

聖誕節和新年是希望、愛、和平與夢想的時刻 !
天主教會將慶祝 2025 禧年

「期待所希望的幸福,和我們偉大的天主及救主耶穌基督光榮的顯現。」 (弟鐸書 2:13) 

在我們現今的世界,希望似乎比以往更難獲得。隨著全球和地方經濟的復 蘇慢於預期,世界多處地區的戰爭哀號更趨強烈,地緣政治日益緊張,達致功能失調的心理健康問題增多、特別在青少年和長者組別,令人沮喪的關係貧窮,具破壞力的零和競爭,以及自然生態的黯淡前景。 

就是在這些令人沮喪和焦慮的現實當中,我們仍再次等待聖誕帶來的喜樂 和希望。明白聖誕節原意的人都知道,它不是世俗的商業慶節。聖誕是愛 的慶節,永遠愛著我們的天主派遣祂獨生子與我們一起走人世路,直接介 入我們人類的歷史之中。聖誕的救贖目標,是要向我們展示上主那無疆界的慈愛。 

上主的愛為祂與人之間帶來了寬恕與修和。因此,那些經驗過而又接受這 愛的人們,可以帶著明確的希望去面對生活中的挑戰和失望。這不是隨意 的一種希望,而是在今生、以至今生以後,對上主堅懈不屈和永恆的愛的 希望。是的,天主的兒子,我們的厄瑪奴耳的到來,是要給世界這個保證、尤其是當希望看似漸趨渺茫的時候。 

天主教會將慶祝 2025 禧年。事實上,禧年是每 25 年慶祝一次。這次禧年 的主題是「希望的朝聖者」,因為「望德不使人蒙羞」(羅馬書 5:5)。 我們要記得人人都只是過客;沒有人能夠永遠地活在這世上。讓我們感到 安慰的是我們相信自己正在通往另一生命,將會在永恆中與我們慈愛的創 造主、我們所愛的人、以及那些愛我們的人團聚。 


因此,透過我們的意識中的這種愛與希望,可以把愛帶到不同的團體裡 去。我們要強化這希望,它不會讓我們愛的人、跟我們合不來的人、以至 為我們是陌生的人感到失望,尤其是那些在不同的社會邊緣掙扎、感到無 用和被遺棄的人。 

我們會想到那些在戰亂地方掙扎求存而承受著似是無盡折磨的人們、那些為尋求具尊嚴的未來的流離失所者和難民、那些期待新生活的在囚人士、那些因看不到穩定前景而不敢生兒育女的夫婦,那些看不到可信的理由讓他們勾劃出希望的未來的青年,那些孤獨和被遺棄的長者,那些在醫院內 感到寂寞的病人。 

禧年有一個別具意義的傳統,就是寬免那些永遠無法償還、或未能完全償還的債務,讓借債人有機會開展新生。我們相信所有人都在分享共同家園 裡的眾多資源,這意味著我們需要學習公正和互相依存地生活,以提高整 體的生活質素,或最低限度要共存下去。這個「我們」必須包括構成共同 家園的其他生命。 

當我們能幫助疲弱的一方健康壯大起來,讓我們一起擁有更美好的現在和充滿希望的未來時,這便符合我們以至後代的最佳利益。公義不是透過報 復、而是藉著同理心,讓有關各方能攜手共建新的現實所達致的。這是否 太過天真、不切實際呢?不,才不是,這為我們共同的未來是必須的。 

我們要懷著希望去面對本地和全球的經濟、關係 —— 特別是那些受苦於 關係貧窮的人、政治穩定與和諧,以至生態環境的健康。為我們在香港這 個家生活的人來說,一定要鼎力支持香港。大家以慈愛相待,特別是對青 年、長者、移民和旅客,香港可望成為充滿希望、愛和生命的充滿活力之都! 

