (Ef 2,4), dopo aver rivelato il suo nome a Mosè come «Dio more
Two Years with Pope Francis March 13 marks the second anniversary of the day the College of Cardinals surprised the world by electing, as pope, a Jesuit from Argentina. Two years on, what effect has this Argentine pope had on the wider church? The 78-year-old pontiff came to his new job with an acute awareness more