


【鹽與光傳媒資訊】香港時間,2023年11月4日(星期六)時間下午3時,天主教香港教區於聖母無原罪主教座堂舉行 「周守仁主教履任樞機求恩彌撒」,由周樞機主禮,榮休主教湯漢樞機、榮休主教陳日君樞機、夏志誠輔理主教、104位司鐸共祭及20位執事襄禮。當天有大約一千名教友及來賓到場參與,當中包括其他基督宗教團體的兄弟姐妹。





若 8:1-11

當上樞機後,我便有一所領銜聖堂, 這代表我是羅馬教區的神職人員,因為樞機是羅馬主教,即教宗的顧問和助手。大家都可能已知道我的領銜聖堂就是聖洗者若瀚 ·喇沙 。我知道後心中也發出會心的微笑。現在一位耶穌會士成為聖喇沙聖堂的領銜主教。


耶穌同樣看穿那些經師和法利塞人的心思,要借他的口來殺人, 來為難他。主耶穌對那位罪婦顯得更有同理心,他要保護她,也要還她身為小眾應有的尊嚴。你們當中誰沒有罪,比她神聖的,就向她投石吧!




+ 周守仁

1 Cor 9:19-23

My sisters and brothers, and friends, some asked me curiously what Pope Francis whispered in my ear after he had put on the cardinal ring and biretta for me. Well, it was not any juicy gossip but about the mission with China.

Hong Kong has long played a significant bridging role of connecting the East and the West. The Catholic Church in Hong Kong was also entrusted with the role of a bridging Church since Pope John Paul II, especially in connecting the Church in Mainland China with the universal Church. For us Christians, connection is understood in the light of communion, based on the Holy Trinity and the Eucharist. We share one Love, one Life, and one Body.

Hence, our lives and fates are intimately connected, both spiritually and existentially through communion as Christians. “Communion” is one of the three themes, besides mission and participation, of the Synod on synodality. We are encouraged to put ourselves in the shoes of the others in order to understand and feel for them. In other words, we become like the others so that we can walk with them for a lifegiving and blessed future.

“To those outside the law I became like one outside the law… to win over those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.”

Being a bridging church does not mean we only focus on areas outside of Hong Kong. In fact, there are many individuals and groups in Hong Kong who are painfully disconnected with others and their society. I dare say that we, too, would love to be better connected and to become fully whole. Therefore, if all of us can just take a few steps reaching out to those who are disconnected with us, either in the physical or digital worlds, we too can be healed.

During the First Session of the Synod of Bishops which has just concluded, we learned how to connect with participants whose views, on some critical matters, were clearly different from those of ours. There were divergences, which we honored. But divergences did not stop us from identifying convergences where we could meet. And through these convergences we were able to have hope and strength to anticipate our next session in October 2024.

All in all, we learn to walk with one another for a better future, not just for the Church, but more importantly, for our humanity and common home.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

+ Stephen Chow, S.J.


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