Br. André on the Web
Salt + Light Media
October 16, 2010
By François Gloutnay, editor of the Catholic media blog Nouvelles de l’ACPC. On the eve of Br. André’s canonization, cyberspace is swarming with articles related to the event. In addition to Internet-based news media and blogs, groups and individuals will surely contribute to the online fray. On several occasions in the upcoming days, this blog ...
October 16th, an important date for Br. André
Laura Ieraci
October 16, 2010
MONTREAL — Today, Oct. 16, is the eve of Brother André’s canonization. It is also a day of fine coincidence, call it Providence. It was on this day, in 1904, that the first, small, wooden chapel built by Brother André in honour of St. Joseph on the slope of Mount Royal in Montreal was inaugurated. ...
Conversations on the Middle East – Part Two: Iraqi Christians
Deacon Pedro
October 15, 2010
It is Saturday and we arrive to a house in a middle-class neighbourhood of west Amman. There is quite a crowd gathering for the day’s events. Inside, the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary have a full-morning planned. In the back room there are dozens of children participating in an activity. They are all Iraqis displaced because ...
Brother André: Canonization this weekend
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
October 15, 2010
This is certainly a weekend dedicated to Brother André Bessette. Check out our Salt + Light coverage schedule of the canonization of Br. André Bessette here. The live coverage in French begins on Saturday, October 16th at 7 pm ET.  Host Sébastien Lacroix will be joined by Rita Sawaya in Rome and by Laura Ieraci ...
CNS Vatican Report: Synod, Saints & Evangelization… all in seven days!
Matthew Harrison
October 15, 2010
A council for new evangelization, Bishops from the Middle East (and the world) travel to Rome for a Synod, and an upcoming canonization. Catholic News Service’s, Carol Glatz and John Thavis review a busy week at the Vatican. To download Flash Player please click here ...
Brother André: Rome, here we come!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
October 15, 2010
Welcome to the eighth of a series of blogs on the legacy of Brother André Bessette. In three days, we celebrate the canonization of our beloved first male Canadian-born saint. Of the many pilgrims descending on Rome for this wonderful occasion, there will be 18 enthusiastic young people from Brother Andre Catholic High School in ...
Head of Vatican’s culture council to address Canadian Bishops
Kris Dmytrenko
October 14, 2010
When the Canadian bishops gather for their annual plenary assembly, it’s fair to say that they’re not overwhelmed with requests for media accreditation. The discussion topics, be they administrative or pastoral, rarely generate much buzz in the nation’s pews. Yet for the past two years, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) plenary has seen ...
Perspectives on Friday: The end of the world as we know it?
Jenna Murphy
October 14, 2010
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars and upon the earth distress of nations in perplexity a the roaring of the sea and the waves, men fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Luke 21: 25-26 ...
Synod: Rabbi David Rosen addresses Bishops
Alicia Ambrosio
October 14, 2010
Wednesday afternoon the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East received a special guest speaker: Rabbi David Rosen, advisor to the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and director of the department for Inter-religious Affairs of the American Jewish Committee. Rabbi Rosen told the Synod that it is necessary to hear the story of Christians living in ...
S+L documentary on Mary MacKillop airing in Australia
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
October 14, 2010
As I’ve mentioned, Blessed Mary MacKillop will be canonized on Sunday, October 17th. Salt + Light is proud to announce that our documentary Mary MacKillop: Australia’s First Saint will be airing on the Australian Christian Channel (via various forms of Subscription TV including Foxtel, Optus and Austar). Even if you’re not in Australia, you can ...