Brother André: An Ordinary, but Great Love
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
August 23, 2010
Fr. Andrew Gawrych greeted me with a smile, one humid summer’s day in July at Notre Dame University in Indiana.  He had just arrived to take up his new position as Associate Vocations Director for the Indiana Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross — a big job for a newly ordained young American priest!  ...
August 21, 2010
Salt + Light Media
August 21, 2010
[singlepic id=79 w=150 h=178 float=right] This week our featured artist is Mark Mallett. We revisit several conversations we’ve had with him in the past, including the feature on his webcast Embracing.Hope.TV and his reflections on John Paul II, with his “Song for Karol”. ...
St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Doctor of the Church, pray for us
Jenna Murphy
August 20, 2010
Are you a beekeeper? A climber? A candlestick maker? Do you like Dijon mustard? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you may be interested to know that today the Church celebrates St. Bernard of Clairvaux . Among other things (as you saw), St. Bernard is renowned for his deep devotion to the ...
God’s will is nothing but Love: Cardinal Ouellet’s farewell homily
Kris Dmytrenko
August 20, 2010
Canada is saying goodbye to its Primate. Fittingly, Cardinal Marc Ouellet does so across the country with an interview on the CBC’s The National. (Note: the interview was recorded Thursday and was advertised to air tonight, but it has been rescheduled for Sunday.) He departs for the Vatican on Tuesday to take up his new ...
Pope in UK: A Tolkien-Newman Connection
Matthew Harrison
August 19, 2010
It looks like there will be a touch of Tolkien when Pope Benedict XVI visits Birmingham, England next month. No, we’re confident the Holy Father will not be quoting portions of Lord of the Rings in any homilies or addresses. However, the legendary author’s great nephew, Tim Tolkien, will be sculpting a life-size statue of ...
Pope in UK: Vatican releases itinerary for September trip
Alicia Ambrosio
August 18, 2010
In less than a month Pope Benedict XVI will be landing in Great Britain. Today the Vatican released the official schedule for the trip. It won’t be the first Papal Visit to the UK; Pope John Paul II visited the UK in 1982, but his visit was strictly pastoral. Pope Benedict’s visit will be pastoral, ...
Pope in UK: A few thousand Masses and Rosary Decades for the Holy Father
Matthew Harrison
August 17, 2010
Thirty one thousand decades of the Rosary and one hundred and thirty days of Eucharistic adoration. That’s the amount of prayer that benefactors of the charity Aid to the Church in Need have pledged to Pope Benedict XVI. For those of you keeping count, that prayer total works out to more than six months of ...
Pope marks Solemnity of Assumption with reflection on Mary’s faith, the Visitation, and the reality of Heaven
Matthew Harrison
August 16, 2010
Castel Gandolfo was busy yesterday as Pope Benedict XVI marked the solemnity of the Assumption. First there was the celebration of Mass at the Church of St. Thomas, located just across from the summer Papal residence.  Later in the day, the Holy Father welcomed the faithful to Castel Gandolfo for his Angelus address. Of course, ...
Cardinal Ouellet says goodbye to Quebec faithful
Matthew Harrison
August 16, 2010
Cardinal Marc Ouellet has asked the faithful to pray that the Lord may give him “wisdom and discernment” as he heads to Rome. That’s where, as of August 24th, he’ll take up his new role as the prefect of the Congregation for Bishops. He asked for the prayers yesterday at the St. Anne de Beaupre ...
Bomb Scare at Lourdes Sees 30,000 Evacuated
Alessia Domanico
August 16, 2010
It’s a feast of the Assumption not soon to be forgotten. A cruel prank was pulled on over 30,000 pilgrims gathered yesterday in Lourdes, located in southwest France. Police received an anonymous phone call about a bomb threat to the Shrine. The call came in as thousands of worshippers, priests and nuns were congregating for ...