
2018年10月9日,法國修女納塔莉·貝卡爾(Nathalie Becquart)在新聞發布會上表示:「世界主教會議的大船已經啟航,我們都在船上,我們一起尋找航行的路線。」曾經在法國主教團全國青年福傳與聖召辦公室服務的貝卡爾修女,全程參與了第十五屆世界主教會議普通會議常會的籌備工作,並且作為旁聽者出席了會議。她說:「青年想要一個言行一致、強大、與人交往和友愛的教會,這樣的教會具有男性和女性的面容,秉持多元和包容的態度。」修女強調:「基於聆聽和分辨的眾議精神是今日福傳的關鍵。」

印度孟買總主教格拉西亞斯樞機(Oswald Gracias)表示:「青年要求我們給予聆聽,認真對待他們,但他們也要求有犯錯的機會。此外,青年要求禮儀更加美麗,好能加深天主聖言的價值。」

馬達加斯加圖阿馬西納總主教德西雷·薩拉哈紮納樞機(Desiré Tsarahazana)則指出:「我們成年人必須是可靠的見證人,只有這樣青年才能跟隨我們。我們不能把信仰和生活分開。如果馬達加斯加的所有基督徒都忠於他們的信仰,這個國家不會陷入目前的悲劇。在馬達加斯加,大多數人仍然認為教會是可靠的,大多數青年參與基督徒團體的生活。作為教會,我們關切青年的問題,首先是使他們氣餒的失業問題,以及使他們更加沮喪的腐敗問題。」

魁北克總主教拉克魯瓦樞機(Gérald Cyprien Lacroix)談到出席大會的旁聽青年說:「他們用出乎我們預料的滿腔喜悅來表達自己,從這屆世界主教會議中得到收穫的,將是整個教會,而不是某個單獨的團體。」



圖片:Catholic News Service






在新聞發布會中,由法國主教團選出的與會主教里昂輔理主教戈比亞爾(Emmanuel Gobilliard)談及大會中涉及的議題,例如代際之間的關懷,女性對教會使命的貢獻,以及移民、性和成聖的議題。主教說:「每個青年都蒙召享有幸福、走成聖之路,並與基督相遇。」

出席新聞發布會的還有意大利作家、心理和社會模型研究學者萊昂西尼(Thomas Leoncini)。這位33歲的青年對本屆大會表示滿意,稱大會表明教會願意傾聽,正在尋找徹底解決問題的答案,而不僅僅是簡單的瞭解。


圖片:Catholic News Service


2018年10月7日,聖座新聞室公布了教廷主教部部長奧萊特樞機(Marc Ouellet)寫給維加諾總主教(Carlo Maria Viganò)的一封公開信,指出後者最近對教廷的指控絕非來自天主的神,而是一種缺乏實際根據的政治渲染,危害教會的共融。奧萊特樞機籲請維加諾總主教踏上坦途,痛悔自己的違叛,恢復與伯多祿繼承人的共融。

維加諾總主教最近透過媒體發表訊息,指控教宗方濟各和羅馬聖座,稱一種地方性的腐敗侵蝕了教會的聖統,甚至侵佔了她的最高層。這項指控與華盛頓教區前總主教麥卡里克(Theodore McCarrick)的性侵案有關,成為引起輿論喧嘩和維加諾總主教要求教宗辭職的題材。




此外,說教宗本篤十六世曾對麥卡里克採取措施,頒布了「制裁處分」,而後又被教宗方濟各取消,這是不真實的。奧萊特樞機表明,在重新審核檔案後,證實既沒有這兩位教宗簽署的有關文件,也沒有前主教部部長雷樞機(Giovanni-Battista Re)審案的記錄,以教會法典嚴厲的刑罰命令退休總主教麥卡里克度靜默和非公開的生活。

奧萊特樞機提到,與今天不同的是,這樣做的原因是當時還沒有假設麥卡里克有罪的足夠證據。「主教部出於謹慎的立場,以及我和我的前任的信件,透過宗座大使薩姆比(Pietro Sambi)還有你,都強調這規勸,即為了他自己和教會的益處度一種祈禱和懺悔的生活。」




Dear brother Carlo Maria Viganò,

In your last message to the press, in which you make accusations against Pope Francis and against the Roman Curia, you invite me to tell the truth about certain facts that you interpret as signs of an endemic corruption that has infiltrated the hierarchy of the Church up to its highest levels. With pontifical permission, and in my capacity as Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, I offer my testimony about matters concerning the Archbishop emeritus of Washington, Theodore McCarrick, and his presumed links to Pope Francis, matters that are at the center of your public accusations and your demand that the Holy Father resign. I write my testimony based on my personal contacts and on documents in the archives of the Congregation, currently the object of study to clarify this sad case.

