Knights called to bring a new hope to the world
Matthew Harrison
August 3, 2011
“So that the world may know new hope”: That’s the theme of the Knights of Columbus 129th Supreme Convention from Denver, Colorado. The theme is taken from a prayer by Blessed John Paul II at the conclusion of his document Ecclesia in America following the 1997 Synod of Bishops for America. [singlepic id=71 w=320 float=right]It’s ...
129th Knights of Columbus Convention – Opening Statements & Papal Message
Salt + Light Media
August 2, 2011
Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight: [singlepic id=66 w=320 h=240 float=right] I am delighted to welcome all our guests, particularly those now joining us from around the world by watching these proceedings live on EWTN, Salt + Light Television and CatholicTV. We also welcome those listening on EWTN radio. As Supreme Knight, it is my privilege to declare ...
129th Knights of Columbus Convention – Opening Mass Homily by Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
Salt + Light Media
August 2, 2011
Below[singlepic id=70 w=320 h=240 float=right]is the text of Archbishop Charles Chaput’s homily from the opening mass for the 129th Knights of Columbus Convention in Denver, Colorado, celebrated today. Having led the Archdiocese of Denver since 1997, Archbishop Chaput is the newly appointed Archbishop-elect of Philadelphia. Click here for more information about the convention, or here ...
CNS: Papal appeal to the hungry and poor
Salt + Light Media
August 2, 2011
Today on CNS we look at Pope Benedict’s call to help those who are hungry, especially the people suffering in the Horn of Africa. Catholic News Service Rome Correspondent Carol Glatz covers all this in today’s Vatican report. ...
When numbers speak
Daniel Torchia
August 1, 2011
The numbers coming out of the 129th Knights of Columbus Annual Supreme Convention speak volumes: $154,000,000 in total donations and more than 70,000,000 hours of volunteer service – all in one year alone. The numbers reveal a generous group of persons who care for others; an organization that gives tirelessly and selflessly; a faith community ...
A Personal Gift From the Pope
Deacon Pedro
July 31, 2011
by Robert Lalonde, ACN Canada Montreal, Thursday, July 28, 2011 – The 700,000 copies of the new Youth Catechism – YOUCAT – represents one of the biggest print orders in the world today. This book of 300 pages will be distributed to 700,000 participants at the World Youth Days (WYD) which will be taking place ...
July 30, 2011
Salt + Light Media
July 30, 2011
[singlepic id=99 w=150 h=152 float=right] This week’s SLRadio: The Summer Edition brings us a re-broadcast of two conversations on Chastity: Author Carmen Marcoux comments on the Canadian Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Chastity and Archbishop Michael Miller of Vancouver explains why such a letter is necessary. We also listen to interviews with and music from Carey ...
On the event not approved by WYD Madrid
Deacon Pedro
July 28, 2011
The business of being Church is not an easy one. I discovered this while working for the WYD2002 office. I have said on numerous occasions that this amazing experience was a great blessing for me and for my family. One of the blessings is that I got to see the best of the Church. At ...
Canadian bishops unite in prayer with Norway
Kris Dmytrenko
July 25, 2011
On Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI responded to the terror attacks in Norway that killed 76. In his message after praying the Angelus, he reiterated his “heartfelt appeal to abandon forever the ways of violence and to shun the logic of evil”. Bishop Pierre Morissette, president of the Canadian episcopal conference, released the following statement today, ...
Remembering his mercy
Chris Adamczyk
July 25, 2011
Since I have started to take my Catholic faith seriously, there are two things that stand out the strongest in my spiritual journey: the experience of sin and the experience of mercy. Something that has always perplexed me about the lives of the Saints is that they were always convinced of their own misery and ...