New Evangelization focus of next Synod of Bishops
Alicia Ambrosio
October 25, 2010
On Sunday Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the closing Mass of the Synod of Bishops for the Middle East. During his homily he announced the theme of the next Synod of Bishops, in 2012. That Synod will be focused on new Evangelization. The Holy Father said: I have decided to dedicate the next Ordinary General Assembly, ...
Synod: Final suggestions for the Holy Father
Alicia Ambrosio
October 24, 2010
After two weeks of speeches, discussion, study and prayer, the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East came to a close. The last order of business was to had over to the Holy Father a list of recommendations regarding the current situation of the Churches in the Middle East. It’s a long list of propositions. ...
October 23, 2010
Salt + Light Media
October 23, 2010
[singlepic id=87 w=150 h=125 float=right] Since the 40 Days for Life Campaign began in 2007, some 3000 lives have been saved from abortion – we’re in the middle now of the sixth campaign taking place in over 300 cities in 5 different countries, and David Bereit, National Director of 40 Days for Life joins us ...
Many, Many Books
Gillian Kantor
October 22, 2010
Of making many books there is no end. – Ecclesiastes 12:12 I found this Scripture verse, funnily enough, during my reading research for the second season of Salt + Light’s book show, Word for Word. Of making many books there is no end, and I felt like I was wading through them all, trying to ...
Tonight on Perspectives: Miracles 101
Jenna Murphy
October 22, 2010
When was the last time you prayed for a miracle? Thanks to the recent canonization of St. André of Montréal, also known by many as the Miracle Man of Montréal, we’ve all been thinking lots about miracles lately. And our nation’s newspapers and media outlets are no exception. In fact, last week nearly every major ...
CNS Vatican Report: Red Hat Ready
Matthew Harrison
October 22, 2010
For the third time in his Papacy, Pope Benedict XVI has named new members to the College of Cardinals. Catholic News Service’s, Cindy Wooden and John Thavis review the list of those who will be donning the red hat. To download Flash Player please click here ...
Encores for Br. André
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
October 21, 2010
For all of you who weren’t able to catch the Salt + Light coverage of the canonization of Br. André Bessette this past weekend, don’t worry.  Salt + Light is rebroadcasting the canonization coverage on Saturday, October 30th, at 10 am ET. You also have the option of viewing it at any time online.  Go ...
Canadian Foreign Minister brings greetings to Rome on Brother André’s canonization
Salt + Light Media
October 21, 2010
The following message was delivered by Mr. Lawrence Cannon, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the residence of the Canadian Ambassador to the Holy See on Sunday evening after the canonization of Saint André of Montreal.  The speech was presented in French and English. Bienvenue du Ministre des Affaires étrangères, M. Lawrence Cannon à la ...
We are with God
Matthew Harrison
October 20, 2010
This blog was submitted by Fr. Andrew Gawrych, CSC, of the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross. One of the most moving parts for me in the Mass of Canonization was when the relics of the newly canonized saints were processed and placed in front of the altar.  I have re-watched that part ...
Catholic Focus: The Church in India
Matthew Harrison
October 20, 2010
A vibrant reality filled with life. That’s how John Paul II described the Church in India. Like many parts of the world, there are difficulties, but the faith is strong, fervent, and alive. In tonight’s episode of Catholic Focus I speak with Archbishop Albert D’Souza.  He’s the head of the Archdiocese in Agra in the ...