











When Bishop Wu assumed his episcopacy, his Cantonese heavily spiced with Hakka plus Mandarin ascents was a great amusement for some but also a contemptuous point for others. His gentlemanly and discrete manner was sometimes criticized for not being outspoken. Yet it was his prudent and wise leadership that had led the Catholic community to publicly express our concerns and hope for a better China. Still remember what took place in the racecourse at Happy Valley in 1989?

But the most endearing qualities of Cardinal Wu to many and to me were his open-mindedness and inclusive mindset. He encouraged new ideas and experimentation, which could not go without, especially when creativity was required for discerning developments. This mindset should still be needed for us today when we are developing synodality for the desirable future of our Church according to the vision of the Second Vatican Council.

Yet, he was ready to accept the emotional costs of his pastoral leadership, not shying away from unpopular but important decisions. Even though that would mean being misunderstood by his own and others, his faith was clearly in his Lord. Being able to serve his God was a true blessing to him, though his actions might appear to be losses to others at the time. Losing for his God was actually a win to him. Are we willing to lose for God?
Cardinal Wu, please pray with us for your Diocese, your Church, your Hong Kong and China in your eternal home, especially when different levels of healings and reconciliations are still needed in our faith community as well as Hong Kong, our beloved home city.






茲附上  天主教香港教區就陳日君樞機今天提堂一事的聲明。

香港天主教社會傳播處    謹啓

傳媒查詢 :  傅慧兒   陶國雄          (852) 3565 2045





Below please find The Statement of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong regarding

Cardinal Joseph Zen’s appearance in Court today.

Yours faithfully,

Hong Kong Catholic Social Communications Office

Media Inquiry :       Loura FOO    Paul TO          (852) 3565 2045


Pray for Cardinal Zen

Concerning Cardinal Joseph Zen, Bishop Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, appeared today (24th May) before West Kowloon Court to answer charges of failing to register a fund, the Cardinal pleaded not guilty. The Diocese will closely monitor the development of the incident.

Cardinal Zen is always in our prayers and we invite all to pray for the Church!












Bishop Ha and I have paid a visit to Cardinal Zen last Sunday (15/5) to show him our concern. Cardinal was in good spirit and he enjoyed his inner peace during our visit. He understood that we and many others have great concern and care for him.

Today (18/5) he sent me a letter expressing his gratitude to me. In the same letter, he asks me to inform his friends the following message:

“[You] saw me in deep peace during your visit. I hope everyone can go with the flow [take things as they come]! Did not the Risen Lord often said ‘Peace be with you’ to his apostles? Peace is grace and sharing peace with others is our duty. Bless you all!”

The Cardinal asks everybody that there is no need to show public support for his messages. Keep on praying should be sufficient.

Please feel free to share this with friends.









「上主是我的牧者,我實在一無所缺。」(詠 23:1)

 —–     完    —–

Response of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
to Cardinal Joseph Zen’s Incident

The Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong is extremely concerned about the condition and safety of Cardinal Joseph Zen and we are offering our special prayers for him.

We have always upheld the rule of law. We trust that in the future we will continue enjoying religious freedom in Hong Kong under the Basic Law.

We urge the Hong Kong Police and the judicial authorities to handle Cardinal Zen’s case in accordance with justice, taking into consideration our concrete human situation.

As Christians, it is our firm belief that: “The LORD is my shepherd; there is nothing I lack.” (Ps.23:1)

—– END —–


周守仁主教2022年復活節文告 :《在死亡的氛圍中慶祝生命》


2022 年復活節文告

「他看見就相信了。」(參若 20:8)耶穌鍾愛的門徒若望看到空墳,就相信他的主必定是從死亡中復活了。但其實這是有違常理的。人怎可能在空墳裡,甚麼也看不到的時候,卻看到新生命的可能性?他是被催眠了還是出現了幻覺?
















