The Pope like you’ve never seen him: Vatican TV goes HD
Alicia Ambrosio
November 16, 2010
The Vatican’s television production centre, Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV) has been slowly moving towards broadcasting in high-definition. Today they took a giant leap forward in that direction. Thanks to Sony and the Knights of Columbus, CTV is the proud new owner of a mobile broadcast truck fully capable of broadcasting in high definition. Speaking to ...
Journalist applauds Brother André doc…and S+L
Daniel Torchia
November 15, 2010
On Friday, staff at Salt + Light paused for a moment to watch the final cut of God’s Doorkeeper: Saint André of Montreal, one of our latest documentaries. It was quite an experience – beyond words. Thankfully a skilled journalist chronicled the experience. The article below was published in the National Post. Salt + Light ...
November’s Lectio Divina: To the Church of Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Today
Matthew Harrison
November 13, 2010
The persecution of Christians has been on our minds and hearts over the last couple of weeks. Just this past week in Toronto there was an ecumenical prayer service; praying particularly for the 58 victims of the October 31st attack on a Syriac Catholic Cathedral in Baghdad.  The vigil was an event to remember those ...
November 13, 2010
Salt + Light Media
November 13, 2010
[singlepic id=90 w=150 h=163 float=right] This week, we return to the Holy Land for a featured conversation with Archbishop Elias Chacour, the Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church He is the author of the best-selling book BLOOD BROTHERS, which tells the story of his childhood as a Palestinian, ...
Bishop Crosby: Let us pray
Matthew Harrison
November 13, 2010
“Let us pray.” Those were the first words that Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, made as the Bishop of the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario. It’s that calling people to prayer that Bishop Crosby saw appropriate as his first action as Bishop. The 62-year old prelate was installed as the ninth Bishop of Hamilton this past Monday. ...
Tonight on Perspectives: Should being pro-life make us feel uncomfortable?
Jenna Murphy
November 12, 2010
Should being “pro-life” make us feel uncomfortable? This is the question we asked you, our viewers last week. Suzanne Baird writes via Facebook: There is being comfortable with people, and then there is comfortable with conscience. Christians should try to be comfortable with their conscience, although we will fail because we are human. But, with ...
Apostolic visitation begins in Ireland; Team includes two Canadian bishops
Jenna Murphy
November 12, 2010
To download Flash Player please click here The following is the English-language communiqué released today by the Vatican Press Office. This document marks the beginning of the Apostolic Visitation in Ireland. On 19 March 2010, following a meeting with the bishops of Ireland, His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI issued a Pastoral Letter to the Catholics ...
CCCB welcomes Pope’s post-synod message on Word of God
Kris Dmytrenko
November 11, 2010
Two years ago, the bishops of the world drafted a list of 55 recommendations about the Word of God. Pope Benedict XVI has now issued his long-awaited response: Verbum Domini (“The Word of the Lord”). The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation represents the final outcome of the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God, which convened ...
Word for Word: Rules of Life
Gillian Kantor
November 11, 2010
I was recently introduced to a new way of thinking – well, not to an entire change in my way of considering life but certainly of looking at a particular Scripture verse: For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, punishing children for the iniquity of parents, to the third and fourth generation ...
Tonight on Catholic Focus: Miracles, great and small
Jenna Murphy
November 10, 2010
Who doesn’t enjoy a miracle story? These stories, after all, have weathered the ages and have been recounted at kitchen tables and family gatherings throughout the generations. And with due reason! Almost as fascinating as the miracles themselves however, is the way in which the Vatican bestows on them their lofty titles. A miracle does ...