The S+L team unveils the new season
Kris Dmytrenko
September 24, 2009
Obtenir le lecteur Flash pour voir cette vidéo. Salt + Light Television has prepared a new lineup of enlightening programming for Fall 2009 and beyond. As host, I will be joined by all of S+L’s on-air personalities as they reveal the new series, documentaries and specials that you’ll soon see on Your Catholic Channel of Hope. ...
Letter from the Bishops of Quebec regarding the Ethics and Religious Culture program
Therese Nichols
September 23, 2009
As reported on the Wednesday September 23rd edition of Zoom, while meeting in their annual plenary assembly, the Bishops of Quebec held a press conference to release a letter regarding the Ethics and Religious Culture program. Here is the letter: A letter to the Minister of Education on the Ethics and Religious Culture Program The ...
Thriving in solitude
Kris Dmytrenko
September 23, 2009
If I have an idol in my life, it’s likely my vacation time. Every year I carefully consider my options before committing to a time or place—no city-dwelling staycations for me. My friends can attest to my countless hours spent pouring over websites in search of a somewhat paradoxical destination: it must be prayerful, yet ...
Angelus: Contrasting true and false wisdom
Kris Dmytrenko
September 21, 2009
We could face today’s problems “more serenely and effectively”, said Pope Benedict XVI, if we reject “lies and violence in intentions, words and actions” and cultivate “sentiments of respect, understanding and esteem for others”. On Sunday, the Holy Father delivered an exhortation for peace prior to the recitation of the Angelus. Included below is ZENIT’s ...
September 19, 2009
Salt + Light Media
September 19, 2009
Many people think that abortion should be illegal except in cases of incest or rape – but have you ever met anyone who’s been conceived by rape? We have, and her name is Rebecca Kiessling and she doesn’t think she deserved to die just because her father is a rapist. Rebecca Kiessling joins us this ...
CCN: Bishops poised to become more effective in the public square
Salt + Light Media
September 18, 2009
The following article comes from Deborah Gyapong of Canadian Catholic News: Bishops poised to become more effective in the public square By Deborah Gyapong Canadian Catholic News September 17, 2009 OTTAWA (CCN)— The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) is poised to become more effective in the public square. Two former Members of Parliament—a Liberal ...
Pope Benedict looks to the East in this week’s General Audience
Matthew Harrison
September 17, 2009
Pope Benedict XVI’s Wednesday General Audience looked at the Eastern monk Symeon the New Theologian. One point I found interesting, particularly in this Year of the Priest, was the Holy Father’s comments on spiritual direction. Symeon had a spiritual father who helped him greatly as a young man, and our Pontiff invited the faithful to ...
Lectio Divina returns for Season Three: The Parables of Jesus
Matthew Harrison
September 16, 2009
In the past two seasons of Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins, Toronto’s chief shepherd has meditated on the Sermon on the Mount and the writings of St. Paul. The third season premiers this weekend, with the Archbishop reflecting on the Parables of Jesus. The Sower, the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan are among ...
Five Beatifications This Fall
Matthew Harrison
September 15, 2009
A woman religious from Israel will be among five new beatifications occurring this fall. The announcement of the five new blesseds came last week from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff. The four other Blesseds include a Spanish Cardinal, a Hungarian Martyr, an Italian diocesan priest and a German religious. Here are ...
NCR’s John Allen Jr.: Incivility Hurts the Pro-Life Cause
Salt + Light Media
September 14, 2009
John Allen Jr.’s recent National Catholic Reporter column discusses reaction to Father Thomas Rosica’s comments on the Kennedy Funeral. Incivility hurts the pro-life cause by John L Allen Jr Sep. 11, 2009 One bit of gallows humor in Catholic circles is that sometimes the worst enemies of the pro-life movement are pro-lifers themselves. The point ...