Out of consideration for the good, collaborative relation we had when you were Apostolic Nuncio in Washington, allow me to say, in all honesty, that I find your current attitude incomprehensible and extremely troubling, not only because of the confusion it sows among the People of God, but because your public accusations gravely harm the reputation of the bishops, successors of the Apostles. I recall a time when I enjoyed your esteem and your trust, but now I see that I have been stripped in your eyes of the respect that was accorded to me, for the only reason I have remained faithful to the Holy Father’s guidance in exercising the service he has entrusted to me in the Church. Is not communion with the Successor of Peter an expression of our obedience to Christ who chose him and sustains him with his grace? My interpretation of Amoris Laetitia, which you criticize, is grounded in this fidelity to the living tradition, which Francis has given us another example of by recently modifying the Catechism of the Catholic Church on the question of the death penalty.

Let us address the facts. You said that on June 23, 2013, you provided Pope Francis with information about McCarrick in an audience he granted to you, as he also did for many pontifical representatives with whom he met for the first time that day. I can only imagine the amount of verbal and written information that was provided to the Holy Father on that occasion about so many persons and situations. I strongly doubt that the Pope had such interest in McCarrick, as you would like us to believe, given the fact that by then he was an 82-year-old Archbishop emeritus who had been without a role for seven years. Moreover, the written instructions given to you by the Congregation for Bishops at the beginning of your mission in 2001 did not say anything about McCarrick, except for what I mentioned to you verbally about his situation as Bishop emeritus and certain conditions and restrictions that he had to follow on account of some rumors about his past conduct.

From 30th June 2010, when I became Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, I never presented in audience the McCarrick case to Pope Benedict XVI or to Pope Francis – not until recently, after his dismissal from the College of Cardinals. The former Cardinal, retired in May of 2006, had been requested not to travel or to make public appearances, in order to avoid new rumors about him. It is false, therefore, to present those measures as “sanctions” formally imposed by Pope Benedict XVI and then invalidated by Pope Francis. After a review of the archives, I find that there are no documents signed by either Pope in this regard, and there are no audience notes from my predecessor, Cardinal Giovanni-Battista Re, imposing on the retired Archbishop the obligation to lead a quiet and private life with the weight normally reserved to canonical penalties. The reason is that back then, unlike today, there was not sufficient proof of his alleged culpability. Thus, the Congregation’s decision was inspired by prudence, and the letters from my predecessor and my own letters urged him, first through the Apostolic Nuncio Pietro Sambi and then through you, to lead a life of prayer and penance, for his own good and for the good of the Church. His case would have deserved new disciplinary measures if the Nunciature in Washington, or any other source, had provided us recent and definitive information about his behavior. I am of the opinion that, out of respect for the victims and given the need for justice, the inquiry currently underway in the United States and in the Roman Curia should provide a comprehensive and critical study of the procedures and the circumstances of this painful case in order to prevent something like it from ever happening in the future.

How is it possible that this man of the Church, whose incoherence has now been revealed, was promoted many times, and was nominated to such a high position as Archbishop of Washington and Cardinal? I am personally very surprised, and I recognize that there were failures in the selection procedures implemented in his case. However, and without entering here into details, it must be understood that the decisions taken by the Supreme Pontiff are based on the information available to him at the time and that they are the object of a prudential judgment which is not infallible. I think it is unjust to reach the conclusion that there is corruption on the part of the persons entrusted with this previous discernment process, even though in the particular case some of the concerns that were raised by testimonies should have been examined more closely. The Archbishop also knew how to cleverly defend himself from those concerns raised about him. Furthermore, the fact that there could be in the Vatican persons who practice or support sexual behavior that is contrary to the values of the Gospel, does not authorize us to make generalizations or to declare unworthy and complicit this or that individual, including the Holy Father himself. Should not ministers of the truth avoid above all calumny and defamation?

Dear pontifical representative emeritus, I tell you frankly that to accuse Pope Francis of having covered-up knowingly the case of an alleged sexual predator and, therefore, of being an accomplice to the corruption that afflicts the Church, to the point that he could no longer continue to carry out his reform as the first shepherd of the Church, appears to me from all viewpoints unbelievable and without any foundation. I cannot understand how could you have allowed yourself to be convinced of this monstrous and unsubstantiated accusation. Francis had nothing to do with McCarrick’s promotions to New York, Metuchen, Newark and Washington. He stripped him of his Cardinal’s dignity as soon as there was a credible accusation of abuse of a minor. For a Pope who does not hide the trust that he places in certain prelates, I never heard him refer to this so called great advisor for the pontificate for episcopal appointments in the United States. I can only surmise that some of those prelates are not of your preference or the preference of your friends who support your interpretation of matters. I think it is abhorrent, however, for you to use the clamorous sexual abuse scandal in the United States to inflict an unmerited and unheard of a blow to the moral authority of your superior, the Supreme Pontiff.

I have the privilege of having long meetings with Pope Francis every week to discuss the appointment of bishops and the problems that affect their governance. I know very well how he treats persons and problems: with great charity, mercy, attentiveness and seriousness, as you too have experienced. I think it is too sarcastic, even blasphemous, how you end your last message, purportedly appealing to spirituality while mocking the Holy Father and casting doubt about his faith. That cannot come from the Spirit of God.

