SLHour: Rediscovering the Art of Dying

Salt + Light Media

December 8, 2018
What does it mean to die with dignity? This week Doctor and Sister Nuala Kenny, SC, tells us how to rediscover the art of dying. Emilie brings us the weekly news; Billy has another question on Church for Dummies; Mark Matthews tells us what’s good in Hollywood; and we meet singer/songwriter Steve Bell.
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Full program:
This program is available thanks to the support of our generous donors. Thank you for your donation to keep the SLHour on the air.
More Information:
From Emilie:
Learn more about the pope's catechesis on the Lord's Prayer from Rome Reports.
From Deacon Pedro:
Watch Sr. Nuala Kenny, SC, in a Witness with Fr. Thomas Rosica from January 2017.
From Mark Matthews:
Watch his recent interview with Family Theater Productions. (No standup comedy here!)