

Fr. Daniel

崔偉生神父(Fr. Daniel Chui, CSB )於2014年12月21日(將臨期第四主日)早晨因癌症病逝,回到天父的家鄉。《鹽與光天主教傳媒機構》對此深切哀悼。崔偉生神父是一位充滿聖德的神父、一個好的合作者、是我們中文節目部的一位仁慈的導師。崔神父是我多年的好友和同會兄弟。我們在修會中一起成長,他曾為《鹽與光》中文節目部服務長達9年之多。在過去幾年,他雖一直受病痛之苦,但他是一位英勇的見證!


願這充滿聖德的牧者息之安所,在天國中享受上主 , 一位時常與我們同在和抹掉我們的眼淚的天主的賞報。



時間:12月26日(星期五),下午2時至4時 ; 下午6時30分至7時30分。

地點: Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre, 95 St. Joseph Street, Toronto





時間: 12月27日(星期六) , 早上10時

地點: St. Basil’s Church, 50 St. Joseph Street, Toronto.

隨後到聖十字架墓園(Holy Cross Cemetery, 8361 Yonge Street, Thornhill)安葬。

請捐款到巴西略會神父退休基金 (95 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3C2. Rosar-Morrison Funeral Home & Chapel) 以取代鮮花及帛金。



Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB


圖片提供: Rodney Leung


Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation mourns the loss of a great, holy priest, confrère, mentor and guide for our Chinese Department. Fr. Dan has been a very good friend and confrère to me for many years.  We worked together in our Basilian Fathers formation house and he was instrumental in helping to establish the Chinese Department of Salt and Light Television nine years ago. Daniel’s heroic witness through his suffering over the past few years left a deep and lasting impression upon each of us. Last Friday, our entire Salt and Light Staff gathered around his bedside in the Basilian Fathers Infirmary and sang Christmas carols to him. His smile was radiant and his final words to us inspired us. He blessed us and we blessed him. I know that Fr. Dan’s work is not done on our behalf. We have a great intercessor in heaven.

May this holy priest rest in peace and enjoy his heavenly reward with Emmanuel, God who is with us and wipes every tear from our eyes.

CHUI, Rev. Daniel W., C.S.B. – Suddenly in his room at the Basilian retirement home Anglin House on Sunday, December 21, 2014 after a three-year, peaceful battle with esophageal cancer. He was born in Hong Kong on September 19, 1959, the son of the late Pui Chui and Ying Tang. He met the Basilian Fathers at the University of Saskatchewan, was professed on January 2, 1996 and ordained June 29, 2000.

He then served as assistant pastor at Assumption Church, Windsor, ON, for three years before being appointed as a teacher at St. Michael’s College School while assisting in the formation of seminarians in the Congregation of St. Basil for four years. In 2007, he was sent to Holy Rosary Church, Toronto, ON, where he became pastor early in the next year until his cancer caused him to leave in 2012.

After being diagnosed that he was in remission, he returned to Assumption Church in late 2012 until he returned to Toronto early this year to more easily access medical treatment. Daniel was well loved in the parishes in which he worked because he was unfailingly friendly and cheerful. Throughout his illness he impressed everyone with his peaceful acceptance of whatever was happening to him. This obviously demonstrated his deep faith in a loving God.

He is survived by his mother Ying, his siblings Goretti, Sr. Maddalena F.M.A., Vincent, Christopher and nieces and nephews.

Visitation will be held in the Chapel of the Cardinal Flahiff Basilian Centre, 95 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, on Friday, December 26th from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 6:30 p.m. until a Wake Service at 7:30 p.m. Visitation will also be held on Saturday, December 27th from 9 a.m., followed by the Mass of Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Basil’s Church, 50 St. Joseph Street, Toronto. Burial will be at the Basilian plot at Holy Cross Cemetery, Thornhill, ON. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the Basilian Fathers Retirement Fund, 95 St. Joseph Street, Toronto, ON, M5S 3C2. Rosar-Morrison Funeral Home & Chapel

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB

CEO of Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation

Photo taken by Rodney Leung

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