Behind the scenes of Changing Course
Kris Dmytrenko
August 24, 2009
Obtenir le lecteur Flash pour voir cette vidéo. To mark today’s DVD sales launch of Changing Course: A Catholic project for city schools, here is an episode of Catholic Focus that previewed some of the innovative gang and bullying prevention initiatives covered in the new half-hour documentary. In particular, I spoke with James Flaherty and ...
August 22, 2009
Salt + Light Media
August 22, 2009
Nothing More Beautiful is a series from the Archdiocese of Edmonton with a catechesis and a witness talk that aims to renew the faithful’s relationship with Christ. This week on S+L Radio Archbishop Richard Smith of Edmonton and Lea Singh of the Ottawa-based Canadian Organization for Life and Family speak on the topic In The ...
Nothing More Beautiful on the Summer Edition of S+L Radio
Deacon Pedro
August 20, 2009
As many of you already know, S+L Radio has been taking a bit of a break this summer and have been digging into our archives to bring you some of the best of S+L programming. We are proud to be able to bring you, for the next three (and final) weeks of the Summer, three ...
Pius XII and Our Lady
David Naglieri
August 19, 2009
Last year I wrote and produced the documentary film A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust. While it was a privilege to be able to present the historical truth about Pius’ many efforts to save Jews from Nazi aggression I also regretted the many other accomplishments of his papacy that were left ...
The Living Bread and Our Blessed Mother
Matthew Harrison
August 18, 2009
It was very much a Marian weekend for Pope Benedict XVI. On Saturday, he celebrated Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption at St Thomas of Villanova, a Church that is across the square from the Papal Summer residence Castel Gandolfo. In his homily, the Holy Father said: The Assumption reminds us that Mary’s life, ...
Changing Course — DVD now available for pre-order!
Kris Dmytrenko
August 17, 2009
The following article about Changing Course: A Catholic project for city schools appeared in the summer/fall edition of Salt + Light’s Lampstand newsletter. The DVD can now be pre-ordered for delivery beginning August 24th. Click here to learn more and view the trailer! “The students took off as soon as we got there,” squawked a ...
August 15, 2009
Salt + Light Media
August 15, 2009
Many Catholics believe that the secular news media is anti-Church, but aren’t we called to work with the media? This week on the Summer Edition of S+L Radio, we bring you a special lecture on the Church and the Media with Fr. Thomas Rosica,C.S.B., taped at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas in ...
On the Solemnity of the Assumption
Matthew Harrison
August 15, 2009
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the oldest Marian Feast, returns every year in the heart of summer. It is an opportunity to rise with Mary to the heights of the spirit where one breathes the pure air of supernatural life and contemplates the most authentic beauty, the beauty of holiness. ...
The Real Vocation Crisis
Matthew Harrison
August 13, 2009
In a recent interview with Catholic News Agency, the new Archbishop of New York, the Most Reverend Timothy Dolan spoke about the challenges facing the Church in the United States. These challenges could be just as applicable to Canada as well. I found of particular interest his comment that the real vocations crisis is not ...
Witnesses of God’s Love
Matthew Harrison
August 13, 2009
Liturgically, this has been a week of martyrs. Sunday was the feast of St. Benedicta of the Cross, or Edith Stein, Monday was St. Lawrence, today is St. Pope Pontian and companions, and tomorrow the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe. These martyrs were the focus of Pope Benedict XVI’s Sunday Angelus address — you can ...