




















2024 Easter Message 

Risen Lord, teach us to pray

Dear brethren,


Christ’s resurrection makes our faith real (cf 1 Cor 15:14). Whenever we profess this faith anew, we participate in His death and resurrection, through the reception of the Sacraments (cf Rom 6:5-8; Jn 6:54). But it is never enough just to believe and profess this faith; it is necessary to establish a relationship with God, through the means of prayers.

In preparation for the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has designated this year as the “Year of Prayer”, and through the Discastery for Evangelization, has published a guidebook to encourage the faithful to live out their lives of prayer faithfully. The Year of Prayer is an invitation to grow in our relationship with God, and an opportunity to reflect on the UN quality of our faith.

In our every day’s life, we may face different situations, either good or bad, or even in our busiest schedule, we must make time for prayer. “To pray is the way to let God act within us, to understand what he wants to communicate to us even in the most difficult situations, to pray to have the strength to go forward.” (Pope Francis, Angelus, 9 January 2023)

“Lord, teach us to pray!” (Luke 11:1) This request and pledge of the disciples certainly reflects an awareness of their inadequacy, and of the need for even practical guidance on how to pray. Prayer is not just a devotional habit, but a spiritual  “breath of life”, where “breathing” is the most basic human need (cf Pope Francis, Wednesday Audience, 9 June 2021). Every time we pray, it is an opportunity for a deeper communion with God, as well as an opportunity to listen to God’s words towards us.

Prayer is the way to get in touch with our deepest truth, where God’s own light is present; and this light will extend into our lives, so that we can live out the Presence of God. Prayer is like a compass that guides (cf Handbook for the Year of Prayer, “Teach us to pray”), and an anchor that prevents us from being strayed by the winds and waves.

Regular and constant prayer nourishes our daily lives, and helps us to live out the Presence of God at all times. Prayer requires perseverance, since when a soul loves and is persistent in prayer, the heart can be transformed and converted, and hence transforming others: our community, our society, and even the whole world.

In response to Pope Francis, I invite all members in the Diocese to promote the centrality of individual and community prayer, in order to prepare for the Jubilee Year. The first step is to revisit the teaching of Pope Francis on the theme of “Prayer” from his Wednesday Audiences in the past few years, and to enter the school of prayer through meditation.

PRAYER IN THE PARISH COMMUNITY. At the level of the parish community, we should be mindful of every detail of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, because “taking part in the Eucharistic sacrifice..is the fount and apex of the whole Christian life” (Lumen Gentium, 11); we may organize different prayer meetings such as the Liturgy of the Hours, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation etc, allowing every member within the parish to understand and  participate in the public prayer life of the Church.

PRAYER IN THE FAMILY. The family is a school of prayer, and is the first place to nurture children’s life of prayer; only through the pastoral care for families can we enable them to be both domestic churches and a leaven of evangelization in society (cf Amoris Laetitia, 290). A family’s living space could turn into a domestic church, a setting for the Eucharist, the presence of Christ seated at its table…Here we see a home filled with the presence of God, common prayer and every blessing.” (AL 15)

YOUNG PEOPLE’S PRAYER. Young people are often confused and may encounter numerous ups and downs in their lives, it is more important to accompany them and discover with them that comfort originates from prayer. “Young men and women can meet one another, where they can share music, games, sports, but also reflection and prayer.” (Christus Vivit, 218)

RETREATS ON PRAYER. “[Jesus] went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.” (Mk 1:35) The Evangelist gives us an image of Jesus that points to two essential dimensions of Christian prayer: 1) removing oneself from the daily routine – necessary for seeking personal dialogue with the Father – and 2) a silent heart – indispensable for listening for God’s voice and hearing what He wants. In this perspective and in the context of the Year of Prayer, a spiritual retreat can provide an unparalleled opportunity for spiritual conversion and a renewal of heart (cf Handbook for the Year of Prayer, “Teach us to pray”).

CATECHESIS ON PRAYER. As a key step in the process of evangelization, of promoting growth and maturation in the faith, Catechesis has the task of educating for prayer and in prayer, developing the contemplative dimension of Christians. Through catechetical formation , the faithful can understand the deeper meaning of prayer and thus live out the spirit of prayer.

In this Year of Prayer, let us rediscover the centrality of prayer and cultivate a life of prayer and a soul of prayer, which will extend to our future lives and bring us closer to God. May we also rely on our heavenly Mother, and imitate her to maintain a sincere and humble heart to pray, in order to become Pilgrims of Hope towards the Jubilee Year.

