
【鹽與光電視】2018年4月23日下午1時30分,加拿大多倫多北約克發生貨車撞人事件,事件造成10人死亡,15人受傷。4月26日星期四下午7時,位於事發地點附近的St. Edward the Confessor天主教堂(75 Churchill Ave)舉行祈禱會。


此外,多倫多市府在4月29日星期日下午7時,在離事發現場不遠的賴士民廣場賴士民廣場(Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge St, North York)舉行追悼會。活動由宗教團體 “Faith in the City”以及多倫多地區跨宗教議會(Toronto Area Interfaith Council)主持。屆時哥連士樞機也會出席。



Prayer Service Thursday for Victims of Toronto Van Attack
Yonge Street churches in North York – steps away from violent acts –
gather to pray for victims

TORONTO (April 26, 2018) Following terrifying violence earlier this week in North York that left 10 dead and 14 injured, churches in the neighbourhood are inviting the community to gather to pray for comfort, peace and to remember the victims of violence.

An ad hoc group of faith leaders from North York are planning the prayer service, which is open to all and will include participation from numerous faith expressions. Media are welcome to attend.

Where: St. Edward the Confessor Catholic Church – 75 Churchill Ave.
(off Yonge St., between Sheppard Ave. and Finch Ave.)

When: Thursday, April 26, 2018 – 7 p.m.

Who: There are numerous churches in the vicinity surrounding the area where Monday’s violent attack occurred. These include Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, United and Presbyterian places of worship. Faith leaders representing these communities will lead the service. All are welcome.

The Archdiocese of Toronto is Canada’s largest diocese, stretching from Toronto north to Georgian Bay and from Oshawa to Mississauga. It is home to 2 million Catholics and 225 churches, with Mass celebrated in more than 30 languages each week.


Media Contacts:

Neil MacCarthy – Director, Public Relations & Communications, Archdiocese of Toronto
(416) 934-3400 x 552 Cell: (416) 879-2846  [email protected]

Bill Steinburg – Communications Manager, Archdiocese of Toronto
(416) 934-3400 x 558 Cell: (416) 708-9655 [email protected]








來源: 梵蒂岡電台

圖片: Catholic News Service


祈禱福傳會(Apostleship of Prayer,或譯作「祈禱宗會」)是一個全球性的祈禱網絡,引領每一個人與復活的基督建立深刻信賴的個人關係,幫助人在其生命中找到希望與意義。祈禱福傳會成立於1844年,讓年輕人即使在求學時期也要以種種方式作福傳的工作。這些方式包括祈禱以及透過聖體聖事與耶穌基督結合,把每天的生活奉獻給天主。





每天奉獻禱詞(Daily Offering Prayer)



God, our Father, I offer you my day. I offer you my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to your love. With Mary, the Mother of our Lord and the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for the prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father this month. Amen.



O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. Amen.

更多影片: thepopevideo.org



2018年4月4日晚上,教宗方濟各對小阿爾菲·埃文斯(Alfie Evans)的悲痛事件發表推文。這名23個月大的英國兒童阿爾菲正處於昏迷,住在利物浦一家醫院。該醫院的醫生有意拔除維持其生命的呼吸器。


這一事件令人想到另外兩個英國兒童查理•加德(Charlie Gard)和依賽亞·哈斯楚普(Isaiah Haastrup),他們也遭遇了類似的悲劇,分別於2017年7月28日和2018年3月7日離開人世。









圖片:Fr.Lionel Wu












Working translation of Pope Francis’ reflection

at the end of the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum in Rome

by Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB from the original text in Italian

Lord Jesus, our gaze is turned to you, full of shame, repentance and hope.

In the face of your supreme love, shame pervades us for leaving you alone to suffer for our sins:

-the shame to have escaped before the test even though you have said thousands of times: “even if everyone leaves you, I will never leave you”;

-the shame of having chosen Barabbas and not you, the power and not you, the appearance and not you, the god of money and not you, the mundanity and not the eternity;

-the shame for having tempted you with your mouth and heart, every time we have been in front of a trial, telling you: “if you are the messiah, save yourself and we will believe!”;

-shame because so many people, and even some of your ministers, let themselves be deceived by ambition and vain glory, losing their worthiness and their first love;

-shame because our generations are leaving young people a world fractured by divisions and wars; a world devoured by selfishness where the young, the small, the sick, the elderly are marginalized;

-the shame of having lost the shame;

-Lord Jesus, always give us the grace of holy shame!