最後,聖誕節和新年是希望、愛、和平與夢想的時刻!沒有希望和夢想, 就沒有更美好的未來。尤其是為我們的年青人來說,我們需要與他們同行,為他們具創意的希望和夢想加添力量。 

祝大家和我們的共同家園有一個歡樂的聖誕和充滿希望的 2025 年。

+ 周守仁樞機


Christmas and the New Year are a time
for hope, love, peace, and dreams!

The Catholic Church to celebrate
the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025!

“We await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of our great God  and saviour Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) 

Hope seems harder to come by in our world today. With the slower-than expected recovery of global and local economies, there are growing war  cries in different parts of the world, increasingly tense geopolitics, rising of dysfunctional mental health problems, particularly among the younger and  elderly populations, depressing relational poverty, devastating zero-sum competitions, and a darkening outlook of the natural ecology.  

Even within these depressive and anxiety-provoking realities, we await  once again the promise of joy and hope of Christmas. Those who  appreciate the original meaning of Christmas should know that it is not a  secular commercial feast. It is a feast of love through the direct  intervention of the ever-loving God into our human history. This was made  possible by sending God’s only Son to journey with us. Its salvific objective is to show us the compassionate love of God that knows no bounds.  

This love of God brings forgiveness and reconciliation between God and  humanity. For those who have come to experience and accept this love  can, therefore, face challenges and disappointments in life with definite  

hope. Not just any hope, but a hope for the unyielding and eternal love of  God, both in this life and the life after. Yes, the coming of the Son of God,  our Emmanuel, is to give the world this assurance, especially when hope  seems ever dimmer.  

The Catholic Church is to celebrate the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025.  The Ordinary Jubilee, in fact, occurs once every 25 years. The theme of this  Jubilee Year is “Pilgrims of Hope,” for “Hope does not disappoint” (Romans  5:5). We are reminded that everyone is only a sojourner; no one can live forever in this world. It is consoling when we believe that we are on our way  to another life, reuniting with our loving Creator in eternity, our beloved  ones, and those who loved us.  

Christmas allows us to experience this loving promise of God. Because of that, we can have hope, as fellow pilgrims, to journey together towards eternity with the Source of Life and Love, though at different paces and even in different modes. 

Therefore, with this love and hope in our consciousness, we can help  bringing love to our communities. We need to reinforce this hope that does  not disappoint those we love, those with whom we have di[iculties, and  those who are strangers to us, especially those who are struggling in the social margins, feeling unwanted and abandoned.  

We can think of those who are struggling in war zones with seemingly  endless torment, displaced persons and refugees looking for a dignified future, prisoners waiting for a new life, married couples who cannot see a  su[iciently stable future for childbearing, young people who fail to identify convincing reasons to envisage a hopeful future, the elderly who are lonely  and abandoned, and those who are sick and lonely in hospitals.  

The one meaningful tradition of a Jubilee Year is to forgive the debts of  those who will never be able to repay or repay fully, so that they can have a  chance to restart their lives anew. We believe all of us share many  resources of our Common Home, which means we need to learn to live justly and inter-dependently in order to enhance the overall quality of life or  our mutual survival at the least. This “we” must include other life forms  constituting this Common Home.  

It is in our best interest, and that of future generations, when we can help  the weaker parties to become stronger so that together we can have a better present and a hope-filled future. Justice is better not sought through  vengeance but through empathy so that all the parties concerned can co construct a new reality hand-in-hand. Is this not too naïve and unrealistic?  No, it is not, but a must for our collective future. 

We certainly need to have hope in the economy, both locally and globally,  in relationships, especially for those su[ering from relational poverty, in  political stability and harmony, and in the health of the ecology. For those  of us living in Hong Kong, which we call our home, it definitely needs our  utmost support. Together with lovingkindness to each other, especially towards young people, the elderly, migrants, and visitors, Hong Kong will  shine as a vibrant city filled with hope, love, and life! 

