Special Lectio Divina this Sunday
Matthew Harrison
July 10, 2009
During the Pauline year, Salt + Light Television offered viewers the opportunity experience the writings of St. Paul through Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins: A Year with St. Paul. Though the Pauline year has come to a close and Archbishop Collins’ monthly gatherings are on a summer hiatus, we are pleased to present a ...
Caritas in Veritate: Civilizing the economy, Part 2
Kris Dmytrenko
July 10, 2009
In the third chapter of Caritas in Veritate, which addresses moral considerations of the economy, the Holy Father evaluates the mixed record of globalization. He cautions that “blind opposition would be a mistaken and prejudiced attitude” that would lead to the neglect of “many opportunities for development” (42). Yet, the faithful should keep in mind ...
Caritas in Veritate: Civilizing the economy, Part 1
Kris Dmytrenko
July 10, 2009
If there was ever a poor choice for speed-reading, it’s Caritas in Veritate. Yet, like a few of my colleagues and most Catholic journalists the world over, I was furiously attempting to plough through a very dense embargoed text to prepare notes on the sections pertaining to the economic matters. Doing so felt akin to ...
Emmanuel Encounter
Therese Nichols
July 9, 2009
From July 2nd-5th the Emmanuel Community hosted the inaugural four day summer forum titled: Emmanuel Encounter. Two bishops, five priests, one deacon, three consecrated sisters, 150 adults and 50 children from Quebec, Ontario, Saskatchewan, New York City, Montreal and France gathered together in Quebec City. The Emmanuel Encounter weekend was a time of great joy, ...
Caritas in Veritate and the challenges of new media
Kris Dmytrenko
July 9, 2009
Obtenir le lecteur Flash pour voir cette vidéo. Building on his message for the 43rd World Day of Communications, Pope Benedict XVI again addressed new digital technologies in his encyclical Caritas in Veritate, released yesterday. In the sixth chapter, the Holy Father posited that the Internet’s democratization of media increases our freedom only insofar as ...
Caritas Veritate Focus of Pope’s General Audience
Matthew Harrison
July 8, 2009
In his last General Audience before a summer vacation, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about his new encyclical Caritas in Veritate. The social encyclical was released on Tuesday; the full text is available HERE (or a summary of points released by the Vatican HERE). During the Audience the Pontiff explained that: Charity in truth is the ...
Go West, Not East
David Naglieri
July 7, 2009
On this day in history (July 7, 1946) the first American Saint was canonized in Rome. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, known to the world as “Mother Cabrini” left an indelible imprint on the Church in the United States and around the world. As we commemorate the anniversary of her canonization I reflect on just one ...
Salt + Light Radio: The Summer Edition
Deacon Pedro
July 6, 2009
It’s been 23 weeks since we started our new Radio program, thanks to a partnership with the Catholic Channel, Sirius 159 and XM 117 – and now it’s time to take a bit of a break — just a bit, not completely. Kris and Michèle will be taking a break from News and Events and ...
July 4, 2009
Salt + Light Media
July 4, 2009
John Michael Talbot is probably the most successful Catholic artist in the world, with over 4 million albums sold world-wide – tonight on S+L Radio, the Summer Edition we bring music and reflections with John Michael Talbot. ...
Nothing More Beautiful Season One Encore Begins This Evening
Matthew Harrison
July 3, 2009
Early morning flights and -26 degree Celsius temperatures. That was my impression of Edmonton after the first session of Nothing More Beautiful (NMB). It’s funny thinking back to it now, as July temperatures have pushed winter jackets far from my mind. But it was pretty chilly last December when S+L cameraman Wally Tello and I ...