
Photo courtesy of Joseph Lam

「願主使你們彼此間的愛情,和對眾人的愛情增長滿溢,就像我們對你們所有的愛情,好堅固你們的心,使你們在我們的主耶穌同他的眾聖者來臨時,於天主我們的父前,在聖德上無可指摘。」(得撒洛尼前書3: 12-13)


世界主教代表會議第十六屆常務大會第二會期幾週前剛結束,接踵而來的是將臨期。教會作為天主子民,正在等待主教代表會議的主角——聖神——帶來一個新的黎明。我們也熱切期待著 2025 年禧年的開始,它的主題是「希望的朝聖者」,因為「望德不叫人蒙羞」(羅馬書 5:5)







作為牧者和教友領袖,辨認堂區教友和團體成員的不同神恩,為互補神恩很有幫助,也因此為共議同行是有意義的。 「神貧的人是有福的」(瑪竇福音 5:3)鼓勵我們慷慨分享和謙虛接受。作決定時,牧者和教友領袖必須確保透明度和問責,並要為所作的決定進行適當的評估,包括決策過程和決定本身。



最後,2025 年禧年將於 2025 年 12 月 24 日展開。愛德之外,基於天主應許的望德也是當今世界很需要的價值。最重要的是,讓耶穌聖心的愛轉化我們的內心,好使我們能有效地推動在教會和世界內的轉化。



Advent Pastoral Letter 2024

“May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all…, so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. Amen.” (1 Thess 3:12-13)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord and Friends,

The Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was over just a few weeks ago, and the Season of Advent is right around the corner. The Church, as the People of God, is awaiting a new dawn from the Holy Spirit, the protagonist of the Synod. With enthusiastic anticipation, we look forward to the beginning of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025 with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” because “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5)

The Church as the “People of God,” which incorporates everyone in the Church, is a main theme in Lumen Gentium of the Second Vatican Council. This model of the Church is the foundation of what we are called to become — a synodal Church. As such, we are the Sacrament of Unity, bringing God’s salvific love through our unity while honouring diversity and plurality.

Synodality, which is the nature of being Church, must be mission-oriented. It involves gathering of all levels of the Church in mutual listening, dialogue, and communal discernment. The goal of the gathering is to reach a consensus guided by the Holy Spirit so as to be witnesses of the presence of Christ among us.

Ordained and lay ministers are to share and exercise powers and authority, and shoulder respective responsibilities, i.e., we are co-responsible according to our different roles and functions within the faith community. This is particularly so when we come from a plurality of contexts and diverse roles within the Body of Christ, called to practice the “Together for Mission” in unity so as to witness Christ’s salvific love. It will be a life-giving harmony that is much needed for the world today.

Hence, for the Church in Hong Kong, the different units should learn to collaborate in projects and missions regardless of their functions and goals. Indeed, this is an important aspect of our conversion.

Indeed, an essential approach to becoming a synodal Church is the conversion of our hearts through respectful and empathic listening, followed by communal discernment for decision-making and decision-taking. Hence, it is most desirable for pastors and lay leaders of parishes, small faith communities, religious communities, different commissions, ministries, work entities, etc., to start learning and working on this process.

Key elements for communal discernment include research and preparation, time for prayer and reflection, inner freedom to listen and pursue the common good, listening attentively and respectfully, searching for the widest possible consensus and lowest common denominator, and formulating consensus.

As pastors and pastoral leaders, recognising the different gifts in the parishioners and members of the community is most helpful for the exchange of gifts that are meaningful for synodality. “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3) encourages us to share generously and to receive humbly. When making decisions, pastors and lay leaders must ensure transparency and accountability and have appropriate evaluation for the decisions made, including their making and taking processes.

We are also called to take root firmly in where we belong and support our local Church, contributing to its well-being. Nonetheless, we should also remind ourselves that our destiny is the eternal Kingdom of God, which is beyond this world. Such is the special reminder of the Season of Advent, that everything in this world will come to an end, except for God’s love and our eternal abode.

