Our ‘Precious’ Adventure in Toronto
Mary Rose Bacani Valenti
September 29, 2009
[The following blog comes from my friends at the Precious Blood community, whom I have written about many times. They took a day to visit us in August and share their experience with us.] As a contemplative Community, we Sisters of the Precious Blood fulfill our main mission in the Church – our ministry of ...
Pope in the Czech Republic: Holy Mass on Feast Day of National Patron Closes Apostolic Journey
Matthew Harrison
September 28, 2009
Pope Benedict’s three day Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic concluded today with an open air Mass commemorating the feast of St. Wenceslaus, the national hero and country’s patron saint. The Holy Father spoke of Wenceslaus as an example of holiness, particularly for leaders. But “is holiness still relevant?” he asked. What is the value ...
Pope in the Czech Republic: Visit a Success says Vatican & Highlights of the Academic Address
Alicia Ambrosio
September 28, 2009
Only half way through the three day visit to the Czech Republic Pope Benedict XVI was happy with the way the visit unfolded. In a press breifing the Vatican’s media spokesperson said the Holy Father was happy with way his visit had been recieved. He was especially happy that Czech President Vaclav Klaus attended all ...
Pope in the Czech Republic: Reflecting on the Holy Father’s Visit to the Infant King
Matthew Harrison
September 28, 2009
One of the highlights for me covering the Holy Father’s Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic was his visit to the Our Lady of Victory Church, and veneration of the statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague. The Infant has a special place not only in my life, but in the life of my family. ...
Pope in the Czech Republic: Mass at Brno Highlights Day Two
Matthew Harrison
September 27, 2009
The second day of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Voyage to the Czech Republic was highlighted by an open air Mass in Brno, the largest city in the Moravia region of the Czech Republic. The Holy Father traveled from Prague via plane — a short trip, some 200kms — to celebrate Mass that was held at ...
September 26, 2009
Salt + Light Media
September 26, 2009
Do you ever read the bible? Or do you think that going to Mass once a week is enough scripture for you? Today on S+L Radio we talk to Catherine Upchurch and Sr. Susan McCarthy about the Little Rock Scripture Study Program and we speak to Joe Zambon about his new album THERE AND HERE. ...
Pope in the Czech Republic: Day One Draws to a Close
Matthew Harrison
September 26, 2009
Day one of Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Voyage to the Czech Republic has come to an end. The day began at Stará Ruzyn, the largest airport in the Czech Republic, 10kms outside of Prague’s city centre. The Holy Father was greeted by Czech President Václav Klaus and his wife Livia, Cardinal Miloslav Vlk, as well ...
Winning hearts and minds for the pro-life movement
Kris Dmytrenko
September 25, 2009
The movement to enshrine legal protection of the unborn “naturally belongs” on the social-democratic left, writes John Bentley Mays in the latest edition of The Catholic Register. The Toronto-based author and journalist is troubled by the “hijacking” of the anti-abortion effort by the political right, who he claims are “losing the battle for hearts and minds in the public forum.” Mays, who ...
The Pope begins three-day visit to the Czech Republic on Saturday
Matthew Harrison
September 25, 2009
What are we to expect from Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Voyage to the Czech Republic that begins on Saturday? One theme of discussion that has come up in the last few weeks is secularization. Just over 31% of the Czech population identify themselves as Catholic, according to statistics released by the Vatican this week. The ...
CCCB President issues new warning against euthanasia legislation
Kris Dmytrenko
September 24, 2009
The head of Canada’s episcopal conference is urging Parliament to reject the latest attempt to legalize euthanasia. With the House of Commons expected to s00n debate private member’s bill C-384, Archbishop V. James Weisgerber wrote the country’s MP’s to address popular confusion surrounding end of life issues. Referring to euthanasia’s proponents, the Winnipeg prelate declared ...