Working out in the New Year?
Deacon Pedro
January 12, 2011
If you’re like me, you’re done with New Year’s resolutions. Still, I’d like to spend more time in prayer and dedicate more time to fitness – I am not that young anymore! But sometimes I feel I have to choose. If I have half an hour a day, should I spend it in prayer, or should I spend it working out? Do I split the time? Do I try to combine them? Sometimes, when I swim, I’ll say a decade of the Rosary, one Hail Mary per lap… I know a lot of people do this while jogging. I am curious to know what your strategy is to integrate prayer and fitness. ...
Ottawa’s Celebration of St. André Bessette
Matthew Harrison
January 11, 2011
This year we celebrated Brother André’s first feast day as Saint André. There were many special celebrations throughout Canada, and at Ottawa’s Notre Dame Cathedral there was a bilingual Mass of Thanksgiving for Canada’s newest saint. Ottawa’s Archbishop Terrence Prendergast was the main celebrant.  In his homily, he spoke of the qualities that make Brother ...
Religious freedom key issue in Pope’s Address to Diplomatic Corps
Matthew Harrison
January 10, 2011
Unofficially, it’s called the “state of the world” address. Officially, it’s Pope Benedict XVI’s annual talk to the diplomatic corps. And representatives from the 178 states that have diplomatic ties to the Holy See gathered this morning at the Vatican for the address. Religious freedom was the key issue that the Holy Father discussed. He ...
January 8, 2011
Salt + Light Media
January 8, 2011
[singlepic id=98 w=145 h=159 float=right] We’re just getting started with 2011 and we’re playing some of our favourite interviews of the past year. Dawn Stefanowicz tells us about her experience growing up with a homosexual father and author Paul Badde speaks about the Holy Cloth of Manopello; plus we listen to music by and speak ...
Tonight on Perspectives: 2010 in review
Jenna Murphy
January 7, 2011
2010 was a monumental year for the Catholic Church and for its Shepherd. We saw Pope Benedict’s five International voyages, one “insider” exclusive papal Q & A released in book form, painful abuse scandal exposés, the first Canadian male saint, an Irish apostolic visitation and martyrdoms in the Middle East. All of these are just ...
New Episode of Word for Word: the Ultimate Family Reunion
Gillian Kantor
January 6, 2011
When I was little, my mom’s side of the family would gather for a reunion almost every summer. At the time, it felt like a whirlwind of confusing introductions of second-cousins and great-aunts and uncles (many with the same, passed-down names) and my memories were made up of watered-down orange juice, group pictures, and spilling ...
Conversations on the Middle East Part 4: O little town of Bethlehem
Deacon Pedro
January 6, 2011
Today is January 6th, and I am thinking of the three wise men. And the three wise men make me think of distances. I was always intrigued about distances in Israel. When I read that Mary and Joseph walked from Nazareth to Bethlehem, or that Mary rode on a donkey, it’s hard to appreciate how ...
CCO Rise Up participants pack Crypt Church for special Mass
Salt + Light Media
January 5, 2011
On Thursday December 30, 2010, the 600 participants in the CCO National Conference traveled to St. Joseph’s Oratory where a special Mass was celebrated with all of them in the Crypt Church.  Bishop Paul André Durocher, Bishop of Alexandria-Cornwall, presided at the liturgy along with religious and diocesan priests from every part of Canada.  Watch ...
Care for creation and Christian unity highlight Pope Benedict’s prayer intentions for January
Matthew Harrison
January 4, 2011
The Papal intentions reported on the Tuesday, January 4th edition of Perspectives were the incorrect intentions for this month.  Please see the correct intentions for January 2011 below: Every January we celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.  The week begins on January 18th, and extends to January 25th, the feast of the conversion ...
Celebrating the 74th Anniversary of St. André’s Death
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
January 3, 2011
On Thursday, January 6th, the universal Church celebrates the 74th anniversary of the death of its first male Canadian-born saint – St. André Bessette.  As you may remember, the end of last year was marked by the celebrations for St. André’s canonization on October 17th.  Salt + Light also produced a documentary on his life ...