BLOG: Salt and Light Media
Find out how and when to watch this highly anticipated new documentary from Salt + Light TV. “This is not a film about Francis changing the Church. It is a film about the Church changing the world."- more
What is the key to finding the living water of salvation? Find out in this thought-provoking homily from Deacon Robing Cheung for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. more
Watch this video with Deacon Pedro, who speaks with Catholic school chaplains about their work, their hopes, and their advice for younger chaplains. more
Deacon Robin Cheung encourages us to reflect: Who am I? What is my relationship with God and with others, especially with family members? more
Pius XII expert Robert Ventresca speaks to S+L in this exclusive interview on what he hopes to find in archives which will soon be open to the public. more
One day a couple with a strong biblical background were chatting about who should brew the coffee in the morning. more
On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Basilica of Santa Sabina in Rome,  thus marking the beginning of Lent. Below is the Full Text of his Homily: more
Once upon a time, a fox fell in love with a dog. They promised to love, protect, and die for one another. One day, unfortunately, they both were caught by a hunter. more
Join Salt+Light in praying with the Holy Father for his March 2019 Prayer Intentions: Recognition of the Right of Christian Communities. more
One day, a very smart professor was flying to Paris. Sitting next to him was a young, beautiful blonde. Since it was a long flight, they started chatting more