Deacon-structing Indulgences
Deacon Pedro
April 2, 2020
Confused about indulgences? Want to know what they are and how they work? Deacon Pedro helps us understand this beautiful and ancient Catholic tradition. ...
Faith in a Time of Crisis: Special Interview with Thomas Cardinal Collins on the Pandemic
Salt + Light Media
April 1, 2020
In this special interview with Cardinal Collins, Emilie Callan gets some answers to questions which are troubling Catholics during this time of crisis. ...
God is still God
Marie Anne Torres
April 1, 2020
Marie Anne shares some favourite Bible verses to help us through these difficult times and remind us that, even in the midst of change, God is still God. ...
Youth ministry going strong even during COVID-19
Stephanie Blaquera
March 31, 2020
In this time of COVID-19, many ministries are finding new ways to fulfill their missions. Stephanie tells us how youth ministry is adapting - and thriving. ...
Invitation to prayer at 3pm EDT on Tuesday, March 31 for Canada and Canadians in the time of COVID-19
Salt + Light Media
March 31, 2020
Religious leaders and all Canadians across this land are invited to join in prayer at 3 pm EDT for Canada and Canadians in the time of COVID-19. ...
Deacon-structing I Am: Christ is Always Present
Deacon Pedro
March 30, 2020
What do you long for? John's Gospel tells us that Jesus is the God who cares for us, nurtures us, and fulfills all our needs and deepest longings. ...
SLHour: The Fatima Story Comes to Theatres
Salt + Light Media
March 28, 2020
A new film about the apparitions at Fatima? This week on the SLHour, screenwriter Barbara Nicolosi tells us why this film is important at this time. ...
Pope Francis' "urbi et orbi" homily for a world in pandemic
Salt + Light Media
March 27, 2020
Read the full text of the homily given by Pope Francis before the extraordinary "urbi et orbi" blessing for a world suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic. ...
Deacon-structing: Urbi et Orbi and Plenary Indulgences
Deacon Pedro
March 27, 2020
Deacon Pedro explains what is so unique about the blessing Pope Francis is giving today and what we need to do to receive the indulgence that comes with it. ...
A call to live, a call to arise! | Word Alive
Sr. Nathalie Becquart, xmcj
March 27, 2020
The readings offered on the Fifth Sunday of Lent resonate within us the call to live and help us understand how this call is also a call to arise. ...