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「正義」可見於葡萄園家主的愛心,他給所有僱工相同的工資, 包括最弱小和不受歡迎的僱工( 參瑪 20:1-16)。「和平」是建立在宗徒間最大的哪一位的謙卑(參路 22: 24-30),並通過共融聖事彰顯出來的合一之上(參格前 10:14 -17)。「仁愛」徹底地體現在耶穌為門徒洗腳(參若 13: 1 -17)和他對井邊被邊緣化的撒瑪黎雅婦人的慈愛之上(參若 4:5-30)。我們如何在自己的處境中識別這三個特徵?又如何在我們各自的處境中實踐這些特徵出來?




當然,還有其他力量在爭奪我們的靈魂,例如恐懼、焦慮、嫉妒、怨恨,以及其他虛耗生命的能量。它們限制著我們極其需要、在信德上的跳躍,好讓我們得以成長和享有更大的美善。在福音蕩子的故事中,哥哥就是一個典型例子(參路 15: 25 -30)。他和父親一起生活並不快樂,感到的是恐懼和焦慮。作為順從的兒子,哥哥從不忤逆父親,這是他唯一可以有的選擇。但很不幸,他不會想像自己是一位愛著和信任父親的兒子。不然的話,他可放心地、自由地提出要跟朋友好好地歡宴慶祝。

那麼,在我們的個人意識中,又會用甚麼來參照天父的形象呢? 我們真的能接受並感激一位總是憐憫罪人的上主嗎?而那些得蒙憐憫的人包括我們鄙視、敬而遠之、以及那些不悔改而看似不配天主憐憫的人。作為共議同行的教會,在麈世的旅途上要與別人偕行的子民, 包括那些我們拒絕或忽視的人,我們要細聽聖神在我們內心的聲音。因此,容讓生命和愛的聖神轉化我們的心,我們便可成為真正懷抱著希望的朝聖者。







聖誕節和新年是希望、愛、和平與夢想的時刻 !
天主教會將慶祝 2025 禧年

「期待所希望的幸福,和我們偉大的天主及救主耶穌基督光榮的顯現。」 (弟鐸書 2:13) 

在我們現今的世界,希望似乎比以往更難獲得。隨著全球和地方經濟的復 蘇慢於預期,世界多處地區的戰爭哀號更趨強烈,地緣政治日益緊張,達致功能失調的心理健康問題增多、特別在青少年和長者組別,令人沮喪的關係貧窮,具破壞力的零和競爭,以及自然生態的黯淡前景。 

就是在這些令人沮喪和焦慮的現實當中,我們仍再次等待聖誕帶來的喜樂 和希望。明白聖誕節原意的人都知道,它不是世俗的商業慶節。聖誕是愛 的慶節,永遠愛著我們的天主派遣祂獨生子與我們一起走人世路,直接介 入我們人類的歷史之中。聖誕的救贖目標,是要向我們展示上主那無疆界的慈愛。 

上主的愛為祂與人之間帶來了寬恕與修和。因此,那些經驗過而又接受這 愛的人們,可以帶著明確的希望去面對生活中的挑戰和失望。這不是隨意 的一種希望,而是在今生、以至今生以後,對上主堅懈不屈和永恆的愛的 希望。是的,天主的兒子,我們的厄瑪奴耳的到來,是要給世界這個保證、尤其是當希望看似漸趨渺茫的時候。 

天主教會將慶祝 2025 禧年。事實上,禧年是每 25 年慶祝一次。這次禧年 的主題是「希望的朝聖者」,因為「望德不使人蒙羞」(羅馬書 5:5)。 我們要記得人人都只是過客;沒有人能夠永遠地活在這世上。讓我們感到 安慰的是我們相信自己正在通往另一生命,將會在永恆中與我們慈愛的創 造主、我們所愛的人、以及那些愛我們的人團聚。 


