September 12, 2009
Salt + Light Media
September 12, 2009
Are you fed up of what’s in the movie theatres or are you a hardcore film buff? Do you ever wonder how God speaks to us through secular film? This week on S+L Radio we speak to Sr. Marie-Paul Curley, who just returned from the Montreal World Film Festival and will be at the Toronto ...
S+L Radio this week!
Deacon Pedro
September 12, 2009
Salt + Light Radio returns for a second season after a bit of a change of pace with the Summer Edition. Kris Dmytrenko returns as our news producer, keeping us up to date with everything that’s of interest to Catholic Canadians – this week he will focus primarily on the reactions to the Kennedy Funeral. ...
Address from daughter of St. Gianna Molla at maternity home dedication
Matthew Harrison
September 11, 2009
Obtenir le lecteur Flash pour voir cette vidéo. On Thursday, Salt + Light was visited by the daughter and son-in-law of a saint. Laura Molla and Giuseppe Pannuti were visiting from Milan for the dedication of a new St. Gianna Maternity Home located in Brampton, Ontario. On Friday they traveled to Washington, D.C. for a ...
The John Paul II Generation
Alicia Ambrosio
September 11, 2009
Where were you when John Paul II landed on Canadian soil? That’s the question that’s been bouncing around the Salt+Light offices for the last few weeks. My French speaking colleague Sebastien Lacroix and myself have both been working on a one hour special to commemorate the 25th anniversary of John Paul II’s first papal voyage ...
John Paul II and Canada
Alicia Ambrosio
September 10, 2009
Twenty five years ago this week Pope John Paul II became the first pontiff to set foot on Canadian soil. In 12 days he criss-crossed the country drawing enormous crowds wherever he went. From east to west he called Canadians to follow Christ, and by his own example made sure that Canadians met Christ through ...
A young woman rethinks abortion
Kris Dmytrenko
September 10, 2009
On Tuesday morning, a group of young adults from the Toronto area asked to meet with Fr. Thomas Rosica regarding the aftermath of Senator Kennedy’s Funeral. Several of the young people were Catholic, others were friends from various confessions and some had no religious convictions. They have been viewers of Salt + Light Television for ...
An Engaging Engaged Encounter
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
September 10, 2009
I work in the unpredictable world of media and so does my fiancé. As we prepare for marriage, we find it a great blessing to have an opportunity to go away and have a whole weekend of peace and quiet in order to fulfill the archdiocesan requirements for marriage preparation. We heard about the Queen ...
A Greek Orthodox wedding
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
September 8, 2009
Last month, I attended my first wedding in a Greek Orthodox Church. My friend Teresa, a devout Roman Catholic, married Sean, a devout Greek Orthodox. I didn’t know what to expect from the ceremony aside from being surrounded by the distinctive architecture. It was certainly a sacred experience – simple and symbolic of the covenant ...
Bishop: ‘Apparent rejection of mercy’ in Kennedy funeral response
Kris Dmytrenko
September 8, 2009
Bishop Robert Morlino has defended the public funeral of the late Senator Edward Kennedy as “more than appropriate”. As one of the first prelates to comment on the televised funeral mass and burial, the Madison, NY bishop described the rites as being intentionally “subdued” because of Kennedy’s “long-standing and public holding of pro-abortion and other ...
Bridging the religious divide to safeguard life
Kris Dmytrenko
September 7, 2009
In response to Fr. Thomas Rosica’s post “Senator Edward Kennedy’s funeral: On mercy and misery”, some readers have asked what S+L (and Fr. Rosica, specifically) have contributed to the pro-life cause. I regret that they missed our 2009 March for Life coverage and our acclaimed documentary on St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Love is a Choice. ...