Finally, Christmas and the New Year are a time for hope, love, peace, and  dreams! Without hope and dreams, there will be no better future.  Especially for our young people, we need to walk alongside them and  empower their creative hopes and dreams. 

A joyous Christmas and a hope-filled 2025 to you all and our Common  Home!  

+ Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J.




親愛的兄弟姊妹們,今年,白冷山洞空無一人,城市的街道和廣場也是空蕩蕩的。 當瑪利亞和約瑟來登記時,一個房間都找不到。 如今,白冷所有房間都空著,等待著戰爭結束後朝聖者歸來,等待著繽紛多彩的燈火再次照亮城市的街道,等待著再次能聽到孩子們的聲音。

在此期間,許多人問我們是否取消了聖誕節。我們沒有取消聖誕節,因為耶穌已經誕生了,感謝天主,沒有人能夠取消它。 聖誕節的意義在於,天主子一次而永遠地進入我們的歷史,成為我們中的一員,祂被恩賜給我們,並賦予我們生命的意義,也以此救贖了我們。

我們可能會發現自己處於最糟糕、最困難的狀況,處於歷史的黑暗時刻;我們可能會發現自己處於戰爭和仇恨的黑暗之中;然而,即使黑暗沒有接受光明,光明也會繼續照耀,不會被熄滅。相反,無論是個人或團體,我們越是沉浸在這黑夜之中,就越需要光明的照耀。 我們需要這束光從這洞傳到各地,讓新天新地的盼望永存,因為這孩子的誕生拯救了世界: 耶穌,厄瑪奴耳,天主與我們同在。

在這個被仇恨和戰爭的黑暗所籠罩的聖誕節裡,讓我們跪在空空的馬槽前,瑪利亞生下耶穌用襁褓將祂裹好後,放在馬槽裡,此刻讓我們以聖 若望保祿二世的禱文來變成自己的禱文求救祂。

關懷病人與老人,敦促人們放下武器 ,
仁慈的主啊! 祈求你邀請人們,
白冷的聖嬰啊! 是你!
求祢賜給我們平安與喜樂! 亞孟! 」













“What the world needs now is love, sweet love. It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of….”  That was in the lyrics of a popular song back in 1965, “What the World Needs Now Is Love.” I believe most of us, if not everyone, would agree with that. We live in a world culture where egoistic love seems more evident than altruistic and inclusive love, which we celebrate with Christmas. The love of Christmas is about the Son of God, who empties himself, enters into our history to be with us, and through that, becomes our future.

But besides love, our world also needs hope, real hope that stems from the love of Christmas and gives us the confidence to face the darkness that seems to have besieged our world.

Geopolitical tensions are in the daily news, and nowhere is it more noticeable than the atrocious Russo-Ukrainian War. When and how will it end? The intensifying geopolitical tensions in east Asia should also be an area of growing concern. The flagging global economy plus the geopolitics are unsettling our hearts and unnerving our spirits. The wavering prospects of 2023, between light and darkness, hope and despair, are contributing to a growing sense of hopelessness and frustration around the world. What can we do to make a difference when confronted with these harsh realities?

Through mutual care, support and self-giving, instead of self-interests coming first. After all, the best gift at Christmas is the giving of oneself for the betterment of others.

However, this self-giving action should be paired with respect and empathy. We have seen well-meaning adults and parents wanting to give their best to their younger ones, including their well-thought-out plans. Similarly, elderlies are increasingly lonely and depressed when protective measures have cut them off from their loved ones during the pandemic. Yet, these are not appreciated or welcomed by their intended recipients. Instead, we see young people becoming miserable, resentful, despairing or totally inert as a sign of protest. And elderlies have passed away in isolation without their loved ones accompanying them.

The desirable way of giving is through down-to-earth accompaniment to achieve empathic and mutual understanding between givers and recipients. Then the givers will know how best to give themselves to their recipients. And how best to help them see hope.

A gift of love is in fact a gift of life! May we find the best way to become givers of such gift to our recipients. A heart-warming Christmas and a hope-filled 2023 to you all!