因此,透過我們的意識中的這種愛與希望,可以把愛帶到不同的團體裡 去。我們要強化這希望,它不會讓我們愛的人、跟我們合不來的人、以至 為我們是陌生的人感到失望,尤其是那些在不同的社會邊緣掙扎、感到無 用和被遺棄的人。 

我們會想到那些在戰亂地方掙扎求存而承受著似是無盡折磨的人們、那些為尋求具尊嚴的未來的流離失所者和難民、那些期待新生活的在囚人士、那些因看不到穩定前景而不敢生兒育女的夫婦,那些看不到可信的理由讓他們勾劃出希望的未來的青年,那些孤獨和被遺棄的長者,那些在醫院內 感到寂寞的病人。 

禧年有一個別具意義的傳統,就是寬免那些永遠無法償還、或未能完全償還的債務,讓借債人有機會開展新生。我們相信所有人都在分享共同家園 裡的眾多資源,這意味著我們需要學習公正和互相依存地生活,以提高整 體的生活質素,或最低限度要共存下去。這個「我們」必須包括構成共同 家園的其他生命。 

當我們能幫助疲弱的一方健康壯大起來,讓我們一起擁有更美好的現在和充滿希望的未來時,這便符合我們以至後代的最佳利益。公義不是透過報 復、而是藉著同理心,讓有關各方能攜手共建新的現實所達致的。這是否 太過天真、不切實際呢?不,才不是,這為我們共同的未來是必須的。 

我們要懷著希望去面對本地和全球的經濟、關係 —— 特別是那些受苦於 關係貧窮的人、政治穩定與和諧,以至生態環境的健康。為我們在香港這 個家生活的人來說,一定要鼎力支持香港。大家以慈愛相待,特別是對青 年、長者、移民和旅客,香港可望成為充滿希望、愛和生命的充滿活力之都! 

最後,聖誕節和新年是希望、愛、和平與夢想的時刻!沒有希望和夢想, 就沒有更美好的未來。尤其是為我們的年青人來說,我們需要與他們同行,為他們具創意的希望和夢想加添力量。 

祝大家和我們的共同家園有一個歡樂的聖誕和充滿希望的 2025 年。

+ 周守仁樞機


Christmas and the New Year are a time
for hope, love, peace, and dreams!

The Catholic Church to celebrate
the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025!

“We await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of our great God  and saviour Jesus Christ.” (Titus 2:13) 

Hope seems harder to come by in our world today. With the slower-than expected recovery of global and local economies, there are growing war  cries in different parts of the world, increasingly tense geopolitics, rising of dysfunctional mental health problems, particularly among the younger and  elderly populations, depressing relational poverty, devastating zero-sum competitions, and a darkening outlook of the natural ecology.  

Even within these depressive and anxiety-provoking realities, we await  once again the promise of joy and hope of Christmas. Those who  appreciate the original meaning of Christmas should know that it is not a  secular commercial feast. It is a feast of love through the direct  intervention of the ever-loving God into our human history. This was made  possible by sending God’s only Son to journey with us. Its salvific objective is to show us the compassionate love of God that knows no bounds.  

This love of God brings forgiveness and reconciliation between God and  humanity. For those who have come to experience and accept this love  can, therefore, face challenges and disappointments in life with definite  

hope. Not just any hope, but a hope for the unyielding and eternal love of  God, both in this life and the life after. Yes, the coming of the Son of God,  our Emmanuel, is to give the world this assurance, especially when hope  seems ever dimmer.  

The Catholic Church is to celebrate the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025.  The Ordinary Jubilee, in fact, occurs once every 25 years. The theme of this  Jubilee Year is “Pilgrims of Hope,” for “Hope does not disappoint” (Romans  5:5). We are reminded that everyone is only a sojourner; no one can live forever in this world. It is consoling when we believe that we are on our way  to another life, reuniting with our loving Creator in eternity, our beloved  ones, and those who loved us.  

