Nothing More Beautiful Season 2 now available on DVD
Matthew Harrison
December 15, 2010
There is nothing more beautiful than to be surprised by the Gospel, by the encounter with Christ. There is nothing more beautiful than to know Him and to speak to others of our friendship with him. Those words are from Pope Benedict XVI’s homily at the Mass inaugurating his Pontificate It’s also the inspiration for ...
Has the “War on Christmas” already been lost — in your heart?
Kris Dmytrenko
December 14, 2010
Yesterday morning, one of my colleagues came looking for advice from the S+L producers. As a parent facilitating a children’s catechism class, she wanted to know how to get kids excited about the spiritual meaning of Christmas. Soon, we were able to extract the root problem: she wasn’t feeling very enthusiastic about it herself. I ...
The Priests’ Noël shares the true meaning of Christmas, and offers listeners a surprise guest on a Christmas classic
Matthew Harrison
December 13, 2010
I remember as a kid watching Christmas music videos on December 25th.  Among those videos was one tune that I couldn’t believe was considered a Christmas song.  To me the singing was bizarre: a kind of slurred, harsh barking; contrasted by a more melodious female voice.  The content of the song, hardly struck me as ...
December 11, 2010
Salt + Light Media
December 11, 2010
[singlepic id=94 w=150 h=144 float=right] Are you a digital, connected, smartphone, electronic, information technology, social networking, app kind of Catholic? If so, then you’re very familiar with the world of digital applications for Catholics. Today, Sr. Marie-Paul Curley of the Daughters of St. Paul joins us to tells us about some Catholic apps; and Fr. ...
Awake with this month’s Lectio Divina
Matthew Harrison
December 10, 2010
I know your works. You have the name of being alive, and you are dead. Awake, and strengthen what remains and is on the point of death, for I have not found your works perfect in the sight of my God. Remember, then, what you received and heard. Keep that, and repent. That is an ...
Tonight on Perspectives: Should we tell our kids about Santa?
Jenna Murphy
December 10, 2010
First of all, this week’s episode of Perspectives is the first one to ever merit a “viewer discretion” advisory at the onset! And not without due reason; we have come to discover that many people have strong opinions about Santa and about the version of Christmas that he represents (particularly those under 12 years old). ...
New Episode of Word for Word: Opening the Door
Gillian Kantor
December 9, 2010
It’s an interesting idea. Perhaps some would fear it borders on – at the very least – disrespect, if not sacrilege: Mary, tired after nearly 2000 years of immersing herself in other people’s prayers, finds a quiet home, owned by a quiet woman, and kicks of her Nikes to stay for awhile. But this idea ...
“The Word: Still Becoming Flesh”- Tonight on Catholic Focus
Jenna Murphy
December 8, 2010
Over the past few days, I have heard some of the most moving and meaningful Advent homilies of my life. As a result, I felt inspired to share some of what I have been learning and so “The Word: Still becoming flesh” a new Advent episode of Catholic Focus is born! As a child, Advent ...
Concert in Aid to Women
Deacon Pedro
December 8, 2010
I remember when my wife was pregnant the first time: the excitement of this new life growing inside of her,  the first time we heard the heartbeat. We spoke to the baby, we sang to him, played music… Unfortunately for many women (and men) this is not the case. Some women feel scared to be pregnant. ...
Brother Andre documentary – in time for Christmas
Salt + Light Media
December 7, 2010
This week, thousands of people – some half-way around the world – will begin receiving their purchased copy of God’s Doorkeeper, the moving documentary on the life and legacy of Saint André of Montreal. More than 1,400 copies have been sold during a brief two-month pre-sale period, making it the most successful DVD launch for ...