Our Holy Father has recently issued a new encyclical, Dilexit Nos (He loved us), in the latter part of the Second Session of the Synod of Bishops, which is on the love of the Sacred Heart for us. Its issuance was by no means coincidental. As stated by the Holy Father, the renewal of the devotion of the Sacred Heart is of particular relevance in the present heartless world. We journey together as missionary disciples of synodality because of the immense love of the Sacred Heart motivating each one of us.

Finally, the Jubilee Year 2025 will commence on December 24, 2025. Besides love, hope based on the promise of God is also a much-needed value in our world today. Most of all, let the love of the Sacred Heart transform us from within so that we will become effective agents for the transformations in the Church and the world.

+ Stephen Cardinal Chow, S.J.

Advent 2024



進教之佑 — 中國教會祈禱 2024

依 7:10-14;路 1:39-45



教宗方濟各在三天前的五月二十一日於梵蒂岡舉行的一個「上海教務會議(Concilium Sinense)百年紀念大會」中發表講話。他表達了那次是至今唯一的一次中國教務大會,英文是 “Council” 不是 “Meeting”。大會為中國教會的未來,除了改變一些錯誤的事情外,也為它的發展訂下重要的方針。




+ 周守仁樞機 (耶穌會會士)

After the young Virgin Mary accepted the invitation to be the mother of the Son of the Most High, she set out to cover a long distance through hills to visit her elderly cousin, Elizabeth, who was pregnant for the first time. This young woman already displayed a proactive spirit in her, always ready to lend a hand to those who might have a need of her protective assistance.

Soon after sending her greetings to her cousin, Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaimed this in a loud voice, “Blessed are you who believed that was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” Our Lady, with her staunch faith in God’s promise and her proactive spirit of mission, is the role model for our Church in China and all over the world.

The then Archbishop Celso Costantini was reported to have said at the first ever Concilium Sinense held in Shanghai a century ago, that the mission of the Church was to “evangelize, not colonize.” And this was reiterated by Pope Francis and his predecessors that the mission of the Church should not be a political one but evangelization. And there should be no inherent contradiction for one to be a good Christian and a good citizen.

Thanks be to God that we have great missionary models running before us in the great Apostle Paul and Fr. Matteo Ricci, showing us how to become “all things to all”. Indeed, one very important decision made at that first Concilium, with intervention from Pope Pius XI, was to ordain Chinese clergy as bishops for a Chinese Church. Inculturation of the Chinese Church had started a century ago. And that must continue.

As the Church in China commemorates this important landmark took place in Shanghai a century ago, let us join our sisters and brothers in the Mainland in prayers, for the further inculturation of the Chinese Church, in a synodal spirit under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, help of Christians, Our Lady of Sheshan, pray for us!

+ Stephen Chow, S.J.





按此下載教宗本篤十六世《致中國教會信函》PDF 文件



在汕頭教區主教座堂共祭彌撒 (圖片:信德網)

應廣東省天主教兩會、天主教汕頭教區邀請,天主教香港教區樞機主教周守仁樞機、夏志誠輔理主教、副主教蔡惠民神父、副主教甘寶維神父、副主教陳永超神父等一行10人於4月22日至26日到廣東進行了為期5天的參觀訪問。 這是周守仁樞機應邀首次帶領香港教區負責人參訪廣東。

廣東省天主教兩會負責人對天主教香港教區參訪團的到來表示熱烈歡迎。 廣東省天主教愛國會主席、汕頭教區黃炳章主教表示,粵港兩地地緣相近、人緣相親、文化相通,希望以此次參訪為契機,深化粵港天主教界的交流與互動,厚植愛國愛港 愛教情懷,持續推動新時代天主教中國化進程走深走實,推動新時代「一國兩制」實踐行穩致遠,共同促進粵港澳大灣區的繁榮與發展。 廣東省天主教教務委員會主席、湛江教區蘇永大主教介紹了廣東省天主教兩會推進天主教中國化進程、加強教會自身建設、推動天主教健康傳承、開展公益慈善和對外交流等方面情況。