Christmas allows us to experience this loving promise of God. Because of that, we can have hope, as fellow pilgrims, to journey together towards eternity with the Source of Life and Love, though at different paces and even in different modes. 

Therefore, with this love and hope in our consciousness, we can help  bringing love to our communities. We need to reinforce this hope that does  not disappoint those we love, those with whom we have di[iculties, and  those who are strangers to us, especially those who are struggling in the social margins, feeling unwanted and abandoned.  

We can think of those who are struggling in war zones with seemingly  endless torment, displaced persons and refugees looking for a dignified future, prisoners waiting for a new life, married couples who cannot see a  su[iciently stable future for childbearing, young people who fail to identify convincing reasons to envisage a hopeful future, the elderly who are lonely  and abandoned, and those who are sick and lonely in hospitals.  

The one meaningful tradition of a Jubilee Year is to forgive the debts of  those who will never be able to repay or repay fully, so that they can have a  chance to restart their lives anew. We believe all of us share many  resources of our Common Home, which means we need to learn to live justly and inter-dependently in order to enhance the overall quality of life or  our mutual survival at the least. This “we” must include other life forms  constituting this Common Home.  

It is in our best interest, and that of future generations, when we can help  the weaker parties to become stronger so that together we can have a better present and a hope-filled future. Justice is better not sought through  vengeance but through empathy so that all the parties concerned can co construct a new reality hand-in-hand. Is this not too naïve and unrealistic?  No, it is not, but a must for our collective future. 

We certainly need to have hope in the economy, both locally and globally,  in relationships, especially for those su[ering from relational poverty, in  political stability and harmony, and in the health of the ecology. For those  of us living in Hong Kong, which we call our home, it definitely needs our  utmost support. Together with lovingkindness to each other, especially towards young people, the elderly, migrants, and visitors, Hong Kong will  shine as a vibrant city filled with hope, love, and life! 

Finally, Christmas and the New Year are a time for hope, love, peace, and  dreams! Without hope and dreams, there will be no better future.  Especially for our young people, we need to walk alongside them and  empower their creative hopes and dreams. 

A joyous Christmas and a hope-filled 2025 to you all and our Common  Home!  

+ Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J.



Photo courtesy of Joseph Lam

「願主使你們彼此間的愛情,和對眾人的愛情增長滿溢,就像我們對你們所有的愛情,好堅固你們的心,使你們在我們的主耶穌同他的眾聖者來臨時,於天主我們的父前,在聖德上無可指摘。」(得撒洛尼前書3: 12-13)


世界主教代表會議第十六屆常務大會第二會期幾週前剛結束,接踵而來的是將臨期。教會作為天主子民,正在等待主教代表會議的主角——聖神——帶來一個新的黎明。我們也熱切期待著 2025 年禧年的開始,它的主題是「希望的朝聖者」,因為「望德不叫人蒙羞」(羅馬書 5:5)







作為牧者和教友領袖,辨認堂區教友和團體成員的不同神恩,為互補神恩很有幫助,也因此為共議同行是有意義的。 「神貧的人是有福的」(瑪竇福音 5:3)鼓勵我們慷慨分享和謙虛接受。作決定時,牧者和教友領袖必須確保透明度和問責,並要為所作的決定進行適當的評估,包括決策過程和決定本身。



最後,2025 年禧年將於 2025 年 12 月 24 日展開。愛德之外,基於天主應許的望德也是當今世界很需要的價值。最重要的是,讓耶穌聖心的愛轉化我們的內心,好使我們能有效地推動在教會和世界內的轉化。



Advent Pastoral Letter 2024

“May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all…, so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. Amen.” (1 Thess 3:12-13)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord and Friends,

The Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops was over just a few weeks ago, and the Season of Advent is right around the corner. The Church, as the People of God, is awaiting a new dawn from the Holy Spirit, the protagonist of the Synod. With enthusiastic anticipation, we look forward to the beginning of the Ordinary Jubilee of the Year 2025 with the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” because “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5)

The Church as the “People of God,” which incorporates everyone in the Church, is a main theme in Lumen Gentium of the Second Vatican Council. This model of the Church is the foundation of what we are called to become — a synodal Church. As such, we are the Sacrament of Unity, bringing God’s salvific love through our unity while honouring diversity and plurality.

