Military chaplains in harm’s way
Kris Dmytrenko
September 7, 2010
In a previous Catholic Focus, we looked at the little-known ministry of Canada’s military chaplains. While I learned much from preparing that program, particularly from Bishop Donald Thériault, the head of the Catholic military ordinariate, I don’t think I properly understood the dangers chaplains faced. That awareness came with the news that U.S. Army chaplain ...
Pope in UK: Audio reports provide updates on “historic” visit
Matthew Harrison
September 7, 2010
Just over a week from now Pope Benedict will flying from Rome to Scotland to begin his Apostolic Journey to the United Kingdom. Organizers have been posting weekly audio updates on the official Papal Visit website.  The updates are short, and the page also has a transcription of the audio. It provides some nice background ...
Finding God in our work
Matthew Harrison
September 6, 2010
As it has been for well over 120 years in Canada, this first Monday in September is Labour Day. I suspect we won’t spend a lot of time reflecting on work. We’ll be busy flipping burgers, or soaking up the last day of vacation before returning to school or the regular routine of the workplace. ...
September 4, 2010
Salt + Light Media
September 4, 2010
[singlepic id=58 w=150 h=108 float=right] We conclude this year’s Summer Edition of S+L Radio, with a special program recorded live from the Unity Awards and Conference, which took place in Calgary. Join me as I speak to many of our Canadian nominees (and former S+L Radio guests), David Wang, Chris Bray, David MacDonald and Lorraine ...
The Return of Perspectives Weekly: Where does peace begin?
Jenna Murphy
September 3, 2010
After a long summer of brainstorming and “re-creating”, Perspectives Weekly is back in business! We are excited to showcase the fruits of our discussions and, thanks to your feedback, we have lots of fuel to keep the Perspectives fires burning well into the winter. The suggestions we have received cover a variety of topics; some ...
Pope in UK: Full S+L Coverage September 16-19
Matthew Harrison
September 3, 2010
Cor ad cor loquitur — heart speaks to heart. That’s the motto Cardinal John Henry Newman chose for his coat of arms when he was given the red hat. Some 130 years later, it’s the theme of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Journey to the United Kingdom – a visit that will be highlighted by the ...
CNS Vatican Report: For All the Saints
Matthew Harrison
September 3, 2010
On a number of occasions this summer Pope Benedict XVI has invited the faithful to get to know the saints. In this week’s Catholic News Service Vatican Report, Carol Glatz and Cindy Wooden discuss the Pontiff’s promotion of the holy men and women who have come before us. To download Flash Player please click here ...
Brother André: Thank you, Br. André!
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
September 2, 2010
Welcome to the third of a series of blogs on the legacy of Brother André! As I mentioned in previous blogs celebrating Br. André Bessette’s canonization, a Salt + Light crew traveled to the United States in July for the documentary on Br. André.  Our last stop was… Manchester, New Hampshire!  We wanted to stop ...
Friendship = Peace
Deacon Pedro
September 2, 2010
A couple of weeks ago I went back to camp. I was reminded of my first job in Canada: I was a counsellor at Camp Wahanowin in Orillia. Camp Wahanowin is a Jewish camp and before every meal we used to say the blessing of the bread: Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, ha-motzi lechem ...
Caritas offers update on flood devastated Pakistan
Matthew Harrison
September 2, 2010
Every day I usually take a moment to take a look at the photos on the Catholic News Service newswire. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve come across heartbreaking photo after heartbreaking photo coming out of Pakistan, where flooding has devastated the region. At least four millions people have been left homeless — that’s ...