+Bishop Stephen Lee Bun Sang

Catholic Diocese of Macau











兩位門徒決定動身返回那令人困擾和失望的耶路撒冷,與耶穌的信仰團體重新建立聯繫,對主復活的消息團體仍感到繚亂、難以置信、困惑而又喜樂。這消息好得令人難以置信。誰會相信這個完全不合邏輯、超乎預期的結局? !但這正是他們對主復活的經歷,原始的復活事件!














Easter Message 2024

The Stranger Who Brings Hope

“Then they said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?’ So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem” (Luke 24:32-33)

Running away

Unlike the colourful, bright, and hope-filled Easter decors we see today the actual happenings surrounding the first Easter were likely not so bright and hopeful. Instead, confusion, profound disappointment and hopelessness were readily identifiable in the original Easter narratives.

For example, the two disciples left Jerusalem for their hometown, Emmaus, with great disappointment in Jesus for failing to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21). Instead, he let himself be killed by the Romans. Since he proved to be a lost cause, they decided to leave his community. Why risk their welfare and lives for someone who had lost, and for a community so much identified with him?

Hearts ignited with a passion

The two disciples’ decision of leaving probably sounds sensible to those who do not know or embrace the Christian faith. But for us Christians, we know that it was not the end of their story. The risen Lord appeared to them on their way to their hometown without being recognised. Having walked with them, explained why their dear teacher was their expected Messiah, and reminded them of the last supper with him, they could feel their hearts were once again ignited with a passion for their Lord.

What they decided to do was to return to the troubling and disappointing Jerusalem, and re-connect with the faith community of Jesus, still dazzled with disbelief, joy, and confusion over the news of their risen Lord. That was too good to be true. Who would believe this outcome, which was totally illogical and beyond expectation?! But this was exactly the experience of the resurrection of their Lord, the first Easter!

Believing in the power of goodness

So, when we celebrate Easter, we do not celebrate a mundane Spring festival. For if the surprise was something that could be anticipated, it would not be a surprise at all. And God is telling us, as God did over 2000 years ago outside Jerusalem, that no evil power could stop God from raising life from death, hope from despair, and justice over injustice. What is needed is our faith in the triumph of good over evil in due course, following God’s omniscient plan.

Courage to return

Besides believing, our willingness to return to the troubling spots with the implanted hope in our hearts is equally significant. The same hope in the God of life and love who cannot be defeated by any worldly plots. God has raised Jesus from the dead, Alleluia! When we have this hope operating from our hearts, we may have the power to accompany those who are dejected or doubtful of goodness in their lives and their perceived world. The two disciples decided to return to Jerusalem to accompany their troubled community, knowing that they were facing definite threats at the same time.

The power of supporting each other with meagre resources

We probably are aware of the Chinese idiom “相濡以沫,” which is about two fish struggling in a drying-up puddle, while trying to keep each other alive and moistened by spitting on each other’s bodies. According to one source, it seemed that the heaven was moved, and rain started pouring down once again, saving the two fish from peril.

When we are faced with a world deeply hurt by self-righteous ideologies and wars with widened ripple effects, or a weakened local economy that is struggling to recover, or some dominant socio-political narratives that do not seem at all hope-yielding, we can still accompany each other with our meagre resources, so that all of us can stay alive while waiting for the rain and salvation to arrive. Never underestimate the power of sharing meagre resources with goodwill and hope.

After all, for those of us, seated in the same boat sailing over a challenging sea, we can have each other to count on, besides the God of life and love. And our faith tells us that God is always with us, blessing us through different people and means, particularly those we least expect. Maybe if we remain open to surprises, then we can stay hopeful. Otherwise, life and the future will be dull and boring if we only allow our envisaged possibilities to come into the picture.

Be the stranger who brings hope

When the disciples looked at the death of their teacher, their initial reactions were great disappointment and possibly anger while feeling cheated. However, when they opened their minds and listened to that seemingly stranger walking with them (Luke 24:15), their hearts warmed up with energy and hope, starting to replace disappointment and resentment that were disturbing them.

Can we be that ‘stranger’ to others, sharing our reasons to remain in hope and our meagre resources with them? How can we provide hope to those suffering under a weak economy or different forms of injustice and marginalisation through our accompaniment, collective efforts, and trust in the power of collaborative goodwill? I believe God will multiply whatever meagre provisions are provided out of goodwill so that more can be fed, like the miracle of feeding the multitude with only two fish and five loaves (Matthew 14:13-21).  

May we experience the power of hope at this difficult time through mutual accompaniment, sharing of physical and spiritual resources, and a collective conviction for peace and unconditional dialogue paving the way for eventual healing and recovery! A happy and hope-filled Easter to you all!            

+ Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J.


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