Pope’s General Audience – February 22
Pope Francis
February 22, 2023
In today’s General Audience, Pope Francis reflected on the Holy Spirit as “the protagonist of the proclamation” of the Gospel in the time of the Apostles and today. Read the full text below: Dear brothers and sisters, good morning and welcome! In our catechetical itinerary on the passion for evangelizing, today we start from the ...
A Solemn Assembly | Reflection for Ash Wednesday
Matthew Neugebauer
February 21, 2023
Joel 2:12-18 “Blow the trumpet in Zion; sanctify a fast; call a solemn assembly; gather the people. Sanctify the congregation; assemble the aged, gather the children… Between the vestibule and the altar let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep. Let them say, ‘Spare your people, O Lord.'” (Joel 2:15, 17) What is the ...
A multi-season series on the life of Christ:
The Chosen and much more!

Salt + Light Hour
February 18, 2023
This week on the SLHour, we speak with The Chosen series creator and producer, Dallas Jenkins. We also learn about the work of Aid to the Church in Need in Turkey and Syria after the recent earthquake; Billy has a question about money and we meet the Toronto-based band, Steadfast Worship. Email us your comments, ...
Pope Francis’ Message for Lent 2023
Pope Francis
February 17, 2023
In his message for Lent 2023, Pope Francis reflected on the Transfiguration of Our Lord and the “’retreat’ on Mount Tabor” as an image of the Church’s journey to Easter as well as of the synodal path. The Holy Father said that “Lent leads to Easter: the ‘retreat’ is not an end in itself, but ...
Deacon-structing: Reading Scripture – Part Two
Deacon Pedro
February 17, 2023
Last time I tried to make a case for reading Scripture. Our faith teaches that, not only should we read and study Scripture, but we should pray with Scripture. When I was growing up in the 70s, this was not taught in Catechism class. Although, come to think of it, it’s not like anyone taught ...
S3 E6 | behold
Jennifer Nip
February 16, 2023
Developing holy habits during Lent
Maria Montemayor
February 16, 2023
Many people associate Lent with sacrifice and giving up something they enjoy. However, Lent isn’t just about suffering and repentance: it’s also about spiritual growth. It’s a time for introspection, reflection, and self-examination. As Catholics, we are called to look inward, turn away from our vices, and seek God’s healing, strength, and guidance to make ...
Pope’s General Audience – February 15, 2023
Pope Francis
February 15, 2023
  In today’s General Audience, Pope Francis reflected on a portion of Matthew chapter 10 as a guide to proclaiming the Gospel. He said that this “missionary discourse” from Matthew’s Gospel teaches us “why [we] proclaim, what to proclaim and how to proclaim.” Read the full text below: Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! We continue our ...
What should I add to my life this Lent?
Marie Anne Torres
February 14, 2023
I find that Lent is a certain “dying to ourselves.” Often, we imagine this happens through giving something up, and it certainly does. There are many things that we can remove from our lives to amplify God more: social media, coffee, online shopping.  But what if amplifying God can come about through a different means, ...
Thank you, Cardinal Thomas Collins
Salt + Light Media
February 13, 2023
Salt + Light Media offers our heartfelt thanks to Cardinal Collins for his 26 years of episcopal leadership in the Church. His ministry as Bishop of Saint Paul, as Archbishop of Edmonton and of Toronto, have been marked by a consistent commitment to integrity, truth, and an impassioned proclamation of the Gospel. We are particularly ...