在粵期間,周守仁樞機一行人先後參觀了廣州教區石室天主堂、汕頭教區在建主教府、汕頭教區主教座堂、汕頭市東區聖家堂、澄海祿格堂、深圳市聖安多尼堂、深圳市耶穌君王堂等,與廣州教區、汕頭教區和深圳市天主教兩會座談,就民主管理、人才培養、婚姻家庭、公益慈善等議題進行深入交流,期間於4月24日在汕頭教區主教座堂與黃炳章主教共祭彌撒。 週守仁主教一行人還參觀了黃花崗七十二烈士陵園、廣州市城市規劃展覽中心、汕頭市開埠文化陳列館、小公園老街區、汕頭市陳慈鸐故居、深圳市蓮花山公園等文化歷史展館及愛國教育基地。

香港教區明愛總裁閻德龍神父,香港教區婚姻與家庭牧民委員會主席劉南山執事,香港公教婚姻輔導會主任鄭靜文,教區教理中心主任鍾桃卿及主教私人助理黃家俊陪同參訪。 廣東省天主教愛國會主席、汕頭教區黃炳章主教,省天主教愛國會副主席兼兩會秘書長沈旭明、汕頭教區吝水利神父等全程陪同。

周樞機率團前往廣東交流 一家人互相學習









耶穌聖誕節 — 子夜感恩祭 2023

依 9:1-6
鐸 2:11-14
路 2:1-14

今時今日作為君王的已不復從前君權神授的威嚴,享有莫大的權力。但今天的民主發展也在一定程度上是因為一些君王的攬權,不理百姓幸福死活而致的後果。可是現代的民主制度又是否真的讓人民的尊嚴得到合理的體現呢?或已變成黨派及資本之爭呢? 民粹主義就更加不理想了,它把立場對立化和情緒化,缺乏交談的空間。




小耶穌降生在猶大的白冷。而「白冷」的意思是「麵包之家」,即是猶大的糧倉。所以這個地方為整個民族是重要的,民以食為天,這是民生的重地。同時,小耶穌是出生於馬槽裏,而「馬槽」的希伯來文是אֵבוּס ,含意包括「盛載飼料的容器」。小耶穌就是被放在這容器之中。他就是上天給我們的精神食糧,好維持我們的靈性生命。所以這位新生的嬰孩是給整個民族,以至全世界的食糧,我們因為他才能有永遠的生命。






Christ among the Rubble. @KLICONS






聖誕節是慶祝天主對世人永恆大愛和忠信相伴的承諾,這承諾實現在這位新生嬰孩、即是厄瑪奴耳(意思是天主與我們一起),和耶穌(意思是救世主)身上。這承諾不只為2000 多年前的人而作出,而是每年當我們慶祝聖誕節時,這承諾都會再次被肯定。







我們的社會需要提升具同理心的體諒、寬容和寬恕的文化。沒有人可以斷言自己將來不會渴望得到別人的體諒和寬恕。當建立了具同理心和慈悲的文化時,我們就能夠開始相互陪伴,攜手前行 —— 特別是與我們的青少年一起行。





+ 周守仁樞機


As Hong Kong and most parts of the world are psyched up for the celebration of the Christmas festivities, what are the dominant outlooks that may colour our capacity to celebrate?

There is news of wars and terrorism continuing in daily news, geopolitical tensions concerning China in particular, which have bearings on Hong Kong, a slack post-pandemic economy, noticeable labour shortages in various industries and professions, and, most heartbreaking, the rising numbers of young people engaging in self-destructive behaviours—all these, when added up, can contribute to a flat and even darkened spirit, lacking confidence of a brighter future anytime sooner. Then why should we celebrate?