Dear brother, how much I wish that I could help you return to communion with him who is the visible guarantor of communion in the Catholic Church. I understand that deceptions and sufferings have marked your path in the service to the Holy See, but you should not finish your priestly life involved in an open and scandalous rebellion that inflicts a very painful wound to the Bride of Christ, whom you pretend to serve better, while causing further division and confusion among the People of God. How could I answer your call except by saying: stop living clandestinely, repent of your rebelliousness, and come back to better feelings towards the Holy Father, instead of fostering hostility against him. How can you celebrate Mass and mention his name in the Eucharistic Prayer? How can you pray the Holy Rosary, or pray to Saint Michael the Archangel, or to the Mother of God, while condemning the one Our Lady protects and accompanies every day in his burdensome and courageous mission?

If the Pope was not a man of prayer; if he was attached to money; if he favored riches to the detriment of the poor; if he did not demonstrate a tireless energy to welcome all miseries and to address them through the generous comfort of his words and actions; if he did not seek to implement all possible means to announce and to communicate the joy of the Gospel to all in the Church and beyond her visible horizons; if he did not lend a hand to the families, to the abandoned elderly, to the sick in body and soul and, above all, to the youth in their search for happiness; one could prefer someone else, according to you, with a different political or diplomatic approach. But I cannot call into question his personal integrity, his consecration to the mission and, above all, the charisma and peace he enjoys through the grace of God and the strength of the Risen One.

Dear Viganò, in response to your unjust and unjustified attack, I can only conclude that the accusation is a political plot that lacks any real basis that could incriminate the Pope and that profoundly harms the communion of the Church. May God allow a prompt reparation of this flagrant injustice so that Pope Francis can continue to be recognized for who he is: a true shepherd, a resolute and compassionate father, a prophetic grace for the Church and for the world. May the Holy Father carry on, full of confidence and joy, the missionary reform he has begun, comforted by the prayers of the people of God and the renewed solidarity of the whole Church, together with Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary!

Marc Cardinal Ouellet Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops,

Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, October 7th 2018.


圖片:Catholic News Service











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澳洲悉尼總主教費希爾(Anthony Colin Fisher)作出了強而有力的見證。他再次為侵犯未成年人事件請求寬恕。總主教向記者們說:「我們必須保證,教會應該是孩童感到最安全的地方。我們為所發生的事情感到羞恥。無論是過去或今天的眾多青年都受到了傷害,他們被所信賴的人背叛。教會應與他們交談,而不是把他們的事當作一種現象來談論。」

費希爾總主教提到青年的希望和對他們的關懷,同時也談到2008年在悉尼舉行的世青節所帶來的喜悅和成果,並祝願明年在巴拿馬舉行的世青節也是一個教會親近青年的巨大契機。在此背景下,巴拿馬的巴拉奧納主教(Manuel Ochogavía Barahona)提到在拉丁美洲和加勒比地區正為青年的培育所進行的偉大工作。他說:「天主藉由青年與我們交談,今天的教會蒙召以‘惻隱之心’接近青年,並傾聽在他們生命中發生的事情。」

在新聞發布會中,來自馬達加斯加的旁聽女青年馬拉拉(Tahiry Malala Rakotoroalahy)說:「主教會議為青年而言是個起點,是個真正的祝福,他們必須要成為其他青年的使徒。」


教廷教育部部長若瑟‧威爾薩蒂(Giuseppe Versaldi)樞機在新聞發布會中談及世界主教會議的一個特色,即教會的普世性和色彩斑斕的差異性。樞機強調:「差異的富饒能預防所有演講都千篇一律的危險。」



中非共和國班基總主教迪厄多內‧恩扎帕拉因加(Dieudonné Nzapalainga)樞機關於移民的議題表示:「那些留下和離開的人都有他們的理由。他們不能被當作怪獸而拒之門外。他們是人,移民只是為了求生存。」

出席當天新聞發布會的還有阿根廷主教團從事青年牧靈工作的馬里亞諾·熱爾曼·加西亞(Mariano Germàn Garcia),他以旁聽者的身份出席了世界主教會議。他強調:「教宗對青年充滿信心,指出教會正透過世界主教會議向青年講話,願意理解他們,本屆世界主教會議是一個好的開端,是一顆正在開花結果的大樹。」


圖片:Catholic News Service


在有關麥卡里克總主教(Theodore McCarrick)行徑的指控公諸於世後,教宗方濟各意識到並且擔憂這些指控正在信眾良心內造成迷惘,因此決定發表以下公告:






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時間:晚上6時 30至10時30分
地點:萬錦劇院 Flato Markham Theatre,171 Town Centre Blvd, Markham, ON L3R 8G5
購票地點:天主教聖曹桂英堂,2130 Rodick Road Markham L6C 1S7






泰澤團體的院長艾樂思(frère Alois)修士作為特邀嘉賓在大會中強調了傾聽職務的重要性,建議將這項職務委託給平信徒。艾樂思說:「當教會傾聽時,她就是名副其實的教會,一個愛的共融團體。」



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