Thanks to Cardinal Donald Wuerl
Salt + Light Media
December 3, 2013
  The following is the thanks expressed by Sebastian Gomes to Cardinal Donald Wuerl on behalf of Salt + Light Television and Assumption University for his talk, which made up part of the Faith and Culture series presented by Assumption University. Thank you very much Your Eminence… By way of conclusion, I have the privilege ...
Connecting: A Feminine Gift and Catholic Calling
Salt + Light Media
December 2, 2013
by Elizabeth Krump It’s part of the human condition: we all crave connection. Friendship, fellowship, relationship – these are enormously important concepts to us. We have a desire to understand and be understood, to love and to be loved, not just in a romantic way, but in an emotional and spiritual way. And while it ...
Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter celebrate diaconal ordinations in Ontario
Salt + Light Media
December 2, 2013
Candidates for the priesthood in the CSP Ordinariate celebrated their diaconal ordination with Thomas Cardinal Collins at St. Thomas More Church in Sacré-Coeur Church, Toronto Dec. 1 on the Memorial of St. Edmund Campion. Pictured above, Rev. Eric Rodriquez (left), Deacon James Franklyn Tilley, Thomas Cardinal Collins (centre) and Deacon John Lee Hodgins (right). ...
To be a missionary is…
Deacon Pedro
November 30, 2013
What does it mean to be a missionary? This is the question that participants are asking at the Missionary Congress of the Americas in Maracaibo, Venezuela. How would you answer this question? ...
What does it mean that we all have a missionary call?
Salt + Light Media
November 30, 2013
This week on a special edition of the SLHOUR, we visit a meeting of national directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the Americas and the Caribbean, hosted by the Oeuvres Pontificales Missionnaires (OPM) French Canada, as they prepare for their upcoming continental meeting, the 4th Missionary Congress of America (9th of Latin America), ...
Bake 2 Educate: teaching life values at the kitchen counter
Salt + Light Media
November 30, 2013
This post comes to us from Katrisha Villarante. Katrisha is part of the community at St. Clare’s parish in Coquitlam, British Columbia.  She works for a  multi-faith television network in the Lower Mainland, studies at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, and in her spare time blogs, jogs, and gets involved in activities at Vancouver’s ...
Vatican Connections: November 29, 2013
Alicia Ambrosio
November 29, 2013
Pope Francis knows what challenges are facing the church and he has a few ideas on how to overcome those challenges while admiting he doesn’t have all the answers. The pope made the statements in his Apostolic Exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium” released November 26. During the first months of his pontificate Pope Francis has addressed all ...
The meaning of “mission” today: Deacon Pedro speaks with Cardinal Filoni
Deacon Pedro
November 29, 2013
Cardinal Fernando Filoni is the Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, the congregation of the curia responsible for the transmission and dissemination of the faith throughout the whole world, in particular the coordination and guidance the Church’s diverse missionary efforts and initiatives. Some may know it by its former title, the Sacred ...
Should Catholics work on Sundays?
Deacon Pedro
November 28, 2013
We all know that we must keep holy the Sabbath Day, but at the same time, in this day and age, in our society, we take for granted that businesses are open on Sunday and people work. Maybe we don’t work ourselves, but we go shopping, or in our desire for leisure time with our ...
Pope Francis says worship is not a private matter
Salt + Light Media
November 28, 2013
Tonight on Perspectives: Pope Francis reminds us that Christian worship is not a private matter, Pope Francis meets with Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue and an update on the 4th Missionary Congress of the Americas. CNS photos ...