Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Italy celebrates National Dante Alighieri Day
Noel Ocol
March 25, 2020
Today is Dante Alighieri Day. And Canadian sculptor Timothy Schmalz has shared a video about his new project to celebrate this great writer and help Italy. ...
The role of Marian devotions in the Catholic Church
Salt + Light Media
March 24, 2020
Fr. Michael Rogers, SJ, provides us with an understanding of Marian devotions in the Catholic Church through his research as part of his doctoral studies. ...
Faith in the time of COVID-19
Jermaine Bagnall
March 23, 2020
In the age of the 24-hour news cycle and the endless scroll of social media, we are being inundated with all things coronavirus. How should we respond? ...
Deacon-structing I Am: The Resurrection and the Life
Deacon Pedro
March 23, 2020
This week Deacon Pedro considers “I am the Resurrection and the Life. Do you believe this?” - Jesus' words to Martha, and to us. ...
SLHour: Planning for Dementia
Salt + Light Media
March 21, 2020
How do we prepare for Alzheimer's? Author Rhonda Hoffman shares with us the pre-dementia letter she wrote to her daughters. ...
Lift Jesus Higher – especially during a pandemic
Emilie Callan
March 20, 2020
As we face our daily fears about the COVID-19 pandemic, Emilie Callan reflects on the valuable lessons she learned at the 2020 Lift Jesus Higher Rally. ...
From blindness to sight in Christ | Word Alive
Fr. Peter Bisson, SJ
March 20, 2020
To see with the heart, with the eyes of love, is what faith is. But it requires transformation, such as the blind man experienced at the hands of Jesus. ...
Behind the Scenes with Salt + Light Media: Timothy Schmalz
Noel Ocol
March 19, 2020
Salt + Light Media goes Behind the Scenes with sculptor Timothy Schmalz at his studio in Elmira, Ontario. Watch this short video. ...
“Do not be afraid”: Saint Joseph and the virus
Julian Paparella
March 19, 2020
As our lives are shaken by the coronavirus crisis, there is another contagious virus that is knocking at our door: fear. Here's what we can learn from the example of St. Joseph. ...
Experiencing the transformative impact of Catholic sisters in East Africa
Sarah DeMarais
March 17, 2020
As I Have Done is airing for free all through Lent. Read a reflection from Sarah DeMarais on how she has been inspired by sisters in East Africa. ...