Synodality, which is the nature of being Church, must be mission-oriented. It involves gathering of all levels of the Church in mutual listening, dialogue, and communal discernment. The goal of the gathering is to reach a consensus guided by the Holy Spirit so as to be witnesses of the presence of Christ among us.

Ordained and lay ministers are to share and exercise powers and authority, and shoulder respective responsibilities, i.e., we are co-responsible according to our different roles and functions within the faith community. This is particularly so when we come from a plurality of contexts and diverse roles within the Body of Christ, called to practice the “Together for Mission” in unity so as to witness Christ’s salvific love. It will be a life-giving harmony that is much needed for the world today.

Hence, for the Church in Hong Kong, the different units should learn to collaborate in projects and missions regardless of their functions and goals. Indeed, this is an important aspect of our conversion.

Indeed, an essential approach to becoming a synodal Church is the conversion of our hearts through respectful and empathic listening, followed by communal discernment for decision-making and decision-taking. Hence, it is most desirable for pastors and lay leaders of parishes, small faith communities, religious communities, different commissions, ministries, work entities, etc., to start learning and working on this process.

Key elements for communal discernment include research and preparation, time for prayer and reflection, inner freedom to listen and pursue the common good, listening attentively and respectfully, searching for the widest possible consensus and lowest common denominator, and formulating consensus.

As pastors and pastoral leaders, recognising the different gifts in the parishioners and members of the community is most helpful for the exchange of gifts that are meaningful for synodality. “Blessed are the poor in spirit” (Matthew 5:3) encourages us to share generously and to receive humbly. When making decisions, pastors and lay leaders must ensure transparency and accountability and have appropriate evaluation for the decisions made, including their making and taking processes.

We are also called to take root firmly in where we belong and support our local Church, contributing to its well-being. Nonetheless, we should also remind ourselves that our destiny is the eternal Kingdom of God, which is beyond this world. Such is the special reminder of the Season of Advent, that everything in this world will come to an end, except for God’s love and our eternal abode.

Our Holy Father has recently issued a new encyclical, Dilexit Nos (He loved us), in the latter part of the Second Session of the Synod of Bishops, which is on the love of the Sacred Heart for us. Its issuance was by no means coincidental. As stated by the Holy Father, the renewal of the devotion of the Sacred Heart is of particular relevance in the present heartless world. We journey together as missionary disciples of synodality because of the immense love of the Sacred Heart motivating each one of us.

Finally, the Jubilee Year 2025 will commence on December 24, 2025. Besides love, hope based on the promise of God is also a much-needed value in our world today. Most of all, let the love of the Sacred Heart transform us from within so that we will become effective agents for the transformations in the Church and the world.

+ Stephen Cardinal Chow, S.J.

Advent 2024



圖片:Vatican Media


2024年11月15日上午,在宗座額我略大學舉辦了一場討論利瑪竇的專題會議,主題為「友誼、對話與和平的遺產」。這場會議以本篤十六世向佘山聖母的祈禱文拉開序幕,主辦方是耶穌會、耶穌會歷史檔案館、喬治城大學,以及宗座額我略大學。會議主持人、利瑪竇神父列品申請人隆巴爾迪(Federico Lombardi)神父表示,利瑪竇神父「是耶穌會傳教士中最傑出的人物之一,他實現了聖方濟各·沙勿略將福音傳到東亞中心的願望」。

