A big day for the Church in Québec
Jenna Murphy
July 12, 2011
Yesterday, the Holy See released the news of three new episcopal appointments for the Church in Québec. Bishop André Gazaille has been named bishop of Nicolet, Québec. The population of Nicolet is nearly 210 000, over 95% of whom are Roman Catholic. Bishop Gazaille was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Montreal in 1971. ...
WYD: Social networking site offers pilgrimage experience for those at home
Alicia Ambrosio
July 12, 2011
Does your schedule this August have you in class? Or working and unable to get time off to go anywhere? Many would-be World Youth Day pilgrims have this problem. [singlepic id=43 w=320 float=right]The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has tried to solve this problem with their website virtualworldyouthday.org. In the approximately 34 days left ...
Planting the Seed of Life – Part 4
Deacon Pedro
July 11, 2011
I’ve been telling you about a conversation I had with a friend. The “ProLife” conversation is probably one of the most important ones that we should be able to have. But, most of us do not have the facts or the confidence to do so. So, here’s part 4 of that conversation. But first, you ...
July 9, 2011
Salt + Light Media
July 9, 2011
[singlepic id=121 w=150 h=152 float=right] The Summer edition of S+L Radio brings you some of our best commentary, interviews, artists and songs from the year. This week we hear from Vatican commentator John Allen and Dawn Stefanowicz tells us what it was like to grow up with a homosexual father. We also listen to music ...
The New York Times and Salt + Light
Christopher Ketelaars
July 8, 2011
Yesterday I was given the opportunity to attend a media screening of the Andrew Rossi documentary, Page One: A Year Inside the New York Times. We often receive passes to screenings for films, and usually only a small percentage share a common interest or “Catholic” angle to reflect on. Page One, though having no Catholic ...
Praying the Rosary one video at a time
Alicia Ambrosio
July 7, 2011
As we close in on the one month mark here in Madrid things are getting busier, crazier, and more intense. [singlepic id=42 w=220 float=right]The only thing that will keep us in working order (aside from proper sleep and nutrition) is prayer. The team at Holy Cross Family Ministries foresaw this event and back in May ...
CNS: On Arts and Artifacts
Matthew Harrison
July 5, 2011
Taking a look at the Vatican’s not-so-Secret Archives, bracing for reaction from China, and sixty artists for sixty years of ordination. Catholic News Service Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis covers all this in today’s Vatican report. ...
Leshan’s Episcopal ordination damages Church unity says Holy See
Matthew Harrison
July 4, 2011
An act that sows division and produces rifts and tensions. [singlepic id=39 w=320 float=right]That’s how a statement from the Holy See describes last Wednesday’s Episcopal ordination in the Diocese of Leshan, China. There was no Papal mandate for the ordination of Fr. Paul Lei Shiyin, and hence the Holy See does not recognize him as ...
Planting the Seed of Life – Part 3
Deacon Pedro
July 4, 2011
Last time, and the time before, I was telling you about a conversation I had with a friend. The “Pro Life” conversation is probably one of the most important ones that we should be able to have. But, most of us do not have the facts or the confidence to do so. So, here’s part ...
July 2, 2011
Salt + Light Media
July 2, 2011
[singlepic id=70 w=150 h=152 float=right] Summer is here and that means the summer edition of S+L Radio when we take a break from our regular programming and instead bring you some of our best commentary, interviews, artists and songs from the year. This week’s Summer Edition of S+L Radio brings you a rebroadcast of a ...