November 6, 2010
Salt + Light Media
November 6, 2010
[singlepic id=89 w=150 h=102 float=right] Ever wanted to include prayer and fitness into your life but can’t seem to manage it? This week on S+L Radio, personal trainer Michael Carrera shows us how to combine faith and fitness and create balance of mind, body and spirit; plus Ceili Rain’s Bob Halligan has been making music ...
Pope in Spain: Mass in the Plaza del Obradoiro
Alessia Domanico
November 6, 2010
The first Mass of the Pope’s Apostolic Visit to Spain took place in Obradoiro Square next to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. The square was filled to capacity with over 7,000 people  present, including an estimated 600 priests and 100 Cardinals and Bishops. Another 20,000 people were in the vicinity for the event. The ...
Pope in Spain: Visit to Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela
Alessia Domanico
November 6, 2010
‘VIVA PAPA’ was shouted out by the 6,000 faithful gathered in the Plaza Obradoiro to greet the Pope as he arrived at the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Pope Benedict got the full pilgrim experience at the Cathedral. He was given a pilgrim cape with the symbolic scallops adorning it. The scallop signifies the symbol ...
Pope in Spain: Welcoming ceremony in Santiago de Compostela
Alessia Domanico
November 6, 2010
El Papa está en España! Pope Benedict XVI’s plane touched down at 6:30 am ET. He was greeted by members of the Spanish Royal Family, the Princes of Asturias, Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia. Many government officials and hundreds of locals came out to greet the Pope with great enthusiasm. ‘Viva Papa!’ was called out ...
From the S+L Archives: John Paul II in Santiago de Compostela
Alessia Domanico
November 5, 2010
Same place, different Pontiff. The city of Santiago de Compostela was host to World Youth Day, 1989. ...
Pope in Spain: Journalists get ready
Salt + Light Media
November 5, 2010
Did you know that, in a mere 11 hours, Pope Benedict will be in plane over the Mediterranean, en route to Spain? You’re not alone if this is the first you’ve heard of it. But if the Holy Father doesn’t figure into your plans this weekend, you will have missed one of the most visually ...
Pope in Spain: What’s happening
Alessia Domanico
November 5, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI is heading to Spain tomorrow. Salt + Light has all of the events of his visit LIVE on our television channel and streaming online. It will be a busy two days for the Holy Father… On Saturday November 6th, The Pope is visiting the city of Santiago de Compostela, the final destination ...
This week on Perspectives: WAR. Can it be just?
Jenna Murphy
November 4, 2010
“The Canadian soldier is another breed altogether.” These were the words from Major Joseph Nonato as he offered us some anecdotes from on the ground in Afghanistan where he served in 2008. Major Joseph told us about his moments of overwhelming gratitude on the ground. Once, while sitting in a plane with a dozen or ...
New Word for Word Episode: Conversion
Gillian Kantor
November 4, 2010
We all have our stories: about where we’ve been, where we are, and how we got there. The stories of our life journeys are fascinating and help piece together the puzzle of God’s work and his plan for our lives. And to hear Paul Quist tell his story is to be convicted by the hand ...
Hamilton’s new Bishop: Draw us
Matthew Harrison
November 4, 2010
Trahe nos.  Draw us. That’s the motto of Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI. On Monday, November 8th, he will be installed as the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. Regarding the motto, the 62-year old prelate explains that Jesus says no one can come to me unless through the Father (John 6:44).  To this, ...