在當天上午的會議發言中,聖座國務卿帕羅林樞機概述了近3位教宗關於利瑪竇神父的思想和言論,以及這個形象的現實性和重要性。這3位教宗就是聖若望保祿二世、本篤十六世,以及當今教宗方濟各。耶穌會總會長蘇薩神父(Arturo Sosa)談到利瑪竇的勇氣、謙遜和恆心。他強調利瑪竇不是一個「單槍匹馬的偉人」,而是扎根於教會的一個形象。

香港教區主教周守仁樞機(Stephen Chow)則從利瑪竇神父的經歷出發,講述了新中國的發展與天主教會的關係。他說,這種發展「也影響了天主教會的發展」。周樞機簡述了在中國的天主教會最近數十年各個階段的艱難歷程,給與會者上了一堂「歷史課」。樞機表示,中國向世界開放後,也與海外的宗教專家和宗教學術機構的學者接觸,這幫助人們了解,「宗教是人類文明的一部分,不能被強行壓制」。甚至「人們也了解到,宗教能惠及中國社會的發展」。





香港主教周守仁樞機,在過去一個月積極參與以「同道偕行」(共議同行)為題的世界主教代表會議的第16屆常規會議第二會期 (the Second Session of the Synod on Synodality)。在接受耶穌會總院通傳中心的這個專訪中,他論及對於世界主教會議所懷抱的希望,強調需要一個能促成眾人,包括神職人員、修道人士以及平信徒等,在這條道路上一起同行的結果。他說,真實的生活經驗、分辨與反思,將有助於這種兼容並蓄的方式。

周樞機反思同道偕行,強調了和諧 (harmony) 的價值,它有別於統一性 (uniformity) 。他提到,在他擔任主教的香港這樣的地區,以及整個亞洲大陸,於多元中尊重合一 (unity) 的同時,維持和諧也至關重要。

這位出身耶穌會的樞機,也引用他在耶穌會的培育,解釋他對世界主教會議的看法,尤其是在接受主教會議工作的成果時,個人所意識到的自由。雖然每個決定並非都能受到眾人一致同意,但他強調:「天主臨在其中、臨於成果(文件)當中。 而且它是天主的愛,是天主忠實與我們同在的許諾。」

大公主義 (Ecumenism) 及跨信仰交談很重要,特別是在像亞洲這樣宗教多元的區域。周樞機談到香港幾個主要宗教之間合作的努力。他強調,找出與其他基督宗教派別和其他宗教的共同點,並維持友好關係的重要性。





Photo courtesy of Rodney Leung, Salt + Light Media

常年期第二十七主日 — 乙年

創  2:18-24

希  2:9-11

谷  10:2-12





但是要這樣地愛不是每個人或每對夫妻都可以承受得來的。因為若是真的不能夠或不願意承受下去,剩下來的只可以是心硬地要求異離。梅瑟就可能是因為體恤了百姓的輭弱人性而立了法容許人休妻的,但卻不包括休夫!可是這不能代表必定是上主的意思。只是人的法律開了一道方便門而已。當然 ,有些婚姻開始之先就是錯配,甚至可以說是在法律的角度下它是無效的。但這是另一個話題了。

最後,與我們一起走人生路的上主,基督藉着聖神的陪同下和我們緊密地在一起,每天都在我們的心中嘗試與我們交流,鼓勵、安慰、提點和警醒我們。我們都是來自同一位上主,同一個源頭的。 所以,大家都是弟兄姊妹。耶穌可以讓自己為了我們這些手足們而死,我們也要效法他為更大的善與愛隨時準備犧牲自己。



+ 周守仁


進教之佑 — 中國教會祈禱 2024

依 7:10-14;路 1:39-45



教宗方濟各在三天前的五月二十一日於梵蒂岡舉行的一個「上海教務會議(Concilium Sinense)百年紀念大會」中發表講話。他表達了那次是至今唯一的一次中國教務大會,英文是 “Council” 不是 “Meeting”。大會為中國教會的未來,除了改變一些錯誤的事情外,也為它的發展訂下重要的方針。




+ 周守仁樞機 (耶穌會會士)

After the young Virgin Mary accepted the invitation to be the mother of the Son of the Most High, she set out to cover a long distance through hills to visit her elderly cousin, Elizabeth, who was pregnant for the first time. This young woman already displayed a proactive spirit in her, always ready to lend a hand to those who might have a need of her protective assistance.

