Bishops reaffirm their confidence in Development and Peace
Cheridan Sanders
June 17, 2011
The Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement regarding the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace. Below find their statement: Meeting in Ottawa this 15-16 June, the Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) reaffirmed their confidence in the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace ...
An Extraordinary Prayer
Jenna Murphy
June 16, 2011
There’s got to be something more we can do. This is what I keep thinking. The news is rarely good. Ecological and economic collapse here, a natural disaster there, clashes between religions, and as if all that weren’t enough: the added slap in the face of ideological disputes among Christians. The world needs renewing! It ...
WYD TV: Relive all WYDs right here!
Deacon Pedro
June 14, 2011
Are you nostalgic about previous World Youth Days?[singlepic id=2 w=240 float=right] Did you meet your wife in Denver 1993? Did you come back to the Church in Compostela in 89? Or did you begin to consider a vocation to the Religious Life in Rome in 2000? Was Sydney 2008 a game changer for you? No matter, ...
Pope entrusts a special intention to concentration camp martyrs
Matthew Harrison
June 13, 2011
A martyr from the Dachau concentration camp has been beatified — and Pope Benedict has entrusted to him, and all the martyrs of concentration camps, the cause for peace. Speaking at his Sunday Angelus, the Holy Father gave thanks for the “heroic witness” of Fr. Alois Andritzki. The 28-year old priest was accused by the ...
June 11, 2011
Salt + Light Media
June 11, 2011
[singlepic id=118 w=150 h=152 float=right] Religious congregations in Quebec have a choice: drop religion or lose their funding – This week on S+L Radio we’ll be speaking with Sr. Francince Guilmette about how this new law is affecting the two daycare centres run by the Salesian Sisters in Montreal; Mark Matthews tells us what’s good ...
Holding steadfast at June’s Lectio Divina
Matthew Harrison
June 10, 2011
We’ve reached the end of the fourth season of Lectio Divina. In June’s Lectio Divina, Archbishop Thomas Collins concludes his reflection on the Letter of St. James meditating on James 4:11-5:20. At one point the Archbishop highlights patience. Not the kind of patience we think of when being cut off in traffic or waiting in ...
Perspectives: Bearers of Hope, nation-building in South Sudan
Cheridan Sanders
June 10, 2011
Come, Holy Spirit, send forth the heavenly radiance of your light…. How should the Church be involved in nation-building? On July 9th, South Sudan will celebrate its Independence day. Many things hang in the balance for this country. Most of the tension hedging on who gets access to the rich mineral deposits that lie on ...
Lyrical singer Sarena Paton takes the stage in Toronto
Deacon Pedro
June 9, 2011
Last year I learned about a talented singer, Sarena Paton, in relation to a Remembrance Day Concert. Recently I heard that Sarena was going to be performing a the Lower Ossington Theatre in Toronto on Friday, June 10. We don’t usually blog about these things, but Sarena was our featured artist on S+L Radio last ...
Planting the Seed of Life – Part 1
Deacon Pedro
June 9, 2011
Last week I also spoke to Michael Coren on S+L Radio about his new book Why Catholics Are Right. We spoke about all those things that people who really don’t know anything about Church always challenge us about. And since then I’ve been thinking a lot about how we need to be able to have ...
Four part series reflecting on the Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini begins tonight on Salt + Light
Matthew Harrison
June 7, 2011
Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini has been called the most important document on the Bible in 45 years. The Exhortation is the result of the October 2008 General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome, which was dedicated to “The Word of God in the Life and the Mission of the Church.” ...