

【鹽與光傳媒資訊】2023年12月23日,天主教香港教區教廷教義部發表有關祝福的牧靈意義《懇求的信賴》(Fiducia supplicans)的文件發出以下聲明。


本月18日(星期一) 羅馬教廷信理部獲得教宗方濟各的許可,發佈了一份引發各方關注的聲明,名為《懇求的信心》。聲明的核心是呼籲神職人員在牧靈工作上,以天父的慈悲,祝福主動請求的同性伴侶和其他不符合基督信仰的關係。因此,有些媒體的報道誤以為教會亦承認同性婚姻。
其實,聲明並沒有改變婚姻是男女結合的傳統教會立場,並且進一步強調,這種出於牧民愛德的祝福 ,不能與婚姻禮儀的祝福混為一談,更在舉行的形式上不容造成任何誤導。教會向那些呼求天主的憐憫,渴望將自己的生命託付在祂的手中,好能獲得力量,活出圓滿生命的人施以祝福,其實是自古以來天主實現其救恩計劃的方法。

Pastoral blessings of the declaration “Fiducia Supplicans”

On the 18th of this month (Monday), the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of the Holy See, with the approval of Pope Francis, published a declaration entitled Fiducia Supplicans, which drew wide attention. At the heart of the declaration is a call for clergy to impart pastoral blessings to those who are in same-sex or irregular relationships, but are asking for the mercy of the Father. Some media reports mistakenly comment that the Church now also give recognition to same-sex marriages.
In fact, the declaration does not change the traditional teaching of the Church that marriage is a life-long union between man and woman. Furthermore, the declaration emphasizes that such pastoral blessings, based on pastoral charity, should not be confused with the liturgical blessing of marriage, and such pastoral blessings must not be so imparted as to cause misunderstanding. The pastoral blessings to those who yearn for God’s mercy and long to entrust their lives into His hands are meant to help them to live fully accordingly to His will and to lead them to salvation.  This has always been the way that God leads mankind to salvation.
In short, the content of the declaration is not only rooted in biblical tradition and church teaching, but also highlights Pope Francis’ keen pastoral instincts. Since taking office as the Pope, he has been leading the Church to walk with and care for the socially marginalized, the helpless, and those rejected by society, showing God’s mercy to them and leading them to salvation.
The Diocese of Hong Kong hopes that more people in society will experience God’s mercy and blessings through the inspiring message of this declaration.
Hong Kong Catholic Social Communications Office

