July 23, 2011
Salt + Light Media
July 23, 2011
[singlepic id=4 w=150 h=152 float=right] This week on the Summer Edition of SLRadio, Sr. Marie-Paul Curley of the Daughters of St. Paul talks to us about Catholic Apps and Paul Badde tells us about the cloth of Manoppello, believed to be the cloth with the face of Christ. We also listen to music from Fr. ...
How to have a ‘revivifying’ vacation: The Pope’s advice
Kris Dmytrenko
July 20, 2011
The so-called staycation is becoming a popular option for many. It’s considerably more affordable to spend a week off in your own home, enjoying cultural activities you’ve never made time for or completing long-neglected household tasks. And doesn’t a morning spent reading the newspaper at the neighbourhood café sound more relaxing than preparing for travel? ...
A few thoughts on World Youth Day
Jose Olmedo
July 19, 2011
World Youth Day 2011 is coming up soon! In August, an enormous group of people is going to travel to the beautiful city of Madrid.  Among the pilgrims we will see young people, priests, religious, pastoral ministers and, of course, Pope Benedict XVI. [singlepic id=51 w=320 h=240 float=right] Though I will not be going to ...
Let us begin!
Matthew Harrison
July 19, 2011
“Let us begin!” The phrase is a fitting conclusion to the press conference introducing Archbishop Charles Chaput as the new leader of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Catholic News Service’s John Thavis offers the details on today’s significant appointment. You can also view Salt + Light CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica’s Witness interview with the Archbishop here. ...
Pope deplores treatment of Church in China, notes Vatican statement on illicit ordination
Matthew Harrison
July 18, 2011
Pope Benedict deplores the manner in which the Catholic Church in China is being treated by Chinese officials. [singlepic id=50 w=320 float=right]That from a Vatican statement regarding last Thursday’s illicit Episcopal ordination of Fr. Joseph Huang Bingzhang (we first wrote about the ordination last week). The ordination was conducted through the government-sanctioned Chinese Catholic Patriotic ...
CNS: Diplomacy and Drought
Matthew Harrison
July 18, 2011
The Vatican has established diplomatic ties with a predominantly Muslim nation, and the Pope appeals for humanitarian aid to Somalia. Catholic News Service Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis reports. ...
July 16, 2011
Salt + Light Media
July 16, 2011
[singlepic id=89 w=150 h=152 float=right] This week on the Summer Edition of SLRadio, Michael Carrera teaches us how to do the Catholic Workout and we speak with 40 Days for Life founder, David Bereit. Our featured artists are In Ipsa of the Community of Marie-Jeunesse and Bob Halligan Jr. of Ceili Rain. ...
CNS Vatican Report: Back in Black
Matthew Harrison
July 15, 2011
After being in the red for the last few years, Vatican finances are back in the black — but a decrease in donations by the faithful means a mixed financial picture for the Vatican. Catholic News Service Rome Bureau Chief John Thavis and Rome correspondent Cindy Wooden report investments and tourism can play a role ...
From Darkness to Light: The life and work of Caravaggio
Jenna Murphy
July 15, 2011
He took the art scene by storm and it’s never quite been the same since. Michaelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio’s art, like his character, resists comparison. Last month, I had the opportunity to witness twelve pieces Caravaggio left behind. From June 17th to September 11th, the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa is hosting 58 works ...
Illicit Ordination in China a cause for sorrow and concern for Vatican; Fides launches blog Being Catholic in China
Matthew Harrison
July 14, 2011
China has a new Bishop. [singlepic id=45 w=320 float=right]But it’s not cause for celebration in Rome. The ordination is unapproved by the Holy See. And Vatican Press Office director Fr. Federico Lombardi says if there is no Papal mandate, then the ordination is contrary “to the unity of the Universal Church” and a cause for ...