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom, a light has shone” (Isaiah 9:1).

Christmas is the celebration of God’s promise of eternal love and faithful companionship for all being fulfilled in this newborn baby, Emmanuel, i.e., God-is-with-us, and Jesus, i.e., the Lord is salvation. This promise was not only for those people more than 2000 years ago, but each time we celebrate Christmas, the promise is re-affirmed.

This promise should give us light in our darkness and joy in our sorrows, regardless of whether we are Christians or not. Real love knows no boundaries of histories, religions, cultures, politics, or economies. Christmas is the cause of deep joy for anyone who wants to celebrate life and have hope in the divine intervention in a frail reality.

Hong Kong is certainly a place where Christmas has been celebrated for over a century, while the reality of the Son of God being born for our ancestors up to this point in time is always the case. The miracles of the ever-faithful companionship of Emmanuel and the love of Jesus have never ceased since, even for all those who are non-Christians. However, the effects of these miracles should be more pronounced for true believers.

So, are we ready to celebrate the miracles of Christmas that dispels darkness and doubts in the life-draining reality? Furthermore, are we willing to become agents of those miracles, i.e., to be faithful companions to those who need accompaniment and unconditional love for those who would appreciate loving affirmation?

“ And she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7).

People at the time of this baby Jesus’ imminent coming were not ready to host him. They were occupied with other guests whom they deemed more worthy of their time and space. That was why he was born in a manger, a most unseemly space for any human newborn, not to mention the Son of God. People’s hearts had no time or space for him.

When our hearts are closed to the source of Love, we cannot experience it either, even though it is offered to us. And when our hearts are uncaring for others, especially those who are struggling on the social or economic margins, we are condemning each other to prolonged suffering. But if we can make the time and space for them, especially our young people and the elderly, light and joy can come in as well.

Our society needs to strengthen a culture of empathic understanding, tolerance, and forgiveness. No one can be certain that she or he will not become the yearning recipient of empathy and forgiveness in the future. For when there is an established culture of empathy and compassion, we can start accompanying and moving forward with each other— especially with our young people.

We must also allow our educators to have time, space and energy to accompany them. Walking with each other requires time, inner space, and non-judgmental listening of each other’s plights. But if our educators are already overwhelmed by the different job-related requirements, they cannot be in a position to learn how best to accompany their students, even if they want to do so. But this will be a worthy Christmas gift for our young people and ourselves as the essential gifts of Christmas are God’s committed companionship and unfailing love for all humanity and Creation.

Indeed, we can be thankful to individuals and groups of religious or social institutions, including the government, which have been working behind the scenes helping young people, who have violated the laws in recent years, reintegrate into our society and move ahead with their lives through various means. But more are still waiting to receive such hope-filled treatments. There are also those who make special efforts in accompanying vulnerable elderlies, an age group that holds the highest suicidal rate.

My friends in Hong Kong, do have confidence in our worthiness for something much better than what we are experiencing. But we must get up, leave our limiting comfort zones, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, and follow the light of Christmas to attain the essential gifts of Christmas. Let us be the ones who reflect the light of Christmas to those struggling in their darkness.

I pray that we will enjoy a blessed Christmas. May we be endowed with wisdom to face all sorts of joys and challenges in 2024!

+ Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J. Bishop of Hong Kong



圖片:Vatican Media



















全能永生的天主, 祢揀選終身執事,









【鹽與光傳媒資訊】香港時間,2023年11月4日(星期六)時間下午3時,天主教香港教區於聖母無原罪主教座堂舉行 「周守仁主教履任樞機求恩彌撒」,由周樞機主禮,榮休主教湯漢樞機、榮休主教陳日君樞機、夏志誠輔理主教、104位司鐸共祭及20位執事襄禮。當天有大約一千名教友及來賓到場參與,當中包括其他基督宗教團體的兄弟姐妹。





