Pope in UK: Blessed John Henry Newman “…reminds us that faithfulness to prayer gradually transforms us into the divine likeness.”
Alicia Ambrosio
September 19, 2010
After a moving prayer vigil in London’s Hyde Park Pope Benedict XVI boarded a helicopter to Birmingham this morning to celebrate the beatification of Cardinal John Henry Newman. Blessed John Henry Newman is an important figure for both British Catholics and Anglicans. He began his adult life as an Anglican priest and during that time ...
September 18, 2010
Salt + Light Media
September 18, 2010
[singlepic id=83 w=150 h=179 float=right] Dawn Stefanovicz’ knows first-hand that the environment in which a child is raised matters – today on S+L Radio she speaks about what it was like to grow up with a homosexual father – and our featured artist is Gretchen Harris, whom we reconnected with at the Unity Awards in ...
Pope in UK: “Passion for the truth, intellectual honesty and genuine conversion are costly”, Pope Benedict at prayer vigil
Jenna Murphy
September 18, 2010
It was a moving scene as thousands of candles glittered in the descending dusk in London’s Hyde park this evening during the vigil for the eve of Cardinal Newman’s beatification. The Holy Father’s transit took nearly an hour as the popemobile snaked leisurely through the streets amid the cheering faithful; many of whom were bearing ...
Pope in UK: Repayment of a debt of gratitude
Matthew Harrison
September 18, 2010
The Successor of St. Peter visited the residents of St. Peter today — a home for the elderly run by the Little Sisters of the Poor in the London borough of Lambeth. The Pope greeted some of the elderly and offered a beautiful address. He noted that “care for the elderly should be considered not ...
Pope in UK: Holy Father meets with victims of clergy abuse
Matthew Harrison
September 18, 2010
Five survivors of clergy sex abuse met with Pope Benedict on Saturday. The meeting lasted between 30 and 40 minutes. The chairman of the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission Bill Kilgallon says he spoke to the victims before hand and said they were “understandably quite emotional.” Vatican Press office director Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ, described the ...
Newman, Doctor of the Church? – Catholic Focus now online
Kris Dmytrenko
September 18, 2010
As we count down the hours until Cardinal Newman’s beatification in Birmingham, England, it’s time to take a crash course in just who the Church is honouring. After all, this is the first Mass of beatification that Benedict XVI will personally celebrate during his pontificate. (While canonizations are held in the Vatican, the recent norm ...
Pope in UK: To the people of Wales — “Be joyful, keep the faith, and do the little things”
Matthew Harrison
September 18, 2010
Pope Benedict is unable to visit Wales, but he’s sending a greeting via our Blessed Mother The Holy Father lit a candle at the statue of Our Lady of Cardigan, or Our Lady of the Taper, which was at St. Paul’s side chapel in Westminster Cathedral.  Our Lady is honoured under that name in Wales.  ...
Pope in UK: “We were made for love” — Pope to youth of England
Jenna Murphy
September 18, 2010
I ask each of you, first and foremost, to look into your own heart. Think of all the love that your heart was made to receive, and all the love it is meant to give. After all, we were made for love. These phrases from the Holy Father’s address to the young people in the ...
Pope in UK: The outpouring of Christ’s Blood is the source of the Church’s life, Pope in homily at London Cathedral
Jenna Murphy
September 18, 2010
After an eventful first couple of days in the UK, Pope Benedict got off to a busy start this morning. The day began with several untelevised meetings with political leaders of the UK including a meeting with England’s Prime Minister, the Right Honourable David Cameron, as well as courtesy calls with Deputy Prime Minister, the ...
Pope in UK: A Westminster Affair
Alessia Domanico
September 17, 2010
The Pope’s afternoon on day two of his UK visit is one not soon to be forgotten. The events, the public figures, the speeches and the ideas put forth have all paved the way for a new and positive direction for the role of faith in society. His visit to Westminster Hall drew a crowd ...