Soon after sending her greetings to her cousin, Elizabeth filled with the Holy Spirit and proclaimed this in a loud voice, “Blessed are you who believed that was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.” Our Lady, with her staunch faith in God’s promise and her proactive spirit of mission, is the role model for our Church in China and all over the world.

The then Archbishop Celso Costantini was reported to have said at the first ever Concilium Sinense held in Shanghai a century ago, that the mission of the Church was to “evangelize, not colonize.” And this was reiterated by Pope Francis and his predecessors that the mission of the Church should not be a political one but evangelization. And there should be no inherent contradiction for one to be a good Christian and a good citizen.

Thanks be to God that we have great missionary models running before us in the great Apostle Paul and Fr. Matteo Ricci, showing us how to become “all things to all”. Indeed, one very important decision made at that first Concilium, with intervention from Pope Pius XI, was to ordain Chinese clergy as bishops for a Chinese Church. Inculturation of the Chinese Church had started a century ago. And that must continue.

As the Church in China commemorates this important landmark took place in Shanghai a century ago, let us join our sisters and brothers in the Mainland in prayers, for the further inculturation of the Chinese Church, in a synodal spirit under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Mary, help of Christians, Our Lady of Sheshan, pray for us!

+ Stephen Chow, S.J.





按此下載教宗本篤十六世《致中國教會信函》PDF 文件



教宗本篤十六世在2007年向中國教會發表牧函,把5月24日聖母進教之佑紀念日定為「為中國教會祈禱日」,呼籲普世教會在這一天以祈禱,與中國的教會聯合在一起。天主教香港教區主教周守仁樞機將於香港時間2024年5月24日,星期五,晚上7時,(北美東岸 上午7時,北美西岸 凌晨4時)在聖母無原罪主教座堂主持「聖母進教之佑紀念日-為中國教會祈禱」感恩祭。






按此下載教宗本篤十六世《致中國教會信函》PDF 文件


至聖童貞瑪利亞, 降生聖言之母,





請垂顧這天主子民, 並以母親的關懷
















您以一種嶄新的形式, 成了他們的母親。

希望之母, 您在聖週六的黑暗中,







佘山聖母, 請援助那些在日常勞苦中,





您以塑像的形態, 矗立於佘山聖殿頂,





中國之母, 亞洲之母,

現在直到永遠, 請常為我們祈求。


Prayer to Our Lady of Sheshan
by Pope Benedict XVI

Virgin Most Holy, Mother of the Incarnate Word and our Mother,

venerated in the Shrine of Sheshan under the title “Help of Christians”,

the entire Church in China looks to you with devout affection.

We come before you today to implore your protection.

Look upon the People of God and, with a mother’s care, guide them

along the paths of truth and love, so that they may always be

a leaven of harmonious coexistence among all citizens.

When you obediently said “yes” in the house of Nazareth,

you allowed God’s eternal Son to take flesh in your virginal womb

and thus to begin in history the work of our redemption.

You willingly and generously cooperated in that work,

allowing the sword of pain to pierce your soul,

until the supreme hour of the Cross, when you kept watch on Calvary,

standing beside your Son, who died that we might live.

From that moment, you became, in a new way,

the Mother of all those who receive your Son Jesus in faith

and choose to follow in his footsteps by taking up his Cross.

Mother of hope, in the darkness of Holy Saturday you journeyed

with unfailing trust towards the dawn of Easter.

Grant that your children may discern at all times,

even those that are darkest, the signs of God’s loving presence.