若 8:1-11

當上樞機後,我便有一所領銜聖堂, 這代表我是羅馬教區的神職人員,因為樞機是羅馬主教,即教宗的顧問和助手。大家都可能已知道我的領銜聖堂就是聖洗者若瀚 ·喇沙 。我知道後心中也發出會心的微笑。現在一位耶穌會士成為聖喇沙聖堂的領銜主教。


耶穌同樣看穿那些經師和法利塞人的心思,要借他的口來殺人, 來為難他。主耶穌對那位罪婦顯得更有同理心,他要保護她,也要還她身為小眾應有的尊嚴。你們當中誰沒有罪,比她神聖的,就向她投石吧!




+ 周守仁

1 Cor 9:19-23

My sisters and brothers, and friends, some asked me curiously what Pope Francis whispered in my ear after he had put on the cardinal ring and biretta for me. Well, it was not any juicy gossip but about the mission with China.

Hong Kong has long played a significant bridging role of connecting the East and the West. The Catholic Church in Hong Kong was also entrusted with the role of a bridging Church since Pope John Paul II, especially in connecting the Church in Mainland China with the universal Church. For us Christians, connection is understood in the light of communion, based on the Holy Trinity and the Eucharist. We share one Love, one Life, and one Body.

Hence, our lives and fates are intimately connected, both spiritually and existentially through communion as Christians. “Communion” is one of the three themes, besides mission and participation, of the Synod on synodality. We are encouraged to put ourselves in the shoes of the others in order to understand and feel for them. In other words, we become like the others so that we can walk with them for a lifegiving and blessed future.

“To those outside the law I became like one outside the law… to win over those outside the law. To the weak I became weak, to win over the weak. I have become all things to all, to save at least some. All this I do for the sake of the gospel, so that I too may have a share in it.”

Being a bridging church does not mean we only focus on areas outside of Hong Kong. In fact, there are many individuals and groups in Hong Kong who are painfully disconnected with others and their society. I dare say that we, too, would love to be better connected and to become fully whole. Therefore, if all of us can just take a few steps reaching out to those who are disconnected with us, either in the physical or digital worlds, we too can be healed.

During the First Session of the Synod of Bishops which has just concluded, we learned how to connect with participants whose views, on some critical matters, were clearly different from those of ours. There were divergences, which we honored. But divergences did not stop us from identifying convergences where we could meet. And through these convergences we were able to have hope and strength to anticipate our next session in October 2024.

All in all, we learn to walk with one another for a better future, not just for the Church, but more importantly, for our humanity and common home.

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

+ Stephen Chow, S.J.





Bishops and priests from Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong get together at the Synod of Bishops, starting to experience synodality.

Photo Credit: Cardinal Stephen Chow 圖片提供:周守仁樞機 【左至右:姚順主教(內蒙古集寧教區)、周守仁樞機(香港教區)、楊永強主教(山東周村教區)、浦英雄主教(台灣嘉義教區)、丁楊神父(重慶教區)。From left to right: Bishop Anthony Yao, Cardinal Stephen Chow, Bishop Joseph Yang,  Bishop Norbert Pu (Diocese of Chiayi, Taiwan), Fr. Ding.】


Pope Francis tells me he is happy about this. Please pray for the Synod and for more opportunities for the churches on both sides of the Strait to experience unity and communion in the Christian way.

Photo Credit: Cardinal Stephen Chow 圖片提供:周守仁樞機 (左至右:楊永強主教(山東周村教區)、周守仁樞機(香港教區)、姚順主教(內蒙古集寧教區)、丁楊神父(重慶教區)。From left to right: Bishop Joseph Yang, Cardinal Stephen Chow, Bishop Anthony Yao, Fr. Ding.)

資訊提供:Cardinal Stephen Chow 周守仁樞機

Photo Credit:Rodney Leung / Salt+Light Media


圖片拍攝:RodneyLeung , 鹽與光傳媒





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