+ Bishop Stephen Chow, S.J.


天主教香港教區周守仁主教 聖誕賀辭2021-厄瑪奴耳


2021 幾年前,當我們仍可乘搭飛機在空中來去自如時,我有一次前往菲律賓參加退省。當時是九月,可知道我在當地商場聽到和看到甚麼嗎? 聖誕歌、聖誕燈飾!我問,九月 迎接聖誕是否早了一點,他們回答說:「才不。」任何引起消費者購買意欲的方法,都有利當地經濟。

我熱切期待聖誕節嗎?你們呢?當全球各地仍然受到疫情困擾時,假若我們仍然以歡 度俗世節日的方式,去慶祝聖誕節,當然不容易。

然而,聖誕節為我們基督徒來說,是要慶祝「厄瑪奴耳」—— 天主與我們同在(瑪一 23),那就是,天主直接介入,讓天主子降生成人,與我們同在。

天主決定派遣祂的兒子來到世界,告訴世人祂多麼親近我們,鍾愛我們。禮物不能夠完全表達緊密關係和鍾愛。要更好地表達這些關係,我們便得樂意「浪費」時間去陪 伴我們所愛的人,不計成果。付出時間去「陪伴」他們,以同理心去聆聴他們,感受他們所感受的,與他們一起慶祝成就和失敗,為他們指出由天主而來的希望和愛。

我們蒙受邀請,透過陪伴有需要的人,去成為天主的傳訊者。這些有需要的人,可以是我們鍾愛的人、特別是青年,以及那些感到無助、孤獨或失意的人,那些受情緒困 擾而掙扎求存的人,那些等候寛恕和修和的人,這份清單還可以繼續下去。

各位朋友,在這聖誕節和即將來臨的新一年,可以肯定地說,因著天主的緣故,我們可以付出更多。願天主「厄瑪奴耳」的祝福,在這聖誕節和 2022 年,常常伴隨著你們 和你們鍾愛的人。

英語版 English Version












Dear friends,

The year 2020 has been a difficult one.  The pandemic social distancing regulations have changed how we interact and relate to each other.  All these interfered with our daily lives.

Waiting for the pandemic to be over is too passive.  We must adopt a new way of thinking and acting in the context of the digital culture.  The concepts of space, language and behaviour are transforming us, particularly among the younger generation.  We have to face all the challenges and make good use of information technologies to have contact with other people.

Christmas recalls “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14).  God’s inexhaustible grace stimulates every heart with sublime ideas of equality and friendship.  His grace calls for a commitment to peace-making and a dialogue of solidarity across all nations. It also calls for a universal concern for creation.

To wear a mask because of caution is now a fact of our daily lives.  And behind the mask is the face of a brother or sister.  While smiles on the face may be blocked by the mask, the care from our heart is never blocked.  Therefore, this Christmas, don’t forget to reach out to friends and the family, and wish them peace and joy from our caring heart.

We do not know how long this difficult pandemic days will last.  With God’s grace, we will sail through the rough waters.  Let us stand by each other.

May the Love and Peace of the Lord be with you always!  Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!








我深深體會到,尤其在今日的香港,對年輕的一代而言, 要成立家庭,需要付出何等的勇氣和慷慨,面對多大的挑戰, 才能感謝迎接主,作客他們家中。我因此向他們真誠致意。教宗方濟各說:「一家人生活的空間,可成為家庭教會,作為舉行感恩祭的場地,讓基督臨在,同坐一席。」(《愛的喜樂》#15)

生命常有跌宕,建築在磐石上的家,可以經得起考驗, 儘管面對困難,仍然有信心和希望。我祝願每一個家庭都能建立在基督的愛上,在慶節的歡樂過去後,在煩鬧爭執聲與憂慮中,仍有耶穌、瑪利亞與若瑟所組成的聖家,恆在你身旁佇立守護。





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