A King among his sons | Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Lent
Matthew Neugebauer
March 18, 2023
The reign of King Saul was an unmitigated disaster. It was full of rash, vengeful decisions. Thankfully, God is more than capable of taking matters into His own hands. ...
Young adults serving the Church in Canada
Maria Montemayor
March 16, 2023
As Catholics, we are called to be examples of God’s love to others. Pope Francis stated, "It is not enough to say we are Christians. We must live the faith, not only with our words, but with our actions." Fewer Canadians are engaging in group religious activities, yet some Catholics are going against the trend. Meet four young adults who are serving the Church in Canada. ...
Pope’s General Audience – March 15, 2023
Pope Francis
March 15, 2023
In today's General Audience, Pope Francis highlighted the role of lay people in the apostolic mission of the Church. ...
Encore SLHour: Indigenous Voices Episode 3
Salt + Light Hour
March 11, 2023
This week on the SLHour we bring you the third episode of our mini-series Indigenous Voices in which we meet Indigenous people and learn from their stories, traditions, legends, languages, and cultures. This week we will hear from Thamer Linklater, who struggles with her Catholic faith, and Earl Dionne, a wood-burning artist from the Mohawk ...
Water from the Rock | Reflection for the Third Sunday of Lent
Matthew Neugebauer
March 11, 2023
Pope Francis stands in the great door of St. Peter's Basilica, looking out into the rainy, empty Square. He's decked in a humeral veil, hoisting a monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament. Though rarely a solitary figure, this time he's all alone. ...
Pope Francis’ Synodal Legacy
Matthew Neugebauer
March 9, 2023
What is the "Pope Francis legacy?" Ten years in, we can start asking the question. ...
Francis: A Pope who shows us God’s style
Julian Paparella
March 8, 2023
As we celebrate 10 years of Pope Francis, our minds go back to the evening of March 13, 2013, when he first appeared on the balcony of Saint Peter’s Basilica. ...
Pope’s General Audience – March 8, 2023
Pope Francis
March 8, 2023
"The mission of the Church is 'an epiphany, or a manifesting of God’s decree, and its fulfilment in the world and in world history.'" ...
Betrothed Love
Hayley Barnes
March 6, 2023
A lovely, if often overlooked, element in preparation for the sacrament of marriage as a Catholic is the Rite of Betrothal offered by the Church. My fiancé and I were thrilled by the opportunity to participate in this rite in the midst of our engagement and wedding planning. If you are unfamiliar, the Rite of ...
The Mystery and Power of the Rosary
Salt + Light Hour
March 4, 2023
How would you like to travel to the Holy Land on a journey to enter into the mysteries of the Rosary? Today, filmmaker, Dan Johnson tells us about the Mysteries of the Rosary series; Gillian learns to listen to her kids; Danny suggests that parents can trailblaze new paths for their children; and singer/songwriter Hannah ...