Bishop Stephen Chow Sau Yan
Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong
Easter Message 2022
Celebrating Life in the Midst of Death

“He saw and believed” (John 20:8). John, the Beloved Disciple, saw the empty tomb, and he believed his Lord had risen from his death. But this is counterintuitive. How could someone look into an empty burial space and imagine the possibility of a new life? Could he be under hypnosis or experiencing an illusion?

What is Easter, if not life rupturing death? We understand death as the end of everything related to life. So, if Life ‘is,’ Death ‘is not.’ One of the big fears we all have is that we will be NOTHING after this life. Have you ever tried staring into nothingness? How did you feel? Being someone with an acceptable identity is essential to how we live, so we dare not dream we could be absolutely nothing.
But when John looked into the empty tomb, it was not empty to him. Nothingness was not what he came to perceive. Although the body of his Lord was not there, the burial cloth that wrapped his body and the linen used to cover his head were neatly placed in the tomb. Hence, it was most unlikely that the body was stolen in a rush. Instead, John recalled what his Lord had talked about rising from the dead. And he believed.

When we look around Hong Kong and the world today, what do we see? Do we see suffering, hatred, helplessness, hopelessness, destruction and death? Try to look a little further and go a bit deeper.

What else do we see?

People of goodwill reach out to the refugees from Ukraine, offering them temporary housing. Frenzy but low-profile diplomatic efforts from different fronts are trying to slow down and, hopefully, to stop the atrocious invasion of Ukraine. With tears and conviction, many faithful pray earnestly for God’s intervention in the cases of the suffering Ukrainians and COVID victims.

The crux of all these efforts is an underlying but crucial belief that goodness will triumph over evil because the Risen Christ has conquered death and its master, the evil itself. We are experiencing the residual effects of that evil that will no longer exist at the end of time. Imagine!

In Hong Kong, ordinary citizens donate face masks and antigen test kits to those who cannot easily access them otherwise. Caterers are giving out free meal boxes to those who cannot afford to have nutritious food for themselves. People give bigger tips to the struggling service providers as encouragement. And the list can go on.

These are efforts to soothe, console, rebuild, give hope, be helpful, and be life-giving. Nevertheless, one should not forget the meaning behind these efforts – light comes after darkness, and life follows death.

In the midst of the Covid-19 for the third year in a row and facing its 5th wave (or emerging from it), it may be naive to convince ourselves that we should celebrate Easter. Yet, we should because this takes us closer to the experiences of the first Easter. Christ is risen, and those who have seen him had told us about his rising from the dead (Luke 24:23-25).

Those who think there is nothing to celebrate in this Easter, would be repeating the words of Thomas: ‘Unless I can see him and put my fingers in his wounds, I will not believe.’ But, Jesus responded to Thomas, “Blessed are those who have not seen yet believed.” (John 20:29).
So, my friends, Christ is Risen, Alleluia! Blessed are we who are holding onto the promise of Easter, daring to hope and believe!

A hope-filled and life-giving Easter to you, our sinful yet holy Church, and our ailing world!

+ Bishop Stephen Chow, S.J.
29 March 2022

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明愛抗疫物資包 (圖片提供:明愛家庭服務)








麥冠達神父 (Fr. Dominique Mukonda, CICM) 是聖母聖心會第三位由非洲派到香港服務的傳教士,2008年抵達香港,在中文大學修讀非華語人士廣東話進修課程。2011年4月30日,於紅磡聖母堂晉鐸。2017年9月至2021年8月,擔任香港教區青年牧民委員會主席。麥神父被香港明愛理事會理事長湯漢樞機任命在2021年9月1日起出任香港明愛助理總裁。







我現在和你們的主教在 一起,向你們送上我的祝福,並致以最美好的祝願!我祝福你們成為優秀的公民,在困難的時刻仍充滿勇氣!


這次疫情在全世界奪去了許多人的生命,在你們的城市也是一樣,我的心和你們 在一起!我為你們祈禱!也請你們為我祈禱!


