The Retreat Cat
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
July 2, 2009
This week I fell in love with another cat (other than my own cat at home) from the Diocese of London, Ontario. This cat lives at Holy Family Retreat House, which is located in a little hamlet called Oxley, 47 kilometres south of Windsor by Lake Erie. He definitely enjoys cottage country, complete with birds, ...
A Prayer on this Canada Day and Papal Intentions to Remember This Month
Matthew Harrison
July 1, 2009
As we celebrate this Canada Day, my mind turns to one of our great saints — St. Marguerite Bourgeoys. Born in France, she traveled to what is now Canada in 1653. She worked tirelessly in the new colony and is considered not only the founder of the Congregation of Notre-Dame, but also a co-foundress of ...
Two Canadian Archbishops Receive Pallium
Matthew Harrison
June 30, 2009
The great feast of Saints Peter and Paul, celebrated on Monday, brings to us every year the Pallium Mass. It is at this Mass that those who have been named Metropolitan Archbishops in the past year receive a special wool stole marked with six crosses indicating their unity with the Holy Father. This year two ...
June 27, 2009
Salt + Light Media
June 27, 2009
We always think that it’s so nice that Jesus touched and healed the lepers and that the Father welcomed back the prodigal son, but could we do the same? Tonight on S+LRadio we are joined by Mennonite Pastor Harry Nigh, who is also the Community Chaplain in the Central Ontario Parole District for Correctional Services ...
Three Projects; Remembering Michael and Farrah
Deacon Pedro
June 26, 2009
Yesterday at S+L TV, my time was divided between three editing assignments. In one room, I am working on the promotional video for the permanent diaconate formation program for the Archdiocese of Toronto. The permanent diaconate is one of three orders within the Catholic Church (the diaconate, priesthood and episcopate). The deacons are ordained ministers ...
Words that changed the world: Dead Sea Scrolls in Toronto
Sebastien Lacroix
June 25, 2009
The following article comes from Marilena Berardinelli, a young Toronto based Catholic Teacher. In 1965 the American Rock group The Byrds wrote their hit single “Turn! Turn! Turn!”  Young people today still sing along to the now famous lyrics: “For every season…a time to be born, a time to die…a time to plant, a time ...
Pallium Mass Live from Rome
Alicia Ambrosio
June 23, 2009
June 29th marks the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. It is also the day the Holy Father bestows the Pallium on all the metropolitan archbishops appointed in the last 12 months. (These are the bishops who head of archdiocese, meaning jurisdiction over a metropolitan area.) Salt + Light will be bringing you live coverage ...
Nashville Dominicans share their vocations
Kris Dmytrenko
June 23, 2009
You’ve likely now seen Beloved, Salt + Light’s documentary about the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia—better known as the Nashville Dominicans—who have developed a young, growing community through their charisms of contemplative focus, active apostolate, strong community life and love of the Church. Here is their 10-minute vocations video, created by S+L. ...
SSPX leader: Discussions good for whole Church
Kris Dmytrenko
June 22, 2009
Five months since Pope Benedict lifted the excommunications of four Society of St. Pius X bishops, the traditionalist group continues to generate headlines by announcing priestly ordinations that the Holy See has called “illegitimate”. Yet, somehow, Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, passed through Toronto last week largely unnoticed by the media. He ...
King David’s righteous anger
David Naglieri
June 22, 2009
I have been busy reading up on the life of King David recently. One of the characteristics that impressed me about David was how he handled anger. We all get angry at times. Sometimes anger is justified, and even called for. Think of a Jewish person who lost their family in the Holocaust or the ...