Our Lady of Sheshan, sustain all those in China,

who, amid their daily trials, continue to believe, to hope, to love.

May they never be afraid to speak of Jesus to the world,

and of the world to Jesus.

In the statue overlooking the Shrine you lift your Son on high,

offering him to the world with open arms in a gesture of love.

Help Catholics always to be credible witnesses to this love,

ever clinging to the rock of Peter on which the Church is built.

Mother of China and all Asia, pray for us, now and for ever.




在汕頭教區主教座堂共祭彌撒 (圖片:信德網)

應廣東省天主教兩會、天主教汕頭教區邀請,天主教香港教區樞機主教周守仁樞機、夏志誠輔理主教、副主教蔡惠民神父、副主教甘寶維神父、副主教陳永超神父等一行10人於4月22日至26日到廣東進行了為期5天的參觀訪問。 這是周守仁樞機應邀首次帶領香港教區負責人參訪廣東。

廣東省天主教兩會負責人對天主教香港教區參訪團的到來表示熱烈歡迎。 廣東省天主教愛國會主席、汕頭教區黃炳章主教表示,粵港兩地地緣相近、人緣相親、文化相通,希望以此次參訪為契機,深化粵港天主教界的交流與互動,厚植愛國愛港 愛教情懷,持續推動新時代天主教中國化進程走深走實,推動新時代「一國兩制」實踐行穩致遠,共同促進粵港澳大灣區的繁榮與發展。 廣東省天主教教務委員會主席、湛江教區蘇永大主教介紹了廣東省天主教兩會推進天主教中國化進程、加強教會自身建設、推動天主教健康傳承、開展公益慈善和對外交流等方面情況。


在粵期間,周守仁樞機一行人先後參觀了廣州教區石室天主堂、汕頭教區在建主教府、汕頭教區主教座堂、汕頭市東區聖家堂、澄海祿格堂、深圳市聖安多尼堂、深圳市耶穌君王堂等,與廣州教區、汕頭教區和深圳市天主教兩會座談,就民主管理、人才培養、婚姻家庭、公益慈善等議題進行深入交流,期間於4月24日在汕頭教區主教座堂與黃炳章主教共祭彌撒。 週守仁主教一行人還參觀了黃花崗七十二烈士陵園、廣州市城市規劃展覽中心、汕頭市開埠文化陳列館、小公園老街區、汕頭市陳慈鸐故居、深圳市蓮花山公園等文化歷史展館及愛國教育基地。

香港教區明愛總裁閻德龍神父,香港教區婚姻與家庭牧民委員會主席劉南山執事,香港公教婚姻輔導會主任鄭靜文,教區教理中心主任鍾桃卿及主教私人助理黃家俊陪同參訪。 廣東省天主教愛國會主席、汕頭教區黃炳章主教,省天主教愛國會副主席兼兩會秘書長沈旭明、汕頭教區吝水利神父等全程陪同。

周樞機率團前往廣東交流 一家人互相學習

















兩位門徒決定動身返回那令人困擾和失望的耶路撒冷,與耶穌的信仰團體重新建立聯繫,對主復活的消息團體仍感到繚亂、難以置信、困惑而又喜樂。這消息好得令人難以置信。誰會相信這個完全不合邏輯、超乎預期的結局? !但這正是他們對主復活的經歷,原始的復活事件!














Easter Message 2024

The Stranger Who Brings Hope

“Then they said to each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us on the way and opened the scriptures to us?’ So they set out at once and returned to Jerusalem” (Luke 24:32-33)

Running away

Unlike the colourful, bright, and hope-filled Easter decors we see today the actual happenings surrounding the first Easter were likely not so bright and hopeful. Instead, confusion, profound disappointment and hopelessness were readily identifiable in the original Easter narratives.