To you, brothers and sisters of Hong Kong, I give you my greetings!

I am here with your Bishop. I send you my blessing; I wish you all the best; I wish you are good citizens that you are courageous in the face of the challenges of time!

Above all, I am thinking of many of you who have suffered from the COVID pandemic, I am close to you! This pandemic has killed so many people all over the world and also in your city, I am close to you!

I will pray for you, and you, please pray for me!

May I bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!

Continue to go forward with the love to the Lord Jesus Christ and his holy Mother, Our Lady. Pray for me, bye-bye.





【疫情下的祝福 — 超越自我,患難見真情】









四旬期是我們深入反省自身陰暗和罪惡傾向的時刻。然而,我們要知道是天主先愛我們。我們是罪人,但天主仍深愛著我們。只要明白這一點,我們對於自己的悔改和皈依,便會有著堅實的信念,為「小我」和「大我」一同指向末世的賞報,堅持不懈地以愛心行善服務鄰人,特別在這個深深令人困擾的時刻,以建設一個更美好的世界。雖然今年的聖灰瞻禮我們不大可能領受聖灰, 我們也可以活出四旬期的悔改精神 – 超越自我,患難見真情。



+ 周守仁

Bishop Stephen Chow, S.J.,
Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong

Lenten Pastoral Letter 2022

【Blessings Under the Pandemic –
Loving Beyond Ourselves Through Adversity】

As I am drafting this Lenten Pastoral Letter, Hong Kong is reported to have reached a new record of over 6,000 confirmed positive Covid-19 cases. The highest level so far, and the number is expected to increase substantially. Due to the government’s new measures to curtail social interactions, we had announced a temporary closure of all churches and chapels used for public worships for a while. It was advised not even to conduct online Mass at these venues. Regrettably, this was our first time to adopt such a stringent approach.

I was the one to authorize the announcement through the Chancellor’s office, yet my heart was heavy with it. I could feel the disappointment of many sisters and brothers who could not pray in the soothing tranquillity of their churches or before the Blessed Sacrament during such a worrisome time. However, I could also feel the mounting anxiety with a deepening sense of helplessness in the people around me. When would this come to an end? When could we reclaim our ‘normal’ lives back, if ever!

The temptations are to blame God for not helping to stop the pandemic, to let ourselves be in despair, or to wait helplessly for the worst to happen since we could not neutralize this exasperating outbreak. What alternatives do we have if not giving in to these temptations mentioned above?

The scriptural passage chosen for this year’s Lenten Message of the Holy Father is: “Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due time we shall reap our harvest if we do not give up. So then, while we have the opportunity [kairós], let us do good to all” [Galatians 6:9-10].

What harvest? The harvest promised to us after this life is an eternal reward from the Spirit [Galatians 6:8] that goes beyond our imagination and understanding. If not for this promise, our prospect of the future may well be very grim. Moreover, the possibility of being pounded by further pandemics cannot be ignored either. Yet, the promise of an eternal harvest can give us hope and energy to navigate the prolonged Covid storm, which is partially sustained by our fears, suspicions, selfishness, political motives…

Together with our hope for the promised harvest, our energy is to continue doing good. Helping our social community to come closer to each other while transcending our small ‘self’ for the large ‘Self,’ the common good—the Self that embraces the elderly, the infirm, the weak, and the poor. When Hong Kong has a good number of its elderly population yet to be vaccinated against Covid, when many have become jobless, and the dying are left to depart without their accompanying loved ones, how can we help people regain hope and dignity?

Besides the government, we are called by our Lord to do good towards our neighbours. We render them the essential protection, assistance, and hope:

– By having ourselves vaccinated against Covid, provided no medical advice prevents us.
– By encouraging more elderly to receive the vaccination if their health conditions permit them.
– By following good hygiene practices, including proper use of masks and sanitisers.
– By providing spiritual, emotional, and material support to ‘neighbours’ in need.
– By visiting and affording physical accompaniment to those who are lonely and struggling.