Our gaze is also full of a repentance that pleads your mercy before your eloquent silence: repentance that sprouts from the certainty that only you can save us from evil, only you can heal us from our leprosy of hatred, selfishness, pride, greed, revenge, greed, idolatry, only you can embrace us by giving back the filial dignity and rejoice for our return home, to life;

-the repentance that springs from feeling our smallness, our nothingness, our vanity and that lets itself be caressed by your sweet and powerful invitation to conversion;

-the repentance of David who finds his only strength in you from the abyss of his misery;

-the repentance born of our shame, born of the certainty that our heart will always remain restless until you find yourself and in you its only source of fullness and quietness;

-the repentance of Peter who, when he met your eyes, wept bitterly for having denied you before men.

Lord Jesus, always give us the grace of holy repentance!

In front of your supreme majesty, the spark of hope lights up in the darkness of our despair because we know that your only measure of love is to love us without measure;

-the hope that your message continues to inspire, even today, so many people and peoples that only good can defeat evil and wickedness, only forgiveness can bring down resentment and revenge, only the fraternal embrace can disperse the hostility and fear of the other;

-hope because your sacrifice continues, still today, to emanate the scent of divine love that caresses the hearts of so many young people who continue to consecrate their lives becoming living examples of charity and gratuity in our world devoured by the logic of profit and easy money;

-the hope that so many missionaries continue, even today, to challenge the sleeping consciousness of humanity, risking their lives to serve you in the poor, in the rejected, in the immigrants, in the unseen, in the exploited, in the hungry and in prisoners;

-the hope that your Church, holy and made up of sinners, continues, even today, despite all the attempts to discredit it, to be a light that enlightens, encourages, lifts and bears witness to your unlimited love for humanity, a model of altruism, an ark of salvation and a source of certainty and truth;

-the hope because from your cross, fruit of the greed and cowardice of so many doctors of the Law and hypocrites, the Resurrection has burst forth, turning the darkness of the tomb into the splendor of the dawn of Sunday without sunset, teaching us that your love is our hope.

Lord Jesus, always give us the grace of holy hope!

Help us, Son of man, to identify ourselves with the good thief who looked at you with eyes of shame, of repentance and hope, who, with the eyes of faith, saw in your apparent defeat the divine victory and so knelt before your mercy and with honesty has robbed paradise! Amen!

來源: 梵蒂岡電台

圖片: catholicnews.com


四旬期第四周 星期四 彌撒

讀經一:出谷紀 32:7-14


福音:聖若望福音 5:31-47







來源: 梵蒂岡電台







地震發生一週後,救援中的後勤工作遇到障礙,因為受影響的地區偏遠,各援助機構正準備通過空投提供救援物質。巴布亞新幾內亞政府、埃克森美孚公司和澳洲能源供應商(Oil Search 及 Santos)撥出數百萬美元的援助來支持救援工作。澳洲和新西蘭的軍隊負責分配援助,中國政府和紅十字會則提供經濟援助。


來源: 梵蒂岡電台

圖片: Catholic News Service


祈禱福傳會(Apostleship of Prayer,或譯作「祈禱宗會」)是一個全球性的祈禱網絡,引領每一個人與復活的基督建立深刻信賴的個人關係,幫助人在其生命中找到希望與意義。祈禱福傳會成立於1844年,讓年輕人即使在求學時期也要以種種方式作福傳的工作。這些方式包括祈禱以及透過聖體聖事與耶穌基督結合,把每天的生活奉獻給天主。





每天奉獻禱詞(Daily Offering Prayer)



God, our Father, I offer you my day. I offer you my prayers, thoughts, words, actions, joys, and sufferings in union with the Heart of Jesus, who continues to offer himself in the Eucharist for the salvation of the world. May the Holy Spirit, who guided Jesus, be my guide and my strength today so that I may witness to your love. With Mary, the Mother of our Lord and the Church, I pray for all Apostles of Prayer and for the prayer intentions proposed by the Holy Father this month. Amen.



O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, reparation for sin, and the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our bishops and of all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. Amen.

更多影片: thepopevideo.org


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