For example, the two disciples left Jerusalem for their hometown, Emmaus, with great disappointment in Jesus for failing to redeem Israel (Luke 24:21). Instead, he let himself be killed by the Romans. Since he proved to be a lost cause, they decided to leave his community. Why risk their welfare and lives for someone who had lost, and for a community so much identified with him?

Hearts ignited with a passion

The two disciples’ decision of leaving probably sounds sensible to those who do not know or embrace the Christian faith. But for us Christians, we know that it was not the end of their story. The risen Lord appeared to them on their way to their hometown without being recognised. Having walked with them, explained why their dear teacher was their expected Messiah, and reminded them of the last supper with him, they could feel their hearts were once again ignited with a passion for their Lord.

What they decided to do was to return to the troubling and disappointing Jerusalem, and re-connect with the faith community of Jesus, still dazzled with disbelief, joy, and confusion over the news of their risen Lord. That was too good to be true. Who would believe this outcome, which was totally illogical and beyond expectation?! But this was exactly the experience of the resurrection of their Lord, the first Easter!

Believing in the power of goodness

So, when we celebrate Easter, we do not celebrate a mundane Spring festival. For if the surprise was something that could be anticipated, it would not be a surprise at all. And God is telling us, as God did over 2000 years ago outside Jerusalem, that no evil power could stop God from raising life from death, hope from despair, and justice over injustice. What is needed is our faith in the triumph of good over evil in due course, following God’s omniscient plan.

Courage to return

Besides believing, our willingness to return to the troubling spots with the implanted hope in our hearts is equally significant. The same hope in the God of life and love who cannot be defeated by any worldly plots. God has raised Jesus from the dead, Alleluia! When we have this hope operating from our hearts, we may have the power to accompany those who are dejected or doubtful of goodness in their lives and their perceived world. The two disciples decided to return to Jerusalem to accompany their troubled community, knowing that they were facing definite threats at the same time.

The power of supporting each other with meagre resources

We probably are aware of the Chinese idiom “相濡以沫,” which is about two fish struggling in a drying-up puddle, while trying to keep each other alive and moistened by spitting on each other’s bodies. According to one source, it seemed that the heaven was moved, and rain started pouring down once again, saving the two fish from peril.

When we are faced with a world deeply hurt by self-righteous ideologies and wars with widened ripple effects, or a weakened local economy that is struggling to recover, or some dominant socio-political narratives that do not seem at all hope-yielding, we can still accompany each other with our meagre resources, so that all of us can stay alive while waiting for the rain and salvation to arrive. Never underestimate the power of sharing meagre resources with goodwill and hope.

After all, for those of us, seated in the same boat sailing over a challenging sea, we can have each other to count on, besides the God of life and love. And our faith tells us that God is always with us, blessing us through different people and means, particularly those we least expect. Maybe if we remain open to surprises, then we can stay hopeful. Otherwise, life and the future will be dull and boring if we only allow our envisaged possibilities to come into the picture.

Be the stranger who brings hope

When the disciples looked at the death of their teacher, their initial reactions were great disappointment and possibly anger while feeling cheated. However, when they opened their minds and listened to that seemingly stranger walking with them (Luke 24:15), their hearts warmed up with energy and hope, starting to replace disappointment and resentment that were disturbing them.

Can we be that ‘stranger’ to others, sharing our reasons to remain in hope and our meagre resources with them? How can we provide hope to those suffering under a weak economy or different forms of injustice and marginalisation through our accompaniment, collective efforts, and trust in the power of collaborative goodwill? I believe God will multiply whatever meagre provisions are provided out of goodwill so that more can be fed, like the miracle of feeding the multitude with only two fish and five loaves (Matthew 14:13-21).  

May we experience the power of hope at this difficult time through mutual accompaniment, sharing of physical and spiritual resources, and a collective conviction for peace and unconditional dialogue paving the way for eventual healing and recovery! A happy and hope-filled Easter to you all!            

+ Cardinal Stephen Chow, S.J.


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