I am also calling on our government to provide more humanitarian options for those elderly ‘sheltered’ at homes for the aged and those seriously ill in hospitals when the current wave of Covid eases its grip, so that they are not left alone and could be visited by their loved ones in person. The government policies protect them with physical isolation. Still, their mental and psychological well-being has deteriorated significantly, as they have been isolated from their loved ones for the last two years. Whatever good we can do for them, let us do it with generosity and love.

Lent is the time for in-depth reflection on our own darkness and sinful tendencies. Yet, we should know that God loves us in the first place. We are sinners yet deeply loved by God. It is with this understanding that we can have trusting faith for our repentance and metanoia, greater hope for a better world for our ‘self’ and the ‘Self’ leading to an eschatological harvest, and untiring love to do good to our neighbours, especially during this deeply distressing time. Although we may not be able to receive ashes on this Ash Wednesday during the pandemic, we will be living in the Lenten spirit of conversion—Loving beyond ourselves through adversity.

Finally, Lent is a time calling us to prayer. We pray for our own conversion, that of our Church, our beloved Hong Kong as one community, our country, and the entire world. We do not know when this pandemic will be over. Nevertheless, we can do our best to do good and introduce the love of God to more sectors in Hong Kong, especially those who are neglected or vulnerable. We pray that the pandemic, an apparent tragedy, will end with blessings in disguise. Let us not underestimate the power of prayers. And let us not lose hope in the efforts of the Holy Spirit through us!

God bless Hong Kong and the world!

+ Stephen Chow, S.J.
Bishop of Hong Kong

17 February 2022







首先,讓我們不要過分驚懼,別過分焦慮, 因而忘記了主時常同我們在一起的!然後,我們不要過份追看疫情新聞。當然,我們要知道防疫措施、小心那裡有確診個案等等。但是,確實不需要「無時無刻」追看社交媒體、新聞網頁……在這提醒大家要小心;太過投入資訊的話,會越看越感到害怕焦慮。


祈禱、 讀經、分享,是靈修不可缺少的元素!希望大家每日要求自己,盡量在固定的時間靈修,別讓自己浪費時間,生活在惶恐之中。或者有部份兄弟姊妹現正在家工作,反而會「無所事事」,不知怎安排時間。千萬不要這樣!天主在任何時間,都可以讓我們接觸到,能給予我們力量。


第三,是要為自己定下計劃,最少這兩星期,要達成什麼?例如要看一本書,每天看一章節;或者可以下載「世界主教代表會議」的資訊和問卷。(按此填寫 或者我有點私心,見很多兄弟姊妹都未有完成此問卷。讓我們下載這份問卷,完成之後,再寄回給專責小組。










我們亦特別掛念醫護人員、檢測人員、清潔工人和其他前線的工作人員,也包括官員, 繁重和突如其來的工作,給他們增加不少壓力,在本身做好防疫措施的同時,又要與時間競賽,當中的辛勞和壓力實在難以想像。

正如不少醫護人員表示,防疫工作其實有賴全港市民一起配合,經過兩年的日子,當中確實感到疲累,但要堅信我們能夠面對下去,直至有一天,我們能夠除下口罩,歡 度疫情後的新生活。

各位天主教的兄弟姊妹,我希望鼓勵大家善盡公民責任的同時,亦因着信仰而多走一步,若然行有餘力,可以考慮向香港明愛、教區善會,又或其他慈善團體作出捐獻, 幫助因疫情而生計受影響的人士。


各位朋友,在困惑不安的時候,讓我們停下來,用半分鐘聚焦在自己的呼吸之中,一 呼,一吸,回味生活值得感恩的小事情,然後再去處理當前的事務。

下星期便是農曆新年,在此讓我先祝福大家「如虎添翼,克勝疫情;龍馬精神,天賜 鴻福!」

